istikhara for marriage


New Member
I was wondering if anybody could answer my question, regarding istikhara pray, i did istikhara before i got married and it was positive. i went a head with the marriage now me and my husband are separated. what i dont understand if it was positive, and was good for me and i went ahead with it. don't understand why we got separated?

please can somebody give me answer to this queation.



Junior Member
:salam2: Sister,

I am not a Muslim but I can share with you what I know. We can not know the reasoning behind all of Allah's wishes but, from personal experience I can tell you that sometimes, an event that seems to be negative at the time that it happens has a positive effect/reason later on in the future.

For example:

My first born child died in utero at 7 months due to a chromosome abnormality. An incredibly difficult thing for any parent to experience. However, because I did alot of research on her condition prior to her death, I was able to make aware to the hospital an organization that provides free infant bereavement photography to the families. Now, well over 52 families a year receive a gift so precious that to describe it's importance is imposable.

So, was my daughter's death a negative or positive thing?


Please visit the muslim's councillor for Married for advice.

I was wondering if anybody could answer my question, regarding istikhara pray, i did istikhara before i got married and it was positive. i went a head with the marriage now me and my husband are separated. what i dont understand if it was positive, and was good for me and i went ahead with it. don't understand why we got separated?

please can somebody give me answer to this queation.



My dearest sister,

You did the istikhara
You got a good answer
You ARE separated!

Trust me
it will still be a good married between you and him
yourself want a separation after that
Only Allah swt know best!

~Maybe you can visit the muslim's councillor for Married for futher good advice for both of you
if you still want to maintain the relationship or go separately.

and if you got together again
but with the baby coming....
oh how sad :(

Think wisely

Married is not for a day or week
But for a life time together

Never think of separating again!!!
We must be a good role model for our children!

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take Care!
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member
I asked a similar question once and was told 'Who said what makes you happy is good for you?'.

That made me realise that what is best for us is not necessarily what makes us happy in this world. In fact, it is what brings us the most benefit in the aakhirah.

We often forget that and equate what is best for us for what makes us happy or turns out well(the way we see it).

Its all about the hereafter not this world. Allah says that we may like a thing which is not good for us and dislike a thing which is good for us. We effectively know nothing; Allah knows all and knows Best.

Inshallah, the reward (and perhaps the benefit?) is for patience during all that you have been through, and for accepting HIS will and putting complete trust in ALLAHS plans.

May ALLAh make it easy for us all.


Think of Istikhara as a "Divine GPS" (as named for an amazing lecture on istikhara by Shaykh Abdulbary Yahya).

There is no "negative" and "positive". Trust me, I've done extensive research in this area, primarily while I was engaged. You just pray istikhara and then leave it up to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Don't expect signs, dreams, etc. Just make whatever decision you feel most comfortable with and go with it, with the knowledge that you are being guided by Rabb al-Alameen. It's a "gps" in the sense that even if you make the wrong decision, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will guide you back to the path that's right for you.

In my case, although I really wanted to marry this brother, there was always something bothering me, literally preventing me from progressing any further. I spoke to an alim and was told how istikhara works minus all the "cultural enhancements" and realized that if I had gone through with the marriage, if it wasn't meant for me, it would end in divorce.

Also sometimes people look for indicators or signs to see what they should do. This leads to them sometimes placing emphasis on the wrong thing and thus, possibly making the wrong decision. However, in the end, if it's naseeb it'll happen nevertheless.

So perhaps, if you take the time to look inside yourself, you'll see if this has made you a better or worse person. Only you can ascertain as to whether or not your journey with your ex-husband was worth the obstacles.

Just don't make the mistake of over-complicating istikhara. It's actually very simple:

Pray and have faith. Unlike pray, have faith, start searching for signs and analyzing too much. This is actually a mistake I used to make until I opened my eyes and realized the beauty of istikhara's simplicity.


Junior Member
:salam2: Sister,

I am not a Muslim but I can share with you what I know. We can not know the reasoning behind all of Allah's wishes but, from personal experience I can tell you that sometimes, an event that seems to be negative at the time that it happens has a positive effect/reason later on in the future.


I wholeheartedly agree with sister Jen. Allah has not promised us a life full of happiness and no trials. Also this life is just temporary and a way to do good deeds and inshAllah reach jannatul firdous. It might be that we go through a tough experience that is meant to happen to us only so we can learn from it or so we can show Allah our strength.
I prayed istikhara many times and I ended up going to a situation in which I was not happy and didn't understand until some time passed why that happened to me. But Allah is the Best of Planners and He knows what we don't. We should be able to see the blessings of Allah even in the toughest situations inshAllah.

I pray Allah rewards your tough times with happiness and what is best for you and your deen inshAllah :hijabi:


New Member
Agreed with Aroosak , at times we will face the greatest trial and we feel that all the things that we did is the wrong thing.

Time and faith will en certain our path with Allah Al Mighty will.


Assalaam walaikum,

Marriage is not a stagnant state. Think about what you wrote. You got married and you separated. Did you participate in the marriage. There is a whole lot between the wedding and the separation. You need to go back and examine what happened.

Ask your husband what he thought was missing. Ask his mother and your mother. Please do not go around and ask many friends. That leads to nothing.
I am going to write something and it will drive women crazy: did you try to please your husband? That is a biggie. How much do you want your marriage to work? Have you seen an imam.

You need to ask yourself hard questions.