fakhrul naim
New Member
dear sister,
Dr Ahmad Salim, in his book "Faidhu al-Rahman al-Ahkam Fi al-fiqhiyyah Khassah Bi al-Quran", implying there are two views on the law of the heathen reciting the Koran.
The first view: Illegal to unbelievers dhimmi or others to read the Quran. This is because they are more worthy than one who is unclean forbidden. This is the opinion of the Hanbali sect.
Second opinion: Opinion Syafi'e sect is a must for the unbelievers to read the Quran because he has not believed in her honor.
Author of the book al-Bujairimi Hasyiah requires that the unbelievers who read the Qur'an is expected to convert to Islam.
Sheikh Ramli on his books 'al-Muhtaj Ihaayatu' said the unbelievers not forbidden to read the Quran. The same goes to Sheikh Muhammad Al-Syarbini, in his book.
many ulama' voting the 2nd opinion.
just like Umar al Khattab story, when he heared his sister converted to islam, he take the Quran from his sister ( in this situation, Umar did not converted to islam yet ). and read the verse and started heart touching.
this is one of source of guidance for unbelievers to converted to islam. just like Umar al-Khattab story.
its ok to recite and hold the Quran, as long as you not read or hold to insulting the Holy Al-Quran.
that why i want you to guard the sanctity of the Quran
i hope its makes u more clear
Dr Ahmad Salim, in his book "Faidhu al-Rahman al-Ahkam Fi al-fiqhiyyah Khassah Bi al-Quran", implying there are two views on the law of the heathen reciting the Koran.
The first view: Illegal to unbelievers dhimmi or others to read the Quran. This is because they are more worthy than one who is unclean forbidden. This is the opinion of the Hanbali sect.
Second opinion: Opinion Syafi'e sect is a must for the unbelievers to read the Quran because he has not believed in her honor.
Author of the book al-Bujairimi Hasyiah requires that the unbelievers who read the Qur'an is expected to convert to Islam.
Sheikh Ramli on his books 'al-Muhtaj Ihaayatu' said the unbelievers not forbidden to read the Quran. The same goes to Sheikh Muhammad Al-Syarbini, in his book.
many ulama' voting the 2nd opinion.
just like Umar al Khattab story, when he heared his sister converted to islam, he take the Quran from his sister ( in this situation, Umar did not converted to islam yet ). and read the verse and started heart touching.
this is one of source of guidance for unbelievers to converted to islam. just like Umar al-Khattab story.
its ok to recite and hold the Quran, as long as you not read or hold to insulting the Holy Al-Quran.
that why i want you to guard the sanctity of the Quran
i hope its makes u more clear