Lower garments above ankles


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Hmmm. I live in a climate where it is easily -20 degrees for 4 months out of the year. Another 2 months it is still below zero. Snow, ice, sleet....all of that is par for the course in my neck of the woods.

According to this Hadith, a man must wear his trousers above the ankle. I can only imagine what that can lead to in such a climate. Frostbite being one.


If severe weather conditions are such that it necessitates for a man to wear trousers/garments that hang below his ankle, then he should consult a scholar about this situation and ask him for a ruling regarding it.

And Allah knows best.


Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
Asslamaliekum warahmatullahi wabrakatu,

I didn't get this Bukhari 7:72:675 part. Can anyone please explain again & include explanation from fathul bari regarding this hadeeth?

I mean I can understand this for quite long jeans like rappers but for people who wear pants which are just below the ankle (maybe its coz when they sit their legs don't show up) I can't relate. :(

p.s I am no way justifying it, but I am not convinced with above explanation, so sincerly seeking better understanding.
Jazakallah Khairan.