Islamic clothing

Hilal Said

Junior Member
Asalam Alaikom warahmatu Allah wa barakatuh

I notice that some sisters or brothers living in non-Islamic countries have problems with finding suitable Islamic clothing.

Can you mention for me some of these problems?

Is it high price?

time of delivery?


lack of good designs?

Quality of available clothes?

I went through a website which sell such clothings but unfortunately I found some of them are not appropriate to wear.

I appreciate your comments and answers and sorry for my bad English.

Asalam Alaikom warahmatu Allah wa barakatuh



Junior Member
Wa aleikum salaam!:hijabi:

Thats true, especially when you don't live in a big city. But two months ago I found this amazing website:

So for all the girls in Holland, go and see this one. It's not expensive and they sell good quality.



~Salam to all!

Hilal Said; said:
Asalam Alaikom warahmatu Allah wa barakatuh

I notice that some sisters or brothers living in non-Islamic countries have problems with finding suitable Islamic clothing.

Can you mention for me some of these problems?

Is it high price?

time of delivery?


lack of good designs?

Quality of available clothes?

I went through a website which sell such clothings but unfortunately I found some of them are not appropriate to wear.

I appreciate your comments and answers and sorry for my bad English.

Asalam Alaikom warahmatu Allah wa barakatuh[/FONT][/SIZE]
Hilal Said; said:



Good point!
I agreed with you brother
Like you i am very concern too!
hoping many will come forward
and will honestly share their experience
and need
~insya Allah.

~May Allah swt reward you
for your thoughtfulness
toward the muslim community
in non islamic countries~Amin!

~Eid Mubarak!
Wa aleikum salaam!:hijabi:

Thats true, especially when you don't live in a big city. But two months ago I found this amazing website:

So for all the girls in Holland, go and see this one. It's not expensive and they sell good quality.



Thank you for sharing this interesting link
~May Allah swt reward you~Amin!

~Eid Mubarak!

~May Allah shower blesses upon all muslim world wide~Amn!

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)