Marriage: what should i do ?


New Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters,
I got tested long time ago and got positive for hiv, now there is no marriage, just me and then death.I didnt tell my mother and father because if i do something wrong, i dont them to pay for it.I am really stuck in a situation and dont know what to do so i thought i will ask you for an advice.My family is keep asking me for marriage and i always say "oh i dont want to get married because i dont have any other answer to say".I wish i didnt have any disease and would have got married quickly. I strongly believe in Allah, prophets and hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h).Sometimes i have chest pains, i feel that i am gonna have heart-attack and will die. I dont know really what to do.I just need one chance to get back to my life but i cannot. sorry to tell you my story. Can you please tell me what should i do when my mother and father ask me for marriage? Allah Please forgive me for what i have done, and brought this disease to myself :tti_sister:

Please tell me some surah's which i can read to help me with my life if you can.
Thank you



Junior Member
Salam. Brother at some point u will need to tell them, espeically for support as the disease progressive. There are good drugs available, along with changes in lifestyle u can have a good life expectancy, u can also still get married, however you need to find a partner who would be ok with the situation. There are options that u can explore! But i think u should tell your parents.


Junior Member
Brother, how sad your situation! I hope you found out though before you possibly could have passed this on to someone else. Don't count marriage out! Look at Magic Johson, he is married and has children and his wife is still negative. You just have to be careful. There are so many treatments out there. Please guard your health. I don't know what to say about responding to your parents except that it is best to open and honest. Are you a born muslim? May God guide you!


Junior Member
selemu aleikum

:salam2: brothers and sisters,
I got tested long time ago and got positive for hiv, now there is no marriage, just me and then death.I didnt tell my mother and father because if i do something wrong, i dont them to pay for it.I am really stuck in a situation and dont know what to do so i thought i will ask you for an advice.My family is keep asking me for marriage and i always say "oh i dont want to get married because i dont have any other answer to say".I wish i didnt have any disease and would have got married quickly. I strongly believe in Allah, prophets and hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h).Sometimes i have chest pains, i feel that i am gonna have heart-attack and will die. I dont know really what to do.I just need one chance to get back to my life but i cannot. sorry to tell you my story. Can you please tell me what should i do when my mother and father ask me for marriage? Allah Please forgive me for what i have done, and brought this disease to myself :tti_sister:

Please tell me some surah's which i can read to help me with my life if you can.
Thank you


selemu aleikum brother!

i have to say i really feel sorry for you..and the situation your in..
but i can directly tell your a very very strong individual, you said your the 1 that have put urself in this situation... and i have to say your taking it like a religious person oughtta do.

inshallah we will help you find suraahs in the quraan that im sure will benefit you inmensly...for there is noo situation on this earth that has no solution, and reward / punishment for it. ALLAH subhanahu wata3ala is the most mercifull especially to those who turn to him in repentence.

la yughayiro allahu bi kawmin..hetta yughariyo ma bi anfusihim.

all i can tell you now is, you have all my compassion brother, hamdulah ur still can still pray, see the ones you love...and be honest to them..

selemu aleikum bro


Staff member

What a shocking post

Why cant you tell your parents? I didnt understand why not, surely they need to know something as serious as this, they themselves may be carriers and should be tested and if you have siblings, they should be tested aswell. :(

Remember that nobody lives forever and we're all going to be snatched away from this temporary 'enjoyment' of dunya and called to account, nothing lasts, the time for our individual deaths was determined before we even left our mothers wombs, so whether its due to longterm illnesses such as HIV or a sudden car crash on the day of our death, it wouldnt matter, since it couldnt change anyway right?


to allah i turn....
wateva the situation i think u shud explain 2 ure parents let em know now or neva sooneer or l8r they will find out n may b able 2 help or understand u also they wnt ask u 4 marriage . ty dis link

For the cure of any illness

Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when anyone among them had an illness, Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) used to rub the area of the pain reciting the following dua:

أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمَاً

"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".

"Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) was ill, he used to recite the four Quls, blow on his hands and pass them over on the back and front. He also recited these surahs, blew on his hands and passed them over his body during his fatal illness".

(Bukhari, Muslim)

When fever or pain increases

If fever rise or pain increases:
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الْكَبِيرِ أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ الْعَظِيمِ مِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ عَرَقٍ نَعَّارٍ وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَرِّ النَّارِ

"I seek relief taking Allah's great blessed name from all the evils of pulling (pulsating) nerves and from the evils of the hot fire".


It is prohibited to speak ill of fever. When Umme Sahabia (R.A.) spoke ill of fever then Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said, "do not abuse fever for it removes the sins of man like the furnace removes the rust from the iron".

also pray 2 rakaat salat hajat 2 allah
salat hajat dua ere in ds link
well hope all dis helps u if u need any other help right n me not online ere email me at [email protected] dnt 4 get anytym available 2 help my muslim bros or sis


New Member
salam brother,
who is Magic Johson? Yes i am born muslim brought up in a muslim family never had this disease before. I was a good muslim just went offline the line and because of mistake i got into terrible disease.


Junior Member
salam brother,
who is Magic Johson? Yes i am born muslim brought up in a muslim family never had this disease before. I was a good muslim just went offline the line and because of mistake i got into terrible disease.

Sorry, Magic was a famous basketball player here in the States. He became a very strong advocate in the fight against HIV/AIDS, you should google him. Did not know your origin.....I can see why it would be very hard for you to tell them as you are born muslim. How sad that one mistake caused such suffering for you...inshallah this will just be your retribution in this life so that you can go to Jannah after this life. I don't know what to say.


New Member
Sorry, Magic was a famous basketball player here in the States. He became a very strong advocate in the fight against HIV/AIDS, you should google him. Did not know your origin.....I can see why it would be very hard for you to tell them as you are born muslim. How sad that one mistake caused such suffering for you...inshallah this will just be your retribution in this life so that you can go to Jannah after this life. I don't know what to say.

Please brother, whenever you :salah: just pray for me as well. Thank you


A Believer In Heart
Salaam Brother,

I pray to Allah SWT to help you cure this disease. But i am surprise your parent don't know this. I mean you do live with your parents don't you? If so they can get the disease from you through restroom, correct me if i am wrong. I honest believe you should talk to your parents. Repent to Allah SWT. I also think the mistake you made is being made (about) by our young youth so why don't you go and help youngers learn about such mistakes brother. More like an educater brother. I honest pray to Allah SWT to cure you and i am not in your place so my advices are not going to help you. :tti_sister:May Allah SWT cure you and all those who are effct by this disease.

Love & Peace,
salam brother,

who is Magic Johson? Yes i am born muslim brought up in a muslim family never had this disease before. I was a good muslim just went offline the line and because of mistake i got into terrible disease.


Ervin "Magic" Johnson was former National Basketball Association (NBA) superstar in the U.S. He retired I believe in 1991 when he discovered he had HIV. However, he has been proactive in his life and have been taking medication to resolve his problem.

(in case the article does not show up - just type Magic Johnson on the search function)

When viewing the article, click on the arrow at the top to go to the next page.

Everyone is advising that you should talk to your family about it. It is very important. They will provide you help and support. Have open communication with your family especially in times of adversity. You should also seek doctors help ASAP.

I pray that Allah swt helps cure you and provides you a long and fruitful life. Ameen.


Staff member
salam brother,
who is Magic Johson? Yes i am born muslim brought up in a muslim family never had this disease before. I was a good muslim just went offline the line and because of mistake i got into terrible disease.


I see why you find it difficult saying anything to your parents then.

I agree with sister dianek, retribution. Have you ever listened to "Ahmed the Repenter" by Bilal Assad? I mean its really unfortunate that you went waywards but whats important from now is that you repent. Not any of us can enter paradise by are own merit see?

..youre going to have to tell them eventually, or if your health deteriorates considerably they may find out anyway, would they prefer you to have told them in such case? Also, how mad are they going to be if, as you put it yourself, you may die from this.



a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu my brother

I am very sad to hear the news and I make duas to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to relieve you from your pain and suffering. To HIM belongs the Heaven and the Earth. Just keep praying, have patience and repent as much as you can.

A friend of mine send me this letter. Just go through it.....

The Letter & Amr Khaled's comments

“I am a Lebanese girl, a daughter to a Muslim father and a Christian mother. I lived in Lebanon the first 10 years of my life before migrating to Australia with my parents to be the end to all my relation with the Middle East. I am 22 years old now. With my moving to Australia my relation with religion ended completely. All I know is that I am a Muslim, and that’s it. I do not know how the Holy Book (the Quran) looks like, I don’t know what Surat Al-Fatiha is, and I don’t even know how to pray.

Religion doesn’t even encompass any importance in my life. My father left my mother, before I entered university, and each married others. Both my parents then left Australia, leaving me alone, without a family or siblings, and without any information on my grandparents back Lebanon. I lived by myself, so I had to work to provide for my living. I went to university in the mornings, and worked at the bar at night time. I had a boyfriend, in the Western meaning of the word, and didn’t leave anything from the forbiddens/sins (il-Haraam), I did not do, without feeling embarrassed or ashamed, for I was totally Western. I only knew very little Arabic.

Because I am very pretty, I entered a beauty contest in New Zealand, and won the title of the town the contest was held in. I am now getting ready to compete in the major beauty contest in New Zealand. I became the cover girl (model) of improper (unrespectable) magazines. During this time, I was visiting a Lebanese family in Australia. I watched an episode talking about chastity/virtue, and the site address was on the screen. I had a severe breakdown when I was watching, as if that episode was directed at me (talking to me). So here I am writing to you to ask you whether it is possible for The Divine to accept. Can my God accept me and can I return to God?”

Amr Khaled’s comments: “I received this letter and said to myself Subhana Allah the human soul no matter how low it goes, it longs to God. It’s like how the stomach longs for food, the soul longs for God.” So I wrote her back telling her that of course God will accept your repentance and I directed her to some tapes on the repentance.

She called me after two days saying “I repented to God, and left my boyfriend, and won’t see him after today)”
Two days later she called and said: “I want to learn how to pray”
Two days later she called and said: “I want Quran tapes” So we sent her through DHL AL-‘Ajamy, Mishari Rashid, Al-Madina readings, and all my tapes.
She became silent for a week (i.e. they didn’t hear from her for a week), then she called saying that she gave up her Beauty title.
Then the surprise came four days later when she called to say that she wore the scarf/ veil.

The story does not end here. Several days after her news of wearing the scarf, she said that she had been feeling severe pains in her head, so went to the doctors to get it checked. The doctor told her that she had cancer in her brains and her days are few.

This girl will enter the operation room in Australia next Friday to undergo an emergency operation to her head with only 20% chance of succeeding, according to the doctors over there.

That was what the doctors said, but for her, she sent saying what the scientists fail to say, namely: “I am very happy to be meeting God. I am happy that I repented before knowing that I was sick. I don’t know if my father and mother will know of what happened to me, as they don’t call me but rarely. But I repented only three weeks ago, and have sinned/ disobeyed God for twenty years prior. I pray to God to accept me from the people of Heaven, and if I lived, to serve Islam through this site, for this site was my window to Islam.”

Comments: Pray to God with me to cure her, and the rest will be next Friday, Insha Allah. ……
Sarah, 22, passed away, and the prayed on her the Friday prayers and buried her today in the Muslim cemetery in New Zealand.

Immediately before entering the operation room, Sarah sent me a short note saying: “I lived far away from God for 22 years, but I repented 3 weeks ago. But I witness you, that I repented to God, left my boyfriend, working in the bar, and the beauty contest. I wore the scarf, and was consistent with my prayers. I witness you, that I did all this for my God, and I don’t know of any Muslims, but you and this forum, so please pray to God to be Merciful on me and Forgive me. And pray to God to Guide my mother, for she doesn’t know anything about me.” – Sarah

Please dedicate as much effort as you can in good deeds from Hajj, and Umrah and Sadaqah (charity/giving alms) and praying, and dedicate it to Sarah. Have you seen with me God’s mercy on his creations, and that it’s written for her to die at that time, but that God has written for Himself to be The Merciful, and let her seek forgiveness, and leave all sins just three weeks before passing away.

{Verily, therein is indeed a reminder for him/her who has a heart or gives ear while s/he is heedful} -- verse 37; Surat Qaf.

All I can think after reading this is: how much wealth, power, influence, fame, and freedom do WE have? Probably not much...but STILL we hold on to whatever we have SO dearly that some of us don't register the concept of giving it up for the pleasure of our Creator and Sustainer,Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala.

This sister had everything that can be desired and she had the ability and freedom to experience any desire left unfulfilled. But she gave up that freedom, that wealth, power and fame to attain the pleasure of Allah swt.

So I ask plain and simple: What are you holding on to?

You dont worry about death. Think each and every second in your life is precious...precious than even diamond.
Repent as much as you can. Make Al Istaghfar.
Insha Allah, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala will forgive your sins. Keep praying as much as you can, especially in the last part of night.



Sub Han Allah
Asalamo Alikom dear Sister, (I think u r a sis, right?)
Sobhan Allah!
Your post has touched me more then words can tell as I have a very dear friend in a very similar situation.He also has a chronical fatal illness.
He did not want to tell his mother for fear of her reachion.
He covered it up for months. He had to go through a lot of suffering alone.
So his suffering was doubled.
He finally told her & the rest of his family.
And least he is not alone.
I don't have a solution but I am sharing the experience or let me say the test of someone very dear to me.
Before he discovered this terrible illness, he had plans for marriage.
Of course, he cancelled everything now, as his doctors said that he has absolutly no hope!
I think this is wrong. I believe if him , you, or anyone has a chance of halal happiness, he/she shouldn't give it up.
You cannot claim that you know the future, right?
Check with your doctors, talk to religion scholars & see your possiblities for marriage.
Some of our dear TTI members have mentioned that there is a possiblity for people with HIV to marry.
Check that out thoroughly because you don't want to miss your chance of happiness & still you don't want to harm anyone.
Dear muslim, we all do mistakes. That does not mean that this particular mistake you did would make your parents think less of you, especially now that you are repending.
And Allah the Merciful has choosen to cleanse you on Earth & maybe even give you reward.
I know it is not easy. I am living that with my friend.
And I can tell that you took a decision of a strong believer; peace.
Mashaa Allah. May Allah gives you the streanth and patience.
Thank you for being strong for all of us to learn.

Asalamo Alikom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakato

P.S Please, all of you TTIs who are reading, I beg you pray for our sis/bro here & my friend, too, who did not find his peace, yet.


peace lover
asalamualikyum wr wb brother....der s a wisdom behind the afflictions(pain,misery etc.) ur goin through which s mentioned to us by Allah(swt) in the glorious Quran....

Surely We have made whatever is on the earth an adornment for it, so We may test them as to which one is better in deeds*! (18:7)

if ur a believer den u should exhibit patience and expectation of Allah'z awards and expect his acceptance during ur difficult times...

Do not falter in pursuing the (opposition) folk. If you should be suffering, so are they suffering like you do, but you expect from Allah that which they do not(4:104)

the believers excel from the rest because they hope that Allah will reward them and elevate their ranks (in Jannah).

So put ur trust in Allah and he ll find a solution for u....i suggest u to pray isthikaara as this was recommended by our beloved prophet muhammad(pbuh) to his companions during difficult times...remeber Allah s well aware of ur situation but its ur duty to b close to him....and after him its ur parents hu should knw abt u as Allah has chosen dem 2 b ur parents...ur chosin to suffer alone dis way...ur creator s wid u!!....and as far as ur marriage s concerned i do think its posibble as far as ur partner s well aware and wants to b wid u for da sake f Allah(swt)

b patient as Allah says for every hardship der s a relief...

I hope this helps u out n sum way brother...insha Allah! :allahuakbar:


New Member
First of all I am a guy (i think sister was asking about it), thank you for supporting me so much, to be honest with you i didnt expected that much love from you brother's & sisters. I cannot tell my parents at all there are alot of reasons behind it. firstly they will shout at me, they get depressed, donot want to hurt them, if something happens to them because of me i will never forgive myself. So i think better is this way, that i should never tell to my family, parents. I love them so much, i hope you all understand what i am trying to say to you guys. I know Allah subhana-talah knows what i did, Allah knows everything about me and now i have to pay for it. I wish there is a way that i can just say to my family somehow that i cannot marriage for few years or something.
Some of the brothers advice me to get married, if i get married and tell my wife on my first marriage day, listen i got hiv. she will slap on my face and run to her mother home, will start asking for divorce. If i donot tell her then i will just passing virus to another person who is my wife. Sometimes i just smiles at myself and think "Oh Allah what kind of situation I am in". I wish somehow i can go back and change that mistakes.

Brother & sister, if anybody can tell me please, our prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) used to wear any ring or any stone in his fingers? if somebody can please provide me some information, i will really appreciate that.

Please pray for me. Until I am still alive I will keep chatting to you brother's and sister's.

Some peoples think that if doctor say you will die in 10 years time then its true. I strongly believe in Allah and dont trust or believe in doctors. I think if Allah wants Allah can cure me anytime, because "Allah is the creator of the world".I always think that may be there is a chance one day i will go to doctor and he will say to me listen " everything is off the record and you are cured".



Junior Member
I mean you do live with your parents don't you? If so they can get the disease from you through restroom, correct me if i am wrong


No this is incorrect. HIV can only be transmitted through direct bodily fluid exchange such as sex, needle sharing, or blood transfusions. Even if his parents touched his blood with their bare hands they could only contract the disease if they themselves had an open wound.

Dear Brother Human Being,

Your situation is a sticky one because marriage would be complicated. Not only could you transmit the disease to your wife but also to any children conceived within the marriage. And let's not beat around the bush here, this disease is inevitably fatal. You yourself can still have a long life due to all the new drugs to treat HIV patients but we're talking quality of life here, not quantity, right? I believe there

I would speak to a trusted scholar and of course pray for direction. I also highly recommend you speak with your physician regarding your options of medication and if there is a way to lessen the chance of transmission to your future partner. I foundthis website where you can ask questions directly to a physician.

My dear brother, I am so sorry you have to face this struggle and you are showing a great deal of courage. Take comfort in knowing that Allah swt is on your side and is oft forgiving.



Md azam khan

New Member
Assalam alai kum ,
Have faith on allah ,dont worry for the Disease bcoz soon you will be alright ,please spend most of your time in prayers....

when your parents ask for marriage then reply politely according to the situtation .

and i will inshallah pray for you....


Servant of Allah 247
:salam2:brother after reading you’re my heart is crying.
i have no word to describe. how much it hurts to see my muslims bro suffering like this. I understand your situation , I will keep you in my prayers inshallah.
dont be disappointed in live because Allah has given you a chance to repent . may Allah make everything easy for you :tti_sister: