Message To Obama

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Obama to AIPAC: My goal is to eliminate threat to Israel from Iran.

"The danger from Iran is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat."... "I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon - everything," he said to a standing ovation.

Excuse me? Who, then, will protect civilization from Israel?
Israeli soldiers and settlers destroy Palestinian homes and crops. They shoot Palestinian children for amusement. They torture and hold Palestinian prisoners for years. They are starving the people of Gaza. They deny Palestinians the right to travel in their own country -- even for medical care. They use American-supplied planes, bombs, guns and bulldozers to murder Palestinians.

Israeli settlers and soldiers violently attack Palestinians trying to live in their own homes and on their own land. They humiliate Palestinian women and girls by strip searching them (to see if they have guns hidden in their vaginas).
Israel bombs other countries such as Iraq, Syria and Lebanon at will. Even after a cease fire had been arranged in Lebanon in 2006, Israel flooded that country with cluster bombs which to this day are taking limbs and lives of Lebanese. Israel refuses even to provide maps of where they left the deadly unexploded bomblets. Now Israel threatens violence against Iran.

Israel captured and held in solitary confinement for more than a decade the man who blew the whistle on Israel's nuclear weapons program.
Israel is in violation of more UN resolutions than any other country ever was -- and Israel has been protected from other UN resolutions by U.S. vetoes.
Israel blocked UN observers from entering the country to see what Israel was doing to Palestinians in Jenin and Gaza.

Israel recently even prevented Dr. Norman Finkelstein and Bishop Desmond Tutu from entering Palestine to see what was happening.
Israelis murdered Americans on the USS Liberty in 1967 and crushed to death Rachel Corrie in 2003. No one was ever brought to justice.
On the one occassion where Israelis were tried for killing a Palestinian at a "checkpoint" the penalty was "one agora" -- an Israeli coin which is so worthless it hasn't been made for decades.

A pretty reckless statement for a running president. It seems like the U.S. is more worried about Israel then it is of America!

It is Israel and America that have nuclear weapons! If you want to be fair, no country should have it.

Why shouldn't every country have nuclear weapons - you never know if the U.S. will consider you a "threat" & attack YOU!

May Allah swt help and protect our Palestinian brothers & sister from these oppressors.


No God but Allah
Israel is a big lie!

A few days ago I watched a documentary film on Al-Jazeera channel about how exactly and in detail Palestine was raped by the Zionist militias. The film told the whole story from the very beginning. It showed how Britain forces delivered Palestine to the Zionist militias and how they never interfered while watching the organized massacres the Zionist militias executed against the innocent unarmed Palestinians.

The film showed authentic scenes of the Zionist militias driving lines of Palestinian men in different ages, forcing them to dig holes to be their graves. When they finished digging they were shot to fall in the holes they dug. The film also showed how many thousands of unarmed palestinians were killed without any reason except they live on this land. It also showed how the settlers of more than 513 Palestinian villages were forced to emigrate leaving their houses, land and everything they owned to be plundered by the new comers. The new comers who had been told that they were a people without land came to a land without people. How innocent!!!!!!!!!

I am woundering now how the Israelis dare to claim that their state were established on a religious principle and that they came to restore the state of Solomon and David. How they dare to implant ( through brain washing) in the minds of their young youth that God gave them the land of Palestine. I can accept that if they confess that Britain was the god that they ment.

The state of Israel was established basically on a secular and godless principles taking advantage of all illegal and criminal means to wage a genocide war on an unarmed people and plunder its land.

Now I am asking a simple question; what kind of people those who come to declare their total support to Israel ???!! What kind of humans are they??!!!!! Or maybe they are not aware of history and how Israel emerged. But how can presidents of a big country like USA be so ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:salam2: Sister,

I think you must have heard the name, Menachem Begin. The Zionists are not loyal to anyone, not even to those who beleived that they are providing the landless people a land to live in. They killed the Brits as well. Here's a brief history of this man,
Begin quickly made a name for himself as a fierce critic of mainstream Zionist leadership as being too cooperative with British ‘colonialism’, and as a proponent of guerrilla tactics against the British as a necessary means to achieve independence. In 1942 he joined the Irgun (Etzel), an underground militant Zionist group which had split from the Jewish military organization, the Haganah, in 1931. In 1944 Begin assumed the organization's leadership, determined to force the British government to remove its troops entirely from Palestine. Claiming that the British had reneged on their original promise of the Balfour Declaration, and that the White Paper of 1939 restricting Jewish immigration was an escalation of their pro-Arab policy, he decided to break with the Haganah, which continued to cooperate militarily with the British as long as they were fighting Nazi Germany. Soon after he assumed command, a formal 'Declaration of Revolt' was publicized, and armed attacks against British forces were initiated.

Begin issued a call to arms and from 1944–48 the Irgun launched an all-out armed rebellion, perpetrating hundreds of attacks against British installations and posts. Begin financed these operations by extorting money from Zionist businessmen, and running bogus robbery scams in the local diamond industry, which enabled the victims to get back their losses from insurance companies.

For several months in 1945–46, the Irgun’s activities were coordinated within the framework of the Hebrew Resistance Movement under the direction of the Haganah, however this fragile partnership collapsed following the Irgun’s bombing of the British administrative headquarters at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people, including British officers and troops as well as Arab and Jewish civilians. The Irgun under Begin’s leadership continued to carry out operations such as the break in to Acre Prison, and the hanging of two British sergeants, Clifford Martin and Marvyn Paice, causing the British to suspend any further executions of Irgun prisoners. Growing numbers of British forces were deployed to quell the Jewish uprising, yet Begin managed to elude captivity, at times disguised as a rabbi. MI5 placed a 'dead-or-alive' bounty of £10,000 on his head after Irgun threatened 'a campaign of terror against British officials', saying they would kill Sir John Shaw, Britain's Chief Secretary in Palestine. An MI5 agent codenamed Snuffbox also warned that Irgun had sleeper cells in London trying to kill members of British Prime Minister Clement Attlee's Cabinet.
He also invaded Lebenon, bombarded Iraq and can you beleleive it !!! This man is a Noble Prize Winner for Peace


Thank you brother Mohsin for the information. It's interesting Begin appointed Ariel Sharon. It's pretty shocking he received the Noble "peace" Prize, when he did nothing to promote peace. It reminds me of Rushdie's "Satanic Verses" and how he a received literary award as the best among writers and novelists! Another case of how the West did this for their own interest!

How Rushdie Fooled the West



Thats not all brother Humblewun, lets face the ugliest and most complicated of all. This has been the most shocking thing that I have learnt so far about the recent past.
Sykes-Picot Agreement

From World War I Document Archive
15 & 16 May, 1916:

1. Sir Edward Grey to Paul Cambon, 15 May 1916

I shall have the honour to reply fully in a further note to your Excellency's note of the 9th instant, relative to the creation of an Arab State, but I should meanwhile be grateful if your Excellency could assure me that in those regions which, under the conditions recorded in that communication, become entirely French, or in which French interests are recognised as predominant, any existing British concessions, rights of navigation or development, and the rights and privileges of any British religious, scholastic, or medical institutions will be maintained.
His Majesty's Government are, of course, ready to give a reciprocal assurance in regard to the British area.

2. Sir Edward Grey to Paul Cambon, 16 May 1916

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's note of the 9th instant, stating that the French Government accept the limits of a future Arab State, or Confederation of States, and of those parts of Syria where French interests predominate, together with certain conditions attached thereto, such as they result from recent discussions in London and Petrograd on the subject.

I have the honour to inform your Excellency in reply that the acceptance of the whole project, as it now stands, will involve the abdication of considerable British interests, but, since His Majesty's Government recognise the advantage to the general cause of the Allies entailed in producing a more favourable internal political situation in Turkey, they are ready to accept the arrangement now arrived at, provided that the co-operation of the Arabs is secured, and that the Arabs fulfil the conditions and obtain the towns of Homs, Hama, Damascus, and Aleppo.

It is accordingly understood between the French and British Governments---

1. That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab State or a Confederation of Arab States in the areas (A) and (B) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (A) France, and in area (B) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (A) France, and in area (B) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States.

2. That in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States.

3. That in the brown area there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other Allies, and the representatives of the Shereef of Mecca.

4. That Great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and Acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the Tigris and Euphrates in area (A) for area (B). His Majesty's Government, on their part, undertake that they will at no time enter into negotiations for the cession of Cyprus to any third Power without the previous consent of the French Government.

5. That Alexandretta shall be a free port as regards the trade of the British Empire, and that there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards British shipping and British goods; that there shall be freedom of transit for British goods through Alexandretta and by railway through the blue area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the red area, or (B) area, or area (A); and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect against British goods on any railway or against British goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards French shipping and French goods. There shall be freedom of transit for French goods through Haifa and by the British railway through the brown area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the blue area, area (A), or area (B), and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against French goods on any railway, or against French goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

6. That in area (A) the Baghdad Railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (B) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad with Aleppo via the Euphrates Valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two Governments.

7. That Great Britain has the right to build, administer, and be sole owner of a railway connecting Haifa with area (B), and shall have a perpetual right to transport troops along such a line at all times.

It is to be understood by both Governments that this railway is to facilitate the connexion of Baghdad with Haifa by rail, and it is further understood that, if the engineering difficulties and expense entailed by keeping this connecting line in the brown area only make the project unfeasible, that the French Government shall be prepared to consider that the line in question may also traverse the polygon Banias-Keis Marib-Salkhab Tell Otsda-Mesmie before reaching area (B).

8. For a period of twenty years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (A) and (B), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversion from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two Powers.

There shall be no interior customs barriers between any of the above-mentioned areas. The customs duties leviable on goods destined for the interior shall be collected at the port of entry and handed over to the administration of the area of destination.

9. It shall be agreed that the French Government will at no time enter into any negotiations for the cession of their rights and will not cede such rights in the blue area to any third Power, except the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States without the previous agreement of His Majesty's Government, who, on their part, will give a similar undertaking to the French Government regarding the red area.

10. The British and French Governments, as the protectors of the Arab State, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third Power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third Power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the Red Sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression.

11. The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two Powers.

12. It is agreed that measures to control the importation of arms into the Arab territories will be considered by the two Governments.

I have further the honour to state that, in order to make the agreement complete, His Majesty's Government are proposing to the Russian Government to exchange notes analogous to those exchanged by the latter and your Excellency's Government on the 26th April last. Copies of these notes will be communicated to your Excellency as soon as exchanged.

I would also venture to remind your Excellency that the conclusion of the present agreement raises, for practical consideration, the question of the claims of Italy to a share in any partition or rearrangement of Turkey in Asia, as formulated in article 9 of the agreement of the 26th April, 1915, between Italy and the Allies.

His Majesty's Government further consider that the Japanese Government should be informed of the arrangement now concluded.
The Sykes-Picot(-Sazonov) Agreement[1] of 1916 was a secret agreement between the governments of the UK and France, with the assent of Imperial Russia, defining their respective spheres of influence and control in west Asia after the expected downfall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916[2] by the French diplomat François Georges-Picot and Briton Mark Sykes.

Britain was allocated control of areas roughly comprising today's Jordan, southern Iraq, and a small area around Haifa, to allow access to a Mediterranean port. France was allocated control of southeastern Turkey (Cilicia, Kurdistan), northern Iraq around Mosul, Syria and Lebanon. Russia was to get Constantinople, the Turkish Straits and the Ottoman Armenian vilayets. The controlling powers were left free to decide on state boundaries within these areas.The region of Palestine was slated for international administration pending consultations with Russia and other powers.

This agreement is seen by many as conflicting with the Hussein-McMahon Correspondence of 1915–1916. The conflicting agreements are the result of changing progress during the war, switching in the earlier correspondence from needing Arab help to subsequently trying to enlist the help of Jews in the United States in getting the US to join the war, in conjunction with the Balfour Declaration, 1917. The agreement had been made in secret. Sykes was also not affiliated with the Cairo office that had been corresponding with Sherif Hussein bin Ali, and was not fully aware of what had been promised the Arabs. However many academics believe the British, along with Sykes, knew exactly what they were doing and planned to deal with the consequences after the war.

Russian claims in the Ottoman Empire were denied following the Bolshevik Revolution and the Bolsheviks released a copy of the Sykes-Picot Agreement (as well as other treaties). They revealed full texts in Izvestia and Pravda on 23 November 1917, subsequently the Manchester Guardian printed the texts on November 26, 1917.[3]. This caused great embarrassment between the allies and growing distrust between them and the Arabs. The Zionists were similarly upset, with the Sykes-Picot Agreement becoming public only three weeks after the Balfour Declaration.[citation needed]

Attempts to resolve the conflict were made at the San Remo conference and in the Churchill White Paper of 1922, which stated the British position that Palestine was part of the excluded areas of "Syria lying to the west of the District of Damascus".

"The agreement is seen by many as a turning point in Western/Arab relations, creating the animosity that we see today, as the Kurds under Russia, the Shiites under France, and the Sunnis under Britain, broke out into mass regional war, provoking the Treaty of Versailles, which led to WWII," according to Dr. Jane Wykowsky of Harvard University. It negated the promises made to Arabs[4] through T.E. Lawrence for a national Arab homeland in the area of Greater Syria, in exchange for their siding with British forces against the Ottoman Empire.

The agreement's principal terms were reaffirmed by the inter-Allied San Remo conference of 19–26 April 1920 and the ratification of the resulting League of Nations mandates by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922.

The very next year i.e. 1917 came the Balfour Declaration.
The declaration, a typed letter signed in ink by Balfour, reads as follows:
Foreign Office,​
November 2nd, 1917.​
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely
Arthur James Balfour


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New Member
اللهم انصر الاسلام و المسلمين و اهدي امريكا و أتي بأهها مسلمين


Subhana Allah!
jazak Allahu khayra

:ma::ma: very nice message but i hope he steps up for that may Allah increase ur knowledge sister ameen:tti_sister:


New Member
Selam aleykom wr wb

Do not forget the iranian threat to muslims they are even more dangerous than the zionist. Look what they do with the sunnis in Iran (15%) and it is the only country where you do not find a sunni mosque in the capital Teheran. I think Iraq will be under their control soon and they will get there persian empire again. May allah help us and protect us and give us victory and guide those who are astray!

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

Also main problem to humans all over the world totally is Zionism and thet nurlear weapons, not IRAN!


Staff member

Also main problem to humans all over the world totally is Zionism and thet nurlear weapons, not IRAN!


Israel and the Zionists are indeed one of the greatest evils on this world.

Iran is a threat too, for Muslims. If their Shirk and Kufr does not anger any Muslim, then this is a big issue.

they are all mouth! Just because they say so much about helping people, why does not Iran go and free the Gazans!

They want to spread their disgusting Iranian revolution to the Muslim countries, I ask Allah to stop them and their propoganda and fooling of Muslims. Having lived in Lebanon and many friends there, I know the situation well and see through their lies and deception.

They are the ones who do Shirk and spread lies about our Sahaba (Allah's blessings be upon them).

Allah help the Muslims to be strengthened and that we have high Iman to protect ourselves without resorting to relying and cheering those who sponsor the kidnapping, torture of Muslims in Iraq and Lebanon, yet fool other Muslims by pretending to be heroes of Islam!

Alhamdulillah, the Palestinians are a great and patient people. I love them so much. And by mercy of Allah, they strengthen in the Deen day by day,

The People of Shaam, especially Jordan and Palestine and the People of Yemen are amongst the most noble on this world. For they wish to adopt and love Islam according to the Quran and Sunnah. inshaAllah. This is mentioned in the ahadith of the Prophet :saw: too. It is just a matter of time and patience.

We will succeed, inshaAllah Ta'ala. The enemies can never destroy the Muslims.


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Aleicoum dear brothers and sisters.

We havle we la kuwete ilabillah.

I think this thread should be closed or deleted because it is very wrong to say that our brothers and sisters in Iran are non Muslims Atagfirullah,they say"I folow Allahs and Prophet orders, and than for Allah I am Muslim.
How can we compere Mulsims in Iran with kaifirs and ubilivers,and how can we compere them with Jews and Christians Atgfirullah,and than we are asking our selves why the Muslism are not united.
Allah is the Only Judge and He only knows who are His honest servents and He is the only one who will judge to us.

How can we say that Iranian Muslims are not helping to Islamic countries,when they helped to so many Islamic countries and they are still helping and the Iranin president Mahmut Ahmedinejad has decleare him selfe many times speaking in the name of all Mulsims around the world and not only in the name of Isalmic republic of Iran.
How can we foget their strive,thier fight and thier help to Iraq Muslims,and Alhmadulillah they always say "We are helping to our brothers and sisters,and it is our duty",Alhamdulillah and they cosider them as their brothers and sisters,becasue it does not metter are we sunni or shia Muslims.

We can not leave all power in Iran,we should try our best also at least with our prayers to help our brothres and sisters,and we should not forget also on onother Islamic countries where Mulsims are mayority and still thier countres are not organisated with Shariyah(Allah Holy Low),like Allah has order!!!!!!!

May Allah send His Punishment all Jews and Christians,and all unbelievers and kaifirs.Ameen Ya Allah.

Ya Allah send Your Punishment soon becasue human heart can not take all this,and Ya Allah please be Mercfull to your honest servents.Ya Allah please keep and protect all Muslims.

May Allah bless you all.



Junior Member
There is no god but allah and mohamed is his prophet

be sure that one day islam will be the only relegion and all other doctrines and their believers will disapear , killed .and sure they will have their punishments in the hell inshsa allah .and they will regreted but no one care about because it was toooooooooooo late ...................

and all muslims will live in paradise insha allah .

wa ssalamo aliakom sister


Pearl of Islaam
There is no god but allah and mohamed is his prophet

be sure that one day islam will be the only relegion and all other doctrines and their believers will disapear , killed .and sure they will have their punishments in the hell inshsa allah .and they will regreted but no one care about because it was toooooooooooo late ...................

and all muslims will live in paradise insha allah .

wa ssalamo aliakom sister

Ameen dear sister.

May Allah bless you sister and all Muslims


Your sister Asja


New Member
Help me!!!


actually im new to this web. i dont know to post thread pls help me sister.
i have a doubt too. that is follows

i no only my birthdate in english calendar. i dont know in arabic month . pls help me. how can i know that?:girl3:


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum, indeed zionists are full of falsehood and snake-behaviour..sooner or later they will trick their allies as well...evil they are and breathe..anyway

i would want to ask the people in the states such as my brothers and sisters here on tti to try to raise a bit of awareness amongst your friends et cetera..they must know what is going on..its not hamas versus anyone..its ISRAELIES KILLING ANYBODY THAT IS A MUSLIM..NO MATTER WHAT AGE THEY HAVE..KIDS, CHILDREN ELDER PEOPLE..WOMEN..MASHALLAH THEY ARE TIRANTS..BEHAVING LIKE HEARTLESS MONSTERS


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum,
The jews went through the holocaust that is over.
Because they went through this does it give them the right to dictate the world? The united states saved them from the holocaust. they won the war. The great war. They want to make this seem like we Muslims r the new hitler. America is taking the bait. Also they r waiting for the end of days and think for some reason they can make that happen. If they just build the temple. The arrogance of man. The temple has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. Nothing yet. It angers me when men start to believe that they r divine. Only Allah SWT can do the things they think they can do. They should not rush the if they knew what will b there awaiting them. This thing goes way beyond Obama sorry to say.I pray that Allah SWT sends the people of Palestine his mercy compassion and protection. I love all Muslims and the ppl need our prayerd and courage.