Marriage Advice please?, choosing the right person


Junior Member
salam alikoum brothers and sisters,
i am now on the steps to choose a wife inchae allah swt. i would like to know which is best, to choose a lady who is very youger than me (like 6 yeas, or something like this), or someone who is almost at the same age like me.
please sincere advices especially from those who are married.
may allah reward you, ameen,
wa salam alikoum


Junior Member
Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

My suggestion for you is to choose who is the most salihah (pious) of them, it doesn't matter about her age, but the most important thing is her religion. You may gain a lot of information from the people (i.e:their friends, brothers or sisters) around each of these ladies about how her deeds in Islam. And don't forget, brother, to pray salat Istikharah, Insha Allah He will guide you to choose the best one of them.
Barakallahu fik

ps: I'm married woman and this is sincere advice, inshaAllah


Junior Member

salam alikoum sister,
thank you for your advice, of course sister my liste inchae allah will include only those who are salihates, i am just asking among them. about salat istikhara, i have prayed it several times so that may allah give me a good wife. the non salihates are excluded from the list.
baraka allaho fiki
wa salam alikoum


Looks like me and you are in the same boat. Go for the most pious one. As far as age is concerned, I would choose some one at least 4 years younger than me.
Istikhara is the gist of every thing, in the process of choosing a wife.


La Ilaha Ilalah
Assalamu alaykum

for choose wife or husband is best to choose the most religious ! don't matter her/his age, with a religious wife/husband u'll inshALlah have a religious family and many other qualities.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah,

Age does not mean much these days, perhaps, what you need to look for is maturity. Someone might even be older than you and yet exhibit strange behaviour!

There are many articles, books about marriage. InshaAllah, I will put links at the end of this post for those. But there are some things I wish to write here, as advice both for myself, as someone who is unmarried, and for others!

Islam is most important thing, but to know exactly what we need, we should always be trying our best to understand Islam. It sounds simple and pretty obvious, but, I am often suprised with the way people choose the people they get married, often leading to bad outcomes.

This means understanding the importance of sticking closely to the Quran and Sunnah. Knowing what is the right beliefs in Tawheed and Aqeedah etc, being able to find the truth and know what is right and wrong, halal and haram.

Many times, there are brothers and sisters, who rush into marriage, yet have not understood that it can be both simple and complicated.

Simple, because we marry those who love Islam. - Complicated, if we do not realise how Islam should be truly followed and these sort of issues.

An example is with new Muslims, often they marry people who either are not religious (Muslim by name, culture etc) or are not following Islam properly. Its something quite serious and dangerous, unless they really have help and know what they are doing.

One case was that of a sister, a revert. She "fell in love" and married a Shiite man. He had taken his time to lure her into his trap by posing as a pious man and saying that he would teach her Islam. - As she was a new Muslima and without much knowledge, she was not able to know what was right or wrong.

She did not know the questions to ask and what answers to expect to hear. - This is important. The people who intend to marry, need to question each other for compatibility. Its not just a case of "being in love", for true love takes time to grow. It is something from Allah Subhana wa ta'ala.

This man had persuaded her to be his 2nd wife, but later, after two years, her knowledge of Islam was such, that she found that indeed, she was not even his 2nd wife, she was part of a Mut'ah marriage (Temporary marriage). This is something forbidden in Islam.

He had not treated her the same as his "first" wife. He did not even give her money, or provide for her anything, because she was not really his "wife".

The sister eventually left him, after being in a haram relationship for 2 years. Astaghfirullah.

- At our website, we get unfortunate stories like that, where we need to give advice and get people to the right Masjids and Imams who can help them. Often we have to hand out numbers to Muslim marriage counselor.

So, when we look for someone who is a "good Muslim", this does not mean just someone who says they are a good Muslim. It does not just mean someone who has beard or wears hijab, even though they are indeed obligatory, for men and women respectively. No, because, this is not just Islam. Islam starts with having clear belief in Aqeedah, knowing Allah properly, how to worship Him, His names and attributes etc. To really and truly follow the Quran and Sunnah as the early Muslims did.

Ask questions about how the person wants to live, what are their goals in life? what do they do with their time? Sometimes, you do not have to ask these questions, you should be able to spot their lifestyle and everything.. See how they are with their family, what type of friends do they have? Do they spend the evening out with friends? What time do they come home?

But, the most important questions are to do with the deen! Questions about Aqeedah, about belief in Allah need to be asked. Questions about how they follow Islam, the books they read, the scholars they love from the past and the present.

This is important, especially for new Muslims or those whose families do not practice Islam so well. Infact, for any Muslim, because we can not simply rely on those around us, we should use our own initiative to research and learn Islam and ask questions. Not blindly follow all things, and see what the early Muslims said and did such as those closest to the Prophet Muhammad :saw: !

To get an understanding of those issues, to be able to ask these questions and know what the right answers are, we need to seek knowledge!

Allah has given us Islam, a gift, to make our lives the best! Our lives, can be lived according to how Allah wants! Everything is in the Quran and Sunnah, so we must attach ourselves to it and love it.

Let your worries, your stress go, by putting your trust in Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Marry someone who is like this and you will be blessed, inshaAllah.

For, when two Muslims, who are devoted to Islam marry, they will have a common source of knowledge and a common place to come together to resolve their issues! The Quran and Sunnah, and we must be humble enough to accept the advice of any person if they present us with the evidences.

assalamu alaykum


Junior Member

Rasool's (peace be upon him) first and deepest love was Kadijah. (ra) A woman 15 years older than him and twice widowed. Together they had children and a love that is still marveled over to this day. Age should not be the first priority when seeking a good spouse, as Brother Masboot stated, akeekah and piety need to be your primary concerns.

I have been blessed to have a brother approach me for marriage who was not aware I was older than him, it just simply was not a concern for him. If you seek a pious wife then surely you will be a winner in the end.



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I think the brothers and sisters jazahom allah khair...pointed out the most important traits...

* Piety
* Aqeedah
* Maturity

If you still feel unsure...then you keep up with Istikhara...if you still feel unsure (perhaps the two sisters are similar in good traits..sobhanallah)...then pick the one you have most things in common with (i.e. same career field..same hobbies..etc.)

and May Allah grant you success in your intention and bless you with a pious wife and an abundance of children.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
assalamu Aleikum

Brother pick a wife, pious wife, which will take care of you (support you, etc.) which will watch your hous hold whn you are away, watch your wealth, will rise good children who inshAllah will benefit muslim Ummah,...etc.


nori suja'i

Junior Member
We'll not regret if we choose a life partner the one who is pious as in case if we're no longer live in this world we still have children who can send du'a for us insha'Allah.
RasoolAllah s.a.w. also ancourage us to do that.

(sorry for my poor English)


A few posts in this thread have talked about maturity and I think its very right. We should look for maturity rather than age. Usually, maturity comes with age. A difference of 10 years between spouses might/ might not be harder to cope with.


New Member

all we know that the marriage is the destiny. when we try to choose our partener we do our best to choose the most salihat.this is the same in the sisters side to.
my advise to avryone is that no one knows the gibe just keep trying to do your best in choosing but the most importane is to pray and aske good to choose for you the best partener and keep doing istihara.thanks for all.


New Member
salam alikoum brothers and sisters,
i am now on the steps to choose a wife inchae allah swt. i would like to know which is best, to choose a lady who is very youger than me (like 6 yeas, or something like this), or someone who is almost at the same age like me.
please sincere advices especially from those who are married.
may allah reward you, ameen,
wa salam alikoum


Dear bros and sis before you get married to anyone please refer to guidelines given by GOD in the QURAN, REFER TO SURA 2 (AL BAQARAH) VERSE 221, that is the most important criteria in selcting your spouse.

Hope this helps
