Kindly Give Me a Proper Advice


New Member
I wanna asking question related my girlfriend.
Kindly guide me in a very good way thank you. My question is that:
My age is 24 years
My girlfriend age is 16 years

I have a girlfriend since from the previous 9 months and we love each other too much. In islam girlfriend is not allowed means its haraam and i don't want to leave my girlfriend because i love her too much and also she is, also i want to marry her but the main problem is that she is 16 years and first she want to complete her study and recently she passed her matric exam. She want to become a doctor. Now my question is that what can i do..?? Can I continue my friendship with her..?? Or if your answer is that to leave her then how to leave her because we love each other too much and can't leave each other... Kindly give me some solid answer and please please please answer me in a good way that i satisfied coz i am too much in problem.


Junior Member
I wanna asking question related my girlfriend.
Kindly guide me in a very good way thank you. My question is that:
My age is 24 years
My girlfriend age is 16 years

I have a girlfriend since from the previous 9 months and we love each other too much. In islam girlfriend is not allowed means its haraam and i don't want to leave my girlfriend because i love her too much and also she is, also i want to marry her but the main problem is that she is 16 years and first she want to complete her study and recently she passed her matric exam. She want to become a doctor. Now my question is that what can i do..?? Can I continue my friendship with her..?? Or if your answer is that to leave her then how to leave her because we love each other too much and can't leave each other... Kindly give me some solid answer and please please please answer me in a good way that i satisfied coz i am too much in problem.

My first thoughts........

You have a 16 yr old gf? Isn't that illegal? But other than that it's simple. If you want to do these halal...get married...if not break up. You shouldn't be in this type of relationship firstly, but it is what it own up to your mistakes and end things.

Hope I helped..


Well-Known Member
I wanna asking question related my girlfriend.
Kindly guide me in a very good way thank you. My question is that:
My age is 24 years
My girlfriend age is 16 years

I have a girlfriend since from the previous 9 months and we love each other too much. In islam girlfriend is not allowed means its haraam and i don't want to leave my girlfriend because i love her too much and also she is, also i want to marry her but the main problem is that she is 16 years and first she want to complete her study and recently she passed her matric exam. She want to become a doctor. Now my question is that what can i do..?? Can I continue my friendship with her..?? Or if your answer is that to leave her then how to leave her because we love each other too much and can't leave each other... Kindly give me some solid answer and please please please answer me in a good way that i satisfied coz i am too much in problem.

Asalaamu Alaikum, My brother you know in your heart what you are doing is wrong and you will never have any peace and blessings in such a relationship i promise you that. As long as you keep this relaionship then things will go wrong for the both of you simply because you are angering Allah and you will never find any peace and blessings in such a relationship.

If she is 16 now and wants to complete her medical studies then she has got another 8 or 9 years left. Also she is very young and naive and so are you if you think that you can continue a "friendship" for so long until she finishes her studies.

My brother most of these kinds of relationships are not reality. The couple create these dreams and hopes together which are not even realistic. Brother you need to open your eyes and realise that you and her is not realistic at all if she will not marry until after 8 or 9 years. Every moment you spend with her without being married is major sin. Imagine if you died in that state? How will you answer to Allah?

So you only have one option. You do nikah with her with both your families present and you can do ruksathee and walima later on. There is no such thing as engagement it has to be nikah. You both can do nikah and she can stay with her family and you can stay with yours and she can continue her studies but at the same time you can still meet her and be with her and actually get reward for it because it is completely halal.

That is your ONLY option. There is NO chance that you can wait 8 or 9 years until she has finished studies because will you continue doing haraam for all that time? Even then it is not guaranteed you will marry as so much can happen over that time and since you are in a haraam relationship and if you continue with it and not do nikah then i can guarantee you 100% that things will not get to marriage.

So you only have one choice and the more you be with her before marriage the more major sins you are doing and the more you are angering Allah and ruining your chances of being with her.

And Allah knows best in all matters


Junior Member
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There are three whom Allaah is bound to help: one of them is a man who gets married, seeking to remain chaste.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1655), classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.


Meet Her Parent.

I wanna asking question related my girlfriend.
Kindly guide me in a very good way thank you. My question is that:
My age is 24 years
My girlfriend age is 16 years

I have a girlfriend since from the previous 9 months and we love each other too much. In islam girlfriend is not allowed means its haraam and i don't want to leave my girlfriend because i love her too much and also she is, also i want to marry her but the main problem is that she is 16 years and first she want to complete her study and recently she passed her matric exam. She want to become a doctor. Now my question is that what can i do..?? Can I continue my friendship with her..?? Or if your answer is that to leave her then how to leave her because we love each other too much and can't leave each other... Kindly give me some solid answer and please please please answer me in a good way that i satisfied coz i am too much in problem.


My brother,
i admit she's quite young but not toooo young for marry
since she wish to be a doctor it takes some year for that
but but but
that doesn't mean you have to get
the love of your life gooo just like that!

If there a will there's a way brother :)

Islam practice engagement before marry
get engage first and
definately you will get a good advice soon after that from her parent.

1:Meet her parent ask for her hand.
2.Sincerely ask for engagement first.

You can meet her at her home with her family,
email her,write to her letter,send flowers or presents
this not haram.
Because you are under supervision by her parent.

During the engagement period you can take many course
to upgrade yourself and learn many thing of life
taking Islamic religious classes to gain more knowledge
you are a man
you are the leader of your house
and you are responsible for bringing your family
your future children need good guidance.

Here you are right where you are
So,meet her parent
ask for her hand for engangement
during this process you can meet her at her home infront
of her family and that's not Haraam.
During this engagement period.
learn what ever you can
for you will be the master and the leader of your house.

All The Best!
~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take care!
~Wassalam :)


Assalaam walaikum,

I cannot see her parents approving. That is the first step. Do they even know? Do your parents even know.

Be prepared to be treated unkindly by many due to her young age. Are you in a financial position where you can allow her to study for the next ten or so years.

Will she be able to have a family or is she going to study. You will be 34 years old in ten years..don't you want children sooner?

If she does go to medical school and has to move are you going to drop your line of work and chase her dreams.

Have you thought it through???

A sixteen years old idea of love is different than even a 24 years old. Have you spoken to or have an idea of how different.


aka Tree2008
As salamo alaikome

No disrespect intended brother but I hope you dont live in the United States and if you do I wouldnt be broadcasting that your girlfriend is a minor! This information could land you in jail faster than you can say howdy!!!

Aside from that I totally agree with what brother The_truth posted. It is good advice and you should consider it seriously!

May Allah guide you and keep you on the straight path brother Ameen.


Wa salam


Assalaam walaikum,

And if you live in the US make sure you know what the age of consent is in your state. The kuffir change the laws daily.


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baarakatuhu

Dear brother, it is haram and not allowed to have a girlfriend, because in our deen Islam it is only allowed for us to have husband or wife.

And as other brothers and sisters have adviced you, I also agree that it is the best that you get marry this sister Inshallah, ofcourse if her parents also agree and if you have ability to maintain her, because marriage is the best way of keeping one chasity.

And dear brother, before asking advice of anyone you should first make istikhara and ask gudiance of Allah on the first place and after of your parents Inshallah.

May Allah help you and guide you. Ameen ya Rabby



New Member
then kindly tell me a proper way how to leave her..???
if i will leave her then really she will be hurt toooo much and also she will sad too much now kindly give me a solution how to leave her...???

Just a Guy

Reinventing Myself
then kindly tell me a proper way how to leave her..???
if i will leave her then really she will be hurt toooo much and also she will sad too much now kindly give me a solution how to leave her...???


Just tell her that you want to marry her when she finishes school since that is her primary concern right now.

A lot can happen by that time. You might meet someone else and so might she, and then you won't even have to worry about this.

Yet another reason I am glad I chose Islam. I can be single at 35 and nobody cares since girlfriends are not allowed.


Assalaam walaikum,


Apologize to the young girl. Give her a gift. Tell her the truth. First, you do not wish to lead her or yourself into haraam. Second, she has schooling as her primary objective. Finally, wish her well.


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Simple; marry her and let her finish her education (if u want)...

You dont need 2 bring her over to ur house 2 live with u...

Marry her, and let her stay at her house if finance id the problem...

But; marry her...

That way, u can b with her while she finishes her studies...

Dunno whats so hard in ur scenario....

Quite simple...

Just marry her and let her finish her studies...

If she wants 2 stay at her home (or if ur conditions dont allow u 2 bring her over to ur house) I can't see why that is a barrier to u marrying her....



New Member
brothers and sister i want to marry with her but still i am not in the state of marriage coz we have financial crisis now a days... due to financial problems my elder brothers are also unmarried :( ... Really m too much in tough time and don't know what to do :( .... everyday i spent my life in these problems that wat i will do and how i will marry with her.. :(... Plz pray for me a lot... Thank you soo much my sister's and brother's for suggestions...


Junior Member
Most of these love relationships fail.Not being pessimistic.It's just the truth.

Many people fall into this love trap and fail later because they are blind in love.They don't see what completes them.They only see what feels good.

Just a Guy

Reinventing Myself
brothers and sister i want to marry with her but still i am not in the state of marriage coz we have financial crisis now a days... due to financial problems my elder brothers are also unmarried :( ... Really m too much in tough time and don't know what to do :( .... everyday i spent my life in these problems that wat i will do and how i will marry with her.. :(... Plz pray for me a lot... Thank you soo much my sister's and brother's for suggestions...


I understand that, brother. I also have my own financial crisis, and that is one reason that I am still unmarried at 35 and probably will remain unmarried for a while.