miracle - Toddler surviving with heart outside chest



when i log out of my hotmail, it straight away gives me the news of ninemsn site. i saw the words: Toddler surviving with heart outside chest and was interested to click. i post this link here for all to see the greatness and miracle of Allah. Allah Akbar. i almost cried.


didnt ever know or think or notice this would ever happen. never even came accross. so much in this world, so much miracles and so much happen and we are not aware of it all. im in shock still from this news. i feel so sad for the girl because her parents are not of muslim background and she wont have any quran to listen to and no parents to make dua for her. she is innocent and inshallah i know Allah will and is helping her and taking care of her otherwise she would not survive and will not have a proud smile, but still, these problems really needs dua from parents, needs worship etc.

subhan allah, how could people be in such denial and ignorant. a miracle comes right at you and infront of you, and you denie the existance of Allah? how ignorant. it makes me sick and upset and sad. after everything Allah gives us, after all the help he helps us and protects, guides us, people still dont believe. what more do they need.


Junior Member
yes sis ur right people at times ignore the miracles from allah swt , there eyes are closed and they cant see the presences of allah swt , but its allah swt who gives hidaya to everybody , so inshallah lets pray that allah swt gives them hidaya to understand that we are suppose to obey allah swt and to obey we have to understand that its allah swt who has created everything and this can happen only if allah swt puts them in there heart , but as a muslim our duty is to spread the word of allah swt and inshallah allah swt will show them the right path inshallah ,


Junior Member
which of Allah favours will you deny? (Quran: Surah Ar Rahman)

Allah is so merciful, yet we over look His mercy and blessings.....

Oh Allah lift the veil from our hearts and show us the light of Islam Ameen!