It's Time


احبك ىارب
Alrighti, as those of you who read my intro post know, I've had several questions about converting to Islam, all of which have been answered beautifully, even if I was unhappy with the results of some of them (read: music). But truth be told, as I was looking across this article (, and after reading it (and yes, the rest of the thread as well), I have decided that it's time to stop fooling and lying to myself and just do it. I just said my Shahadah in both Arabic and English, (because I probably completely butchered the Arabic pronunciation :lol:) and I am ready to begin my new path and life as a muslim.

Once again, thank you all to your support, I know this will be a great community for any questions I have later along the line, insha'Allah.

MashaAllah............Allahu Akbar........
congrats brother for taking your effort to find and search for the true and the only one religion.

Indeed this is really a happy news. Allahu akbar

Brother,you are one among the loved and choosed person by Allah and he guided you to the right path and to the true religion. Alhamdulilla....
Now inshaAllah try your maximum to enrich and grab the knowledge about islam and the way how to lead a life as a true beliver.

May Allah, the Almighty make your journey easy and comfortable and May He help you to understand islam in the true sense in which our beloved Prophet(saw) taught us.

May He Almighty Allah gather all of us in his jannathul firdouse. ameen ya rabbul 'alamin.....

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of the Deen.” [Bukhari]

Understanding of the Deen (religion) means understanding of the Quran and hadith, religious injunctions, and knowledge of the lawful and the unlawful. True understanding necessarily generates action that reflects the understanding.

The blessing of understanding Islam, such that one's belief and behaviour reflect it, is a sign of Allah's special favour to that person. One has to make oneself worthy of the honour.


Junior Member
You are most welcome brother to the world of sincerity, truthfulness, modesty, purity, brotherhood, justice .............all the beautiful values of Islam. I pray that Allah make faith firm in our hearts till we die.