Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baarkatuhu my beloved sister.
Alhamdulillah, I am well with help of Allah,and Inshallah my eman is aslo well.
How are you ? How is your family? I ask of Allah that you are well with His Mercy.Ameen summa ameen
May Allah subhan wa teala reword you my sweet sister for leaving me so beautiful words,and may He make us of those who speak only good.
It is beauty of Islaam, that love for the sake of Allah does not have limits, SubhanAllah. I love you aslo for the sake of Allah, and feel happy to meet you for His sake.
Ameen for your duas my sister. They are coming from your kindness and honest heart.
May Allah make make us of those who rely only on Him, because He is the Rabb who does not never leave His honest Servants.
I hope Inshallah to hear soon from you.
Take care and of your loved ones, Inshallah.
With my love and salams.