Language difficulties reverting to islam


Junior Member

Hope you are all well brothers and sisters.
I reverted 4 years ago and mashalla it has been amazing with few difficulties. One of the few i face though is a rather large one. I live in a small remote town far from london and we only have a small mosque near us. alhumdilla we still have one how ever everyone that goes to the mosque all speaks punjabi. and that is about it.
At first i tried to get along as best i could i just had to ask a lot of questions to the few brothers who spoke english. However i soon got engaged to a veri beautiful sister whos family also only speak punjabi.
At first i learnt arabic as i thaught they knew that. and they dont. so i was just wondering if any one knows a good place i can learn as all i have managed to find so far is places to teach me to ask " where is my pass port" or " where is the beach" and i dont think that will come up in normal conversation much.
Does any other brother or sister have this problem?


Used to be active here!
wa alaykkum assalaam

if you want to learn arabic, this site is a good one. i found the book "arabic for dummies" very helpful too.

but as far punjabi, try downloading "learn yourself-punjabi" or "punjabi for dummies" etc. if you cannot find a good teacher in your area.

whichever you download, make sure that you download the audio files which comes with it. and try to purchase the genuine one.


Junior Member
Ask someone to help teach you, and maybe invest in Rosetts stone? I've heard it's actually very effective. Once you're around the family more I bet you will start to catch on, and I bet your wife can help you.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhu!!

are you trying to learn punjabi or arabic:confused:

if it's punjabi i'd say leave punjabi coz that's kind of difficult learn urdu first,it's easy and and very closely related to punjabi you'll be able to understand what they are saying and convey your msg across too:)!!if you need help with spoken urdu/punjabi we got some members here with punjabi urdu as their mother tongue who'd be very happy to help:D!!

lol yeah akhi shaheerpak and ansari and a couple of sisters jump up at every possibility of filling this place with these languages:pcontact them.see if they are free.shaheer bhai(brother in urdu) must be busy!!he was last time i checked!!so contact ansari bhai!!or any other punjabi brother that i don't know about!!


Striving for Paradise
:salam2: Brother,

If you want to learn Punjabi then your wife or her family can teach you that. But as the sister said it will be better to lean Urdu which is more common than Punjabi.

But for Arabic you in-laws may not be very helpful. The links provided by brother arzafar could be a good start.

Arabic is a difficult language so you have to be patient and persistent.



Junior Member
I think English has to be one of the hardest languages to learn. That's why I get so frustrated w/ Americans who have little patience for people who don't know english. I think the comedian Gallagher illustrates this well. Don't worry... this is clean and G-rated. =]

Watch this: