Marriage or Education that is the Question


Junior Member

I have some of my friends who got married while in college, and it"s a no problem at all. sister I know how you feel, I am in college as well(junior) and I wish I can find someone to marry. I been looking for a while now but nothing yet, I could not find a single good muslimah in my university. so until I find the right person, I 'll be making Duaa and patiently waiting.



Penguin fancier
I've given up making Duaa for this particular purpose. I just figure it'll happen, if it happens, when it happens; and no amount of pleading is going to make it happen any sooner.


A Believer In Heart
Reading that was funny... in my opinion i think as a sister you should get educations first. This is the way i see sisters you all are the roles of your future daughters and maybe i want to get my educations first because i want to tell my future children inshallah espeacilly daughters(you don't know if they are going to marry of one those brothers who are not in favor of women education) that its important to get education first and i am doing that because i want to do it for all those sisters were force to drop their education to get marry (that does happen) and those poor chidren who want to make different in life but don't have the free educations i have and mainly for me because i have dreams. If you ask me as a daughter who is my role model in life? it is my mother because she has education that ables her to provide for us and that no mother that i would has... when you get marry its not guarantee that you will get her education but being single its as long as you work hard. I am rise to believe education can set you free so my sister think before you make choice.

Ok for the brother... it is easy for you all to get marry and move on unlike us. You guys will not be affect when you leave your uneducated wife to take care of your children for another woman... that happen i am a withness of it so don't get mad if you are brother and know for a fact you wouldn't do that there are another brother who minght do that.

At the end, get your education is a guarantee to have a better life for yourself sister if you husband leaves you for another women with five children or if he dies. Like i said educations guarantees somethings the love of your life can't guarantee.

Remember at the end it is my opinions no offence to anyone! And may Allah guide us Ameen!:hijabi:


me too

I am a sister and I am a junior in college......I am getting married inshallah december 27th to a good brother and the decision to marry while in college was easy. you all talk about wait to get ur education because of security but what happened to simply trusting in allah.......for whatever you may need in does not mean you are going to paid regularly or get a make it even is not mandatory or essential to life......but having a partner is natural and complimentary to the natural state of every single being wether people like it or not. There is nothing wrong with getting married when you want to..just dont rush or make ill decisions concerning it..... I think it actually may help someone get through college being married because they will have physical mental and spiritual support....and that is beautiful.......especially for us converts who are learning and always earnestly practicing islam...walk the straight with a righteos partner will be the utmost benefit...inshallah.......


Junior Member
OK, I have a question, since I am already do you sisters that are not married find marriage partners? I mean you don't get to "date" or spend time with how are you courted? I am curious about this.


Junior Member
I am a sister and I am a junior in college......I am getting married inshallah december 27th to a good brother and the decision to marry while in college was easy. you all talk about wait to get ur education because of security but what happened to simply trusting in allah.......for whatever you may need in does not mean you are going to paid regularly or get a make it even is not mandatory or essential to life......but having a partner is natural and complimentary to the natural state of every single being wether people like it or not. There is nothing wrong with getting married when you want to..just dont rush or make ill decisions concerning it..... I think it actually may help someone get through college being married because they will have physical mental and spiritual support....and that is beautiful.......especially for us converts who are learning and always earnestly practicing islam...walk the straight with a righteos partner will be the utmost benefit...inshallah.......

well said sister , I second that. and congratulations. hope we are next inchallah. but finding a good brother or sister is not that easy.



Sister Dianek..marriage is a different system in Islam. I strongly suggest you research the premise of marriage in Islam. No, there is no dating. It is a world ontoitself. However, the marriage bond is strong. Marrige is the business of the world. It is for our safety. It is an honorable institution that regards the long lasting love more. There is no concept of romatic love in Islam. That is simply a byproduct of marriage. You learn to love in the deepest denotation of the word love. Marriage is instruction on how to live with others in the state of Islam. It by its nature increases a person's imam.
Please forgive me but I am not a scholar.


striving 4 Firadous
OK, I have a question, since I am already do you sisters that are not married find marriage partners? I mean you don't get to "date" or spend time with how are you courted? I am curious about this.

like everything else........Allah will provide but insha'allah my father will find someone good and take it from there. or if i know someone who I think is okay.......I will ask questions about him and send my wali/father to him........


how do we find marriage partners

haha, yes, it is a system all unto itself...but courting is wholesome and fulfilling when you find the right one....i would say number one , dont "look" for someone.......reflect and focus on yourself and practice the deen....and pray to allah for what you want..inshallah, he is the best of providers............simple as that........i didnt even expect to be getting married so soon.....i actually laughed at this brother when i found out he was interested in me...and i laughed even more when he said he would like to be married before 2008...and look at me now....i am marrying him..before, i kinda side tracked., but always do things the hilal way and have the right far as courting....we met with muslims throughout the community in order to get to know each other....shayks, imams, brothers, my family, his family, my wali and his the ummah has been a great support in this union.....


Junior Member

i didn't like the idea,of marriage before education..
about me,i wanna marry when i reach,i'm 18....
i have along journey in school,workkkkkkkkkkk...
cuz,my painful...i work as part library of alex....
i read lotttttttt of book,that u should dely marriage till u reach ur goals..:wasalam:


Junior Member

You should get married as soon as possible. If you want to complete university and don't want to get married while in university you could always get engaged. Then marry a year after graduation. 30 is kinda late. I would somewhere around 25.




On a very serious note I see many young women responding in a selfish way. This is a reflection of non-Islamic ways. Please reconsider what you are writing. When a woman reaches 30 all she wishes she had is a husband. Reflect on what Allah subhana talla has given to us. There is His purpose.
An education is important. It does not replace a husband. A man needs a wife.


I would suggest to prioritize what you want. Every individual is different. Few People are able to multi-task and few are not. I think one should analyze his/her own capabilities in this kind of situation.

Education will definitely increase your chances of getting you a good job, but in the course you should not cross the boundaries of Islam

In my opinion if you should assess your abilities, If you can manage classes with the responsibility of being a married person then Alhamdulillah go ahead. If not then think that this is a test of ALLAH swt for you and try to strive as it is just for 3 more years and it is not a long time, who knows by that time you might find person of your choice to marry :). Always seek help of ALLAH swt in what you do Inshallah he is the one who provides patience.



Junior Member
Asalaamu alakum, i have to say marriage and then education. if you find a suitable, compatible partner while in college whats wrong with marrying them? i wish i was married when i started college. its tough. but Allah wills what he sees fit for all of us. I know of many couples who are married, in school, with a job, and kids....
if you fear for yourself, im sure everyone knows what they have to do. a bachelor degree isnt going to get me to jannah. But Allahs mercy will of course. My knowledge of my deen will help in this life and in the hereafter. not logorithms. im not trying to look down on those who believe their college education comes first, but as muslims our priorities is our religion first.


Live for Allah and His Rasool (saw)

can't spell impossible without possible ;)

brother/sister can u type out the full Asalamulaykum instead of ASA... because it jus seem a pathetic way of greeting ur brother n sisters, if someone were to read they would be like whats ASA? also inshAllah u will get more sawab to say Asalamulaykum it only takes a couple more keys to type... please dont mind me saying... just trying to get u more sawab... inshAllah

n i loved ur "can't spell impossible without possible" lol brilliant!


Junior Member

Sister Dianek..marriage is a different system in Islam. I strongly suggest you research the premise of marriage in Islam. No, there is no dating. It is a world ontoitself. However, the marriage bond is strong. Marrige is the business of the world. It is for our safety. It is an honorable institution that regards the long lasting love more. There is no concept of romatic love in Islam. That is simply a byproduct of marriage. You learn to love in the deepest denotation of the word love. Marriage is instruction on how to live with others in the state of Islam. It by its nature increases a person's imam.
Please forgive me but I am not a scholar.

I am not trying to cast insult, but marrying someone for whom you have not known and "hoping" you like each others seems rather difficult. What happens if he is introduced to you and you are in full abaya or niqab and then after you are married he dislikes what he sees?