jesus messenger not God


Junior Member
http// by ahmad deedat that`s clear and simple jesus pbuh was an honored messenger of god and never felt to proud to be the servant of the almighty lord of the univers when he `d feel hopless he turned to and prayed to Allah when they asked him about the hour he said he didn`t know and that only Allah swt knew about it when they asked him how he could performe the miracles he said with Allah`s swt permission and when he finished preaching he said that he had completed his mission so he wasn`t sent to die for anybodies sin but to preach because there is no inheritable sin god didn`t damn adam but he forgave him and gave him the free choice he damned iblis and gave him no choice so there is no need or whatsoever for mixing platonic style philosofy with monotheisme by saying that it`s a sign of love that he "died "that`s sadistic man ! and the historical jesus like the first christians would never have accepted these kind of statements and their trinity stuff they got from pagan cults just take a look at the cults of mitra , dionisis osiris god has buit everything with love yes but with reason and knowledge too subhanahu ala ma yushrikun.thanks for the vid brother may Allah be pleased with you and with us