"Martyrdom Operations" are Nothing but Haraam Suicide Missions...

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brother ibn_abdullah, you can bring the source even if this thread is closed :)

Sources are not very hard to find. Brother Kashmiri only commented on one hadeeth (the story of the boy and the king) and I suppose he didn't go into the commentary of Surah Al Buruuj and which all the believers were burnt alive in the trench yet Allah The Most High called the event "a great victory".

If you flip through the hadeeth literature and the Seerah of the Prophet, and the conquest of the Sahabas, you can bring in many evidences that may favor martyrdom operations. Like I said, I don't think it's a clear cut issue and hence it is better to refrain from labeling people and calling them terrorist and deviants, etc etc.... very harsh thing to do.

Brother Al-Qurtubi put it best when he said "we should keep quiet".

Give me a day Al Qurtubi I will try to put all these instances that I think are related to the discussion. I'm warning you though, i twill be a lengthy post, I hope you have the patience.



I am not afraid of reading lengthy posts brother sharingan. It would be really nice if you clear the dust put by west on jihaad and mujahideen.

Thank you very much brother ibn-Abdillah. I will read them surely.

I think we need a seperate thread about jihaad and whats in fiqh about it.


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AS-salaamu `alaykum.

Sharingan, the point in me reviving this thread was to give attention to the article on the subject of the hadeeth, tafseer of surah al-burooj, did you actually read it or not?

As for the issue of mujaahideen, then the difference is we support any true mujaahid and not the human time-bombs. Equating the two is despicable.

And akhi Al-Qurtubee, the only "daleel" you have brought is your own person analogy, weak analogy at that. Yes we are allowed to eat the haraam out of fear of death, yet eating the haraam in the case of suicide attacks would resort to a hastened death?! So in one instance, the haraam is being used to ward off death, and in the other, to hasten it?! If you ask me, its senseless and all praise is to Allaah, no Scholar of Islaam that I am aware of, who is known for his `ilm has used such an argument. Where in the shari`ah does such analogy stand, the situations are way different?

And such acts, you say they are needed in modern warfare? Let me ask you a question. What do you know about modern warfare if anything? Like the article I've linked mentions, the usefulness in the tactic has been removed, they are not effective means in achieving anything really. Worse yet, and this is the prime problem, they are being used towards people whose blood is haraam.

Considering my last statement, lets suppose there are no suicide attacks. What would happen is that kuffar would rape and kill our mothers and sisters, kill our children. In short, a death penalty for many persons.

Your last statement didn't have any solution to the problems you mentioned. We have all seen, heard and read about instances where these unfortunate circumstances are occurring, and at the same time these bombings take place, yet they haven't done nothing to prevent the Muslims from further harm, except in some, isolated and rare/specific cases such as events that took place in the India-Pak wars). How can you claim that the disappearance of bombings would lead to an increase in rape etc. I mean, especially when they tend to take more innocent lives than enemy fighters!


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assalamu alaykum

where did all these scholars come from, to give their explanation of hadiths lol

please stick to what is from the Book and the Sunnah and use the explanations of Salaf Salih.
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