"Martyrdom Operations" are Nothing but Haraam Suicide Missions...

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم​

As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

Many of us here are familiar with the story reported in Riyaad us-Saaliheen, about the boy and the king. Sadly, some people have taken this story and understood it contrary to way of the salaf, contrary to what the wording of the hadeeth so obviously indicates, and have used it to justify the act of shamefully blowing yourself to smithereens in the name of Jihaad?! Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Ibn Al-`Uthaymeen, rahimahullaah, has beautifully explained the wisdom behind this hadeeth, clearly showing that the hadeeth is in no way a proof to justify the heinous, cowardly act of suicide. Clearly, one who makes such a claim, is following their desires and not the Messenger of Allaah, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam (save in the case of ijtihaad of some scholar, and Allaah knos best). It amazes me that people make halaal what Allaah and His Messenger have made haraam, with respect to any act, let alone one that deems permanent residence in the fire of hell? I've decided to post the Shaykh's explanation of the hadeeth below. Inshaa' Allaah, after reading, one can see the difference between willingly terminating your own life and exposing your self to harm for the sake of an immense overall benefit (such as a whole nation accepting Islaam on the spot as occured in the hadeeth).

http://www.binuthaymin.co.uk/ said:
Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said in his explanation of Riyaadus-Saaliheen (1/165-166), whilst giving some points of benefit from the hadeeth of Suhayb, may Allaah be pleased with him:

"That Allaah's Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, said, "There used to be a king amongst those who came before you, and he had a sorcerer. So when he grew old he said to the king, I have become old so send a boy to me so that I can teach him sorcery"... the hadeeth. (Riyaadhus-Saaliheen, no. 30)

Fourthly: That it is permissible for a person to expose himself to danger for a matter of general benefit to the Muslims, because the boy indicated to the king the way in which he would be able to kill him, and which would lead to his demise, which was that he should take an arrow from his quiver etc.

Shaikhul-Islaam (Ibn Taymiyyah) said, "Because this was a Jihaad in Allaah's cause, which caused a whole nation to truly believe, and he did not really lose anything, since although he died he would have to die anyway, sooner or later."

But as for what some people do regarding activities of suicide, tying explosives to themselves and then approaching Unbelievers and detonating them amongst them, then this is a case of suicide and Allaah's refuge is sought. So whoever commits suicide then he will be consigned eternally to Hell-Fire, remaining there forever, as occurs in the hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam. (i.e., his, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, saying, "and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, then the iron weapon will remain in his hand, and he will continuously stab himself in his belly with it in the Fire of Hell eternally, forever and ever." Reported by al-Bukhaaree, no. 5778 and Muslim, no. 109, in the Book of Eemaan.)

Because this person has killed himself and has not benefited Islaam. So if he kills himself along with ten, or a hundred, or two hundred other people, then Islaam will not benefit by that, since the people will not accept Islaam, contrary to the story of the boy. Rather it will probably just make the enemy more determined, and this action will provoke malice and bitterness in his heart to such an extent that he may seek to wreak havoc upon the Muslims.

This is what is found from the practice of the Jews with the people of Palestine so when one of the Palestinian blows himself up and kills six or seven people, then in retaliation they take sixty or more. So this does not produce any benefit for the Muslims, and does not benefit those amongst whose ranks explosives are detonated.

So what we hold is that those people who perform these suicide (bombings) have wrongfully committed suicide, and that this necessitates entry into Hell-Fire, and Allaah's refuge is sought and that this person is not a martyr (shaheed). However if a person has done this based upon misinterpretation, thinking that it is permissible, then we hope that he will be saved from sin, but as for martyrdom being written for him, then no, since he has not taken the path of martyrdom. But whoever performs ijtihaad and errs will receive a single reward (if he is a person qualified to make ijtihaad)."

(End of the Shaikh's words)


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم​

As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

Many of us here are familiar with the story reported in Riyaad us-Saaliheen, about the boy and the king. Sadly, some people have taken this story and understood it contrary to way of the salaf, contrary to what the wording of the hadeeth so obviously indicates, and have used it to justify the act of shamefully blowing yourself to smithereens in the name of Jihaad?! Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Ibn Al-`Uthaymeen, rahimahullaah, has beautifully explained the wisdom behind this hadeeth, clearly showing that the hadeeth is in no way a proof to justify the heinous, cowardly act of suicide. Clearly, one who makes such a claim, is following their desires and not the Messenger of Allaah, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam (save in the case of ijtihaad of some scholar, and Allaah knos best). It amazes me that people make halaal what Allaah and His Messenger have made haraam, with respect to any act, let alone one that deems permanent residence in the fire of hell? I've decided to post the Shaykh's explanation of the hadeeth below. Inshaa' Allaah, after reading, one can see the difference between willingly terminating your own life and exposing your self to harm for the sake of an immense overall benefit (such as a whole nation accepting Islaam on the spot as occured in the hadeeth).


Let's assume for a second that your explanation is not correct. (I'm not saying it's not) then isn't it better to refrain from defaming those who involves themselves in martyrdom operations? I'm not sure how you can call them cowardly, even if they do have the wrong understanding. They don't sacrifice their lives and many other things just for fun or because they are tired of living. Even if they are incorrect, according to their belief they do it for the love of Islam and Allah.
Sheik's Uthaymeen's (may Allah be pleased with him) explanation is not the only explanation out there.

Allah knows best.



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As-salaamu `alaykum.

Jazaak Allaah khayr for you're reply. I say cowardly because instead of resorting to real, acceptable means of resolving the situation, they chose this despicable path. To them it may not at all be cowardly, but looking at it from the outside, and comparing them to for example, `Amr Ibn Khattab, rahimahullaah, it is. The ummah is need of more `Uthaymeens and `Amrs, as oppose to human time-bombs and self-promoted "shuyookh".

Ibn Al-`Uthaymeen's explanation is not the only one, but it is consistent with the understanding of this hadeeth, its wording and meaning and that is what matters, not the numbers or names of those who say otherwise. And like I said, the futility of the opposing arguments is clear... Even though people do it out of love of Allaah, due to it's opposition to the sunnah, we hate and detest the acts. This is from the most basic of principles, known as al-Mutaaba`ah; following the daleel. We should in no way feel defensive of the perpetrators just because of their intent, but of course as Muslims we should feel the sorrow (for them losing their lives in such a manner, and opposing the Messenger, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam)...

Wallaahu A`lam.


Strength in Unity

its wrong to call martyrdom as suicide acts. to be a martyr is something great and is not a simple thing to do. it not just blowing yourself up. martyr has something to do with deen. and deen comes from the word dain, which means owing or in dept. now im not saying that it means you need to blow yourself up. these people who are martyrs have left everything behind for the sake of Allah. now anyone can say this, i hate my life, i hate what im doing, i dont find pleasure in this world..and so on, so i want to die for the sake of Allah. now that can not be said to be martyr..because you are not giving up anything. a true martyr is the one who gives up everything they love, the pleasures of this world, everything, their family, their life, all the things that does not make a life miserable that they have, for the sake of Allah. im also not saying if you have a miserable life and your intention is good, your not becoming a martyr. im not saying that. martyr does not mean just blowing themselves up. martyrs have a strong insight into what they are doing. the story of the boy, you see the boy had no choice. example..a gang of robbers want to enter a house and the man inside fights them to protect his family, because maybe they might rape their wives or daughters. so he fights them and dies, and saves his family, that can be called martyr. even the man knew he was going to die. but imagine if he hadnt done it..the wife/daughter might have been raped. their lives may not be the same together again. so pls dont think martyr is suicide, these people know what they are doing, and what will be the consequence. also being a martyr doesnt mean you have to blow yourself up.


Junior Member

This explaination closes door of a suicide operation both for killing non-combatants or combatant enemy. My question is, is there any provision in this explaination to use a suicide operation as a strategy to kill or weaken a combatant enemy, who otherwise would cause a greater killing?

The basic problem of terrorism is still not solved by this explaination. Terrorism is the delibrate and targetted killing of the non-combatants (Believers or non-believers, jews or muslims considered as kafirs for whatever reason) The definition is open for criticism. Now let us suppose, a terrorist does not do a suicide operation but another technique, where he does not have to kill himself but he kills non-combatants ( To make the question more specific, suppose they are israeli jews ). Will that be allowed?

I would be more interested to read the explaination of those verses of Sura Taubah which the terrorists often misuse. (I hope, you know which verses I mean. If not, I would quote them). Not a wrong explaination of this hadith but a wrong explaination of Surah Taubah is the main source of inspiration for terrorists.

Waiting for feedback from all brothers and sisters, who have studied this problem and who are just as disturbed as brother Al-kashmiri or myself are.



Junior Member
First of All We all know Blowing Yourself up is Suicide and Suicide is Forbidden in Islam.

What really gets to me is that how did these Kharajites and Ikwanies come up with the name "Martydom Operations"?

First we as Muslims can not say who is a Martyr and who is Not, The Only People who are considered to be Martyrs that we are sure of are those who Allah Mentioned in the Quran and those which are Mentioned by the Prophet in the Sunnah. Other then that no Muslim can say that this Man or this women is a Martyr. So the Name "Martyrdom Operation" should be changed to something else like "Martyrdom Operation Hopefully" lol even though what they do is against Islam anyways.


Junior Member
For saif, it is told in many hadits that when imam Mahdi come, the Rome (Constatinopel) will lose, and also Ya'juj Ma'juj and also all bad Jews.

And Islam will prevail in battle war once again, 'Isa as will descend and imam Muhammad or Ahmad or which similar to prophet's name bin Abdullah or which similar to the prophet Muhammad's father's name, will do Jihad together with their followers. At that time, taxes will be erase, all pigs slaughtered, crosses destroyed.

Let us first establish the principles from Quran and Sunnah because those akhbar-al-ahaad should be interpreted in the light of Quran and Sunnah-al-ma'loomah. If the right of non-combatants is once established by Quran and Sunnah, then we will see what those Ahadith mean, none of which was taken by Bukhari and Muslim and Imam Malik, and which talk about eliminating all jews ( thereby violating the rights of non-combatants ). If you can establish, that non-combatants can be killed, only then I will dare to ascribe those ahadith to the Prophet. Otherwise, I fear Allah to ascribe them to the Prophet.

Islam forbid the killing of people inside their prayer buildings, and killing children and women who are not against the Muslim in battle field.
Al Qur'an told that Jihad is : 1. To raise the kalimatullaah as high as possible
2. To protect innocent Muslims
3. To help Islam with wealth as well as with mind and power
4. To protect innocent Kafir dzimmi and their rights

Are you sure, the list is complete? What about the case, when muslims have the power to stop dzulm and 'udwaan against innocent non-dzimmi kafirs? Shouldn't they use their power to stop that dzulm?

Kafir divided into: 1. Kafir harbi (kafir who war against innocent Muslimin)
2. Kafir dzimmi (kafir who are in Daulah Islamiyyah, they must pay Jizyah)
3. Kafir 'ahdi (kafir who has agreement with Muslims)

Aren't you forgetting a 4th group? : Kafir, who are neither Kafir dzimmi nor kafir 'ahdi but they are NOT in a combatant battle against muslims. Do they have no protection of life? Do I really need to remind, that makkans, at the time of conquering of Makkah belonged to this 4th group?



Junior Member
First of All We all know Blowing Yourself up is Suicide and Suicide is Forbidden in Islam.

What really gets to me is that how did these Kharajites and Ikwanies come up with the name "Martydom Operations"?

First we as Muslims can not say who is a Martyr and who is Not, The Only People who are considered to be Martyrs that we are sure of are those who Allah Mentioned in the Quran and those which are Mentioned by the Prophet in the Sunnah. Other then that no Muslim can say that this Man or this women is a Martyr. So the Name "Martyrdom Operation" should be changed to something else like "Martyrdom Operation Hopefully" lol even though what they do is against Islam anyways.

I agree. Let me change my wording in my first email.



Junior Member
The coming of Dajjal and the descend of 'Isa as is of Mutawatir hadits, and it's not ahad nor it is aziz (narrated by two narrator) nor it is mustafidh or masyhur (narrated by 3 person or more but don't come to the degree of Mutawatir).

I never said, I don't believe in fitnah of dajjal or yajuj majuj etc. What I was poiting to was that the word "Imam Mahdi" does not appear in the first 3 books of Hadith (Muatah, Bukhari and Muslim). Note, I am still not saying, there will be no Mahdi. We can discuss about the definitions of ahaad or tawaatur but let us stick to the topic. The basic principle, that all ahadith should be interpreted in the light of Quran and Sunnah-al-ma'loomah remains the same. And this principle is not invented by me. I can quote "Al-Kifayah fi Ilm-irriwayah" from Khatib Baghdadi but the mail will get too long and we will get off the track. My next comments will put this discussion to rest. Please read further.

It is narrated by more than 39 shahaba. Who will be the Jews which help Dajjal, it was told to be Ashbahani Jews (Iranian Jews).

So, they won't be non combatants.

See, this interpretation is very much acceptible to me. The reason is, that it does not nullify the known Sunnah of not killing the non-combatants. Even though the wording of those ahadith apparently suggests the opposite but seeing in the light of Quran and known Sunnah we will not take apparent meaning but we will say, muslims will kill all jews, who will be fighting against them in a combatant battle. By that we should also put our dear sister Sarah (shyhijabi) to rest, that no jew will be killed only because of being jew. (At least not by an army, lead by Jesus or Imam Mahdi, as those ahadith suggest ).

There is hadits which say that the one kills a Kafir Mu'ahid, will not enter Heaven.
So this is different to killing a non Mu'ahid. That Islam concern about making agreement with Kafirun, that way Islam is a religion of leadership.
Kafir are divided into: musyrikin from ahli kitab and which is not from ahli kitab and zindiqah or munafiqin.

Now, when I say that Kafir divided into 3 above,doesn't mean that the fourth is forgotten, because Ummat actually divided into :

1. Ummat ijabah : These ones already embrace Islam and need Dakwah.
2. Ummat dakwah : These ones are the target of dakwah Tauhid. Islam is rahmatal lil 'aalamiin.

Thanks for the clarification.

And about that Rasulullah was send to war against people until they embrace Islam (the religion of all prophets) is in balance with rahmatal lil 'aalamiin.

I agree. However, this is particular to the position of Rasulullah as Rasul.

The proof is that there will be war again, involving imam Mahdi (which the name translated as "the praise worthy son of Allah's slave) and he will be a Quraisy man, from ahlul bait.

Now if you don't believe on Dajjal, you won't believe in Al Jashshash, because Al Jashshash is the partner of Al Masih Dajjal, here's the ayat about Al Jashshashah:

082. And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast (snake like) of the earth to speak unto them because mankind had not faith in Our revelations.

I told you, I don't deny Dajjal or Yajuj Majuj. How could I? Please stick to the topic of terrorism. The context, in which you have quoted this verse is something new to me. First, it is talking about daaba-tul-ard. Secondly, where is the source of this information, that daaba-tul-ard will be a partner of Dajjal? Because this is off the topic, I would suggest not to reply on this issue in this thread but start a new thread on dajjal and daaba-tul-ard. Let us stick to the topic, to the definition of Terrorism and to the permissibility of killing non-combatants, even if they are non-dzimmi and non mu'aahid kuffaar.



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As-salaamu `alaykum,

Jazaak Allaahu khayran. Akhi Saif, may Allaah bless you, I am in no way to answer what you've asked (there are many types of kuffaar, not just Harbi as according to the actions of the khawaarij), but I can refer you to some works of the `Ullemaa' which deal with this subject matter and inshaa' Allaah, respond to your questions. I'm talking about some of the small, short treatises by (for example), Imaam of Madinah, `Abdul-Muhsin Al-`Abbaad. Some of the `Ullemaa' of Jordan, Dr. Faisal Al-Jaasim, and especially Shaykh Khaalid Al-`Anbaree, who has spoken and written extensively on this subject.

The issue at hand (moving slightly away from the topic of the initial post) has grown to be rather controversial due to the actions and beliefs of the khawaarij, and those who share some of their beliefs. But by referring to those who have knowledge from the salaf and those who've followed them throughout the ages, clarity can be sought...

I hope to post some links to other related material at a later point.

EDIT: Sorry guys, I left the message open for at least an hour before hitting send... whoops.


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As-salaamu `alaykum.

I found a very good article on this subject matter recently...

"Perhaps the first most important thing to direct the reader's attention to is the difference between an act of war which involves a suicide (such as a suicide bombing) and an act of war which is apparently suicidal (such as a lone warrior charging the ranks of the enemy in the near-certain knowledge that he will be killed in the process). No scholar disputes the praiseworthiness of the second-type of act. It is only the first type of act, the pre-determined, intentional taking of ones own life in a clear act of suicide, which remains a subject of contention."

Inshaa' Allaah, the difference between the two types of deeds will become clear to the reader (if not already). To read it all, click here.


Junior Member
With suicide bombings/operations the person is not killed by the enemy, they actually wound and kill themseleves through explosives, so if you wasn't killed by the enemy how can you call that person a martyr. It is definetly cowardly as you're not even engaging with the enemy, not physical attack takes place, you just press one button and thats it, how can that be heroic? Sahabah faced the enemy head on in battle sword to sword now thats real life risking compared to a one button self destruction non engaging attack.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
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I just wonder many times...

Isn't martyrdom a *gift* from Allah?...

Didn't many saliheen *make dua'a* for it???..

Didn't many go out in hopes of being martyred in battle and when they were still alive they felt sad that Allah didn't grant them the honor???

Doesn't this mean that martyrdom is something *under the will of Allah*???

Well then...

How can someone go kill *himself*..and then dare to say..I am martyring myself..isn't that *transgressing* against the will of Allah?

Isn't that like *snatching* the gift from the one who wants to give the gift? (wa li allahi al mathal al a'ala of course!)

Martyrdom Operations have always puzzled me...I fear to pass the judgment as to *where* these people will end up (jannah or jahannam)..as this is known to Allah alone...but I seriously don't find any logic behind it..and I feel much sorrow for those who throw themselves into that...

Jihad is working up a sweat..losing blood..suffering pain..defending the morals and the commandaments of Allah decreed upon us...tell me how driving a car into a building..or wearing a vest strewn with bombs is comparable to that!!!

May Allah forgive us and guide us all..especially those amongst us who transgress against their deen..and thus towards Allah



Junior Member
Hadith Qudsi: On the authority of Jundub ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: There was amongst those before you a man who had a wound. He was in [such] anguish that he took a knife and made with it a cut in his hand, and the blood did not cease to flow till he died. Allah the Almighty said: My servant has himself forestalled Me; I have forbidden him Paradise. It was related by al-Bukhari.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 23, Number 445: Narrated Thabit bin Ad-Dahhak: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Whoever intentionally swears falsely by a religion other than Islam, then he is what he has said, (e.g. if he says, 'If such thing is not true then I am a Jew,' he is really a Jew). And whoever commits suicide with piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire." Narrated Jundab the Prophet said, "A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him."

Sahih Muslim Book 035, Number 6485: Hammam b. Munabbih said: Abu Huraira narrated to us ahadith from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and out of these one is that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: None amongst you should make a request for death, and do not call for it before it comes, for when any one of you dies, he ceases (to do good) deeds and the life of a believer is not prolonged but for goodness.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 670: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever."
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Jazaak Allaah khayr for you're reply. I say cowardly because instead of resorting to real, acceptable means of resolving the situation, they chose this despicable path.

Wallaahu A`lam.

do u realy think that there is justice for people nowadays in this corrupt ,*might is right* world nowadays??........resolving the situation is the only option of course if ur living in justice filled world not a world ruled by rich barbaric dogs who 1st attack a country and then say it was A MISTAKE!

but am not saying blowing urself is the key....mayb thats what patience is all about which the Prophet Muhammad (saw) had and we hardly do


Staff member
Sahih Muslim Book 035, Number 6485: Hammam b. Munabbih said: Abu Huraira narrated to us ahadith from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and out of these one is that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: None amongst you should make a request for death, and do not call for it before it comes, for when any one of you dies, he ceases (to do good) deeds and the life of a believer is not prolonged but for goodness.

I'm going to watch those vids you posted again and make a list of the qualities of the Khawaarij, then, we can go back to anywhere where the word is being used a little too loosely and post the list and conclude if that description is valid or not for whoever the term was being hurled at.

JazakAllaah khayr for posting the videos, I have a lot of use for them.

Maybe thats what patience is all about which the Prophet Muhammad (saw) had and we hardly do


May Allaah's wrath be upon those who kill innocents knowingly in Iraq, or any other place and still call consider themselves from among the muslimeen.



Thanks to brother Al kashmiri for writting this controversial post and thanks to brother Saleem for supporting it, as always.

Lets consider this scenario. In the times of Nabi(SAW) there were only swords and other weapons but not guns. So, does it mean that a gun wounded person would not be a martyr?

These suicide attacks are not that kind of suicide which normally a person do. These can be taken as special kind of attacks, which are needed in modern warfare. Their importance increases in those situations where you are getting no help from any where and you must launch an offensive on enemy to push them back.

Considering my last statement, lets suppose there are no suicide attacks. What would happen is that kuffar would rape and kill our mothers and sisters, kill our children. In short, a death penalty for many persons.

Islam has defined a time and condition for every thing. You are even allowed to eat that much amount of haram thing, which can keeep you alive, if you see that you would die if you dont eat anything. This is an extreme condition.

Just dont get confused by reading a few hadiths yourself. If you dont want to fight or dont want to support mujahideen, then stay quite. It would be better for you. Who knows that you might have to answer for your statements in Qiyamah?

Whoever wants to give an answer, please stick to the context.


Just dont get confused by reading a few hadiths yourself. If you dont want to fight or dont want to support mujahideen, then stay quite. It would be better for you. Who knows that you might have to answer for your statements in Qiyamah?

Fully agree with this statement.

Sister Al fajr seems to forget her post easily. Click here to recall


Junior Member
I think it is a trap of shaytan that muslems accuse each other and judge each other ........people who are under occupation and long time oppression can judge their situation better than those who sleep and eat peacfully enjoying life. They have their schollars and people of knoweldge who can give better rules. We must love for our brothers and sisters in Islam what we like for ourselves and try to help them and support them instead of judge them....Oneday Allah will ask us what we have done to help our brothers and sisters.
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