looking for trustworthy friends

furqan barkat

New Member
i am a 13 year old boy who is an odd 1 out in class
everybody makes fun of me and call me names
i have been told by my parents that "...a muslim should not sit on a table where drink is being consumed..."
in other words i should not be in their company because they use abusive language
i have managed to explain this to my best friend and he was also 1 of them
plz would anybody be my friend
someone i could talk 2 and discuss my problems

Happy 2BA Muslim

:salam2: Brother,

You`ve come to the right place. Here on TTI, we are all your friends, and better yet, your Brothers and Sisters.

Don`t hesitate to discuss or ask anything.

:SMILY206: :SMILY206: :SMILY206:



Junior Member
:salam2: litle brother,

Im sorry to hear that you're having trouble at school. Are there not any other muslim boys in your class or even in the other classes that you can befriends with?

Here on TTI we're not only your friend but also your brothers and sisters. So you can always address your concerns and worries here or just chat about a topic with us.

Do you do any activities outside school? Do you like any sports maybe?

Cheer up. try to ignore those silly fools and try to look for good people,

take care


one in a billion!!

do u not have any muslim kids at ur school?....where are u from?...the u.s. or canada or someplace else...just try staying away from those kind of ppl they can be very rude...i kno because im in high school...and i'm 15...i kno u can make it through...stay strong and remember ALLAH is always at ur side!!!
u can discuss ur problems with anyone here...everyone is a great help and inshallah you'll make it through


Junior Member
if u are 13, try to not bother bout this problem...go enjoy life coz once u reach 18, you will no longer be a kid n all ur opportunities to be a kid will be gone. once u reach 21, u will have financial obligations. once u reach 25,u will have more obligations.

Soon u will wish u were 13 again and enjoying a less stressful life. i always wished i was 13.....without a worry in the world:(

(dont mind me, im jus expressing my longing for a lost childhood)


:salam2: Brother,

You`ve come to the right place. Here on TTI, we are all your friends, and better yet, your Brothers and Sisters.

Don`t hesitate to discuss or ask anything.

:SMILY206: :SMILY206: :SMILY206:


Can the admin , let him into the Brothers private section....
Bro dont hesitate to ask the whole forum is for you. So shout out your problems , we are ready to hear, inshAllah


Junior Member
Can the admin , let him into the Brothers private section....
Bro dont hesitate to ask the whole forum is for you. So shout out your problems , we are ready to hear, inshAllah

whoa whoa theres a brothers private section. I want in on this. InshAllah. where do I sign up?


Your Sister In Islam

if there are not any muslims in your class/school dont bother not having any other friends. i have friends who are not muslims, actually i have more non-muslim friends than muslim friends. anyway here in TTI you'll have friends, but its better having friends in persons, close to you, than just online u know. that's why like many other brothers and sisters said try going on activites, sports and so on. that's just my opinion, hoop i havent said something hurthful. MAy allah make you stronger.

by the way about those bollies that are making fun of you, you should talk to someone about it, maybe even them confront them. you are still young. there is no need for you to be alone.

- manal.


A Believer In Heart
Assalam Alyakium,

I agree with your parents. Brother this is a forum where you have friends who are also your brother and sisters to back you up. Being the odd is something we always will be once in your life(i am in college and i always leave left out since middle school which is ok for me) but don't let them make funny of you. Get away from them if they are NonMuslim but if they are Muslim tell the the saying of the Propeht PBUH where he said if you are in groups make sure to make everyone feel the same. Give them the same time and attention. Brother you will be fine and trust me being the odd has its benefit been there and still am there. Be who you are and stand up for what you believe. Below is my favorite quote and in some many ways its true. I hope you know you have brothers and sisters who love you for the sake of Allah SWT and will alwasy back up.

“Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.”

Wassalam Salaam Alaykium from your big sisters in Islam,

Akhi Hizami

New Member
assalamualaikum..dont worry all muslims is a family

ok.. if you all have a problem just add me at yahoo messenger ok .. this is my email zami85amir ok ... im a one of your family too .. we are the real muslims whos want finds the right paht .. assalamualaikum:shake:


La Ilaha Illa ALLAH
Your being one family....brothers and sisters really make me cry of happiness, your are real muslims, just like Prophet Muhammad PBUH companines, may ALLAH be pleased with them, i having you all around make my day

thanks for letting me be part of your TTI family, though i am not a regular participants because of the electrisity problems we are having here in Iraq, though I am really enjoying my few hourse with you

May ALLAH be pleased with you all brothers and sisters in Islam

yours truly


La Ilaha Illa ALLAH
i am a 13 year old boy who is an odd 1 out in class
everybody makes fun of me and call me names
i have been told by my parents that "...a muslim should not sit on a table where drink is being consumed..."
in other words i should not be in their company because they use abusive language
i have managed to explain this to my best friend and he was also 1 of them
plz would anybody be my friend
someone i could talk 2 and discuss my problems

be happy brother Furqan
you have so many brothers and sister
but please, stay away from troubles, and listen to your parents, they are right!
May ALLAH rab al Almeen protect you and guide you Ameen

your sister