Muslim Minorities Can Vote in The Lands of Non-Muslims


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Is it permissible for Muslim minorities to vote in the lands of non-Muslims?

Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad & Shaykh Waseeullaah Abbaas

Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, may Allah be pleased with him, is one of the Kibaar Ulema', and is a Leading Scholar and Muhadith. He resides in the holy city of Madinah Al Munawarrah, Saudi Arabia.

Shaykh Waseeullah Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, is a Scholar who teaches in Masjid Al Haraam in Makkah. He also teaches in Umm Al Qara university.

Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad,
Reference: Private sitting with the Shaykh on January 19th, 2007 (29 Dhul Hijjah 1427)

There is a question from America related to the ruling of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries who vote in local elections. Is it permissible for these Muslim minorities to vote in local elections if they believe that one of the candidates can benefit the Muslims by giving land, allowing them to give dawah, or other benefits?

Shaykh: There is no harm in voting for candidates who will be of more benefit to the Muslims than the others. In this instance, voting for them is an example of doing the lesser of two evils to avoid the greater evil. All of the candidates are disbelievers and, therefore, harmful. However, the candidate who is less harmful to the Muslims is better than the candidate whose harm is far greater.

Questioner: For the one who says that voting is from the innovated means, for example…?

Shaykh: In any event, this is something evil with which the people have been afflicted. If people have two choices, one being abhorrent and the other also detestable but of less harm, which should the people choose? The people should choose the lesser of the two evils, correct? Even though the Roman Christians and the Persians are all disbelievers, the people were happy when the Roman Christians were victorious over the Persians.

Questioner: Some people oppose this by mentioning that they are not forced to vote in the first place?

Shaykh: What I have mentioned is based on the premise that some benefit for the Muslims may be attained by voting. However, if there is no benefit then they should not participate.

[FONT=&quot]Author: [/FONT]Shaykh Waseeullaah Abbaas
[FONT=&quot]Reference:[/FONT] Recording done with the Shaykh's permission on January 24th, 2007 (5 Muharram 1428)

The following question, from America, is about voting for those it is believed will benefit the Muslims. We are not asking about a Muslim entering into an election as a candidate, nor are we concerned about Federal elections. Rather, the question is about voting in local elections for those who have the authority to delegate plots of land to the Muslims, abandoned buildings, and other such benefits. If the Muslims don't vote for them, other groups will and, therefore, acquire these benefits. So, may Allah reward you well dear Shaykh, do you have any advice in this matter?

Shaykh: That which appears correct to me, insha'Allah, is that if some good is anticipated as a result of voting, then we vote. We vote for the candidate as long as he is presently benefiting the Muslims or promises to benefit the Muslims in the future, even if he is not a Muslim. It would be inappropriate for the Muslims to refrain from voting for this individual, especially if the leader of the Muslims can dictate terms, conditions, and other stipulations on him as a result of the Muslims voting. For example, the leader of the Muslims says, "We will vote for you on the condition that you support our interests, mention them to your superiors, etc." And this applies in any country where the Muslims are a minority, not just in America.

By voting the Muslims may gain needed influence over politicians and other authorities. In return, these politicians and authorities may do something that will benefit Islam and the Muslims. This is especially the case in local elections where, as you have mentioned, the one who wins may have the authority to give away plots of lands on which schools can be built. I am familiar with this because it is even practiced in India. In this instance, it is not befitting in the least for the Muslims to hesitate or delay voting for these candidates.

The Muslims should not hesitate to vote because withholding their votes will not harm these candidates in the least. They will win by the votes of non-Muslims regardless if the Muslims vote or not. For this reason, the Muslims should use their vote as a favor to these candidates. As a result, the Muslims will be placed in an advantageous position of influence over these candidates. When they feel that they are indebted to the Muslims, the Muslims can benefit from their empathy and their sympathetic views and understanding of Muslim causes. This is a general Islamic benefit required by the Islamic public interests. This is our belief.

This is also the verdict given by our Shaykhs in India. Even Shaykh Bin Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him), from what we have heard, used to rule with the permissibility of participating in elections. And for this, insha'Allah, we hope from Allah a good future for the Muslims in every land. If this affair brings good to the Muslims then it's not befitting to hesitate.

Questioner: May Allah reward you with good. In order to bring about further benefit, dear Shaykh, for those who say that this action includes assisting one who rules by other than what Allah revealed...

Shaykh: This doesn't assist the one ruling by other than what Allah has revealed in view of the fact that if we don't vote, the [non-Muslims] will win by their own votes. They will be elected without a doubt. They will come into power by their own accord whether or not we isolate ourselves from them or from the entire world… Thus, this does not assist them in establishing non-Islamic laws. They are the rulers and the ones in authority in those lands whether we vote for them or not. As a result, we should make an effort to influence them in a way that will be beneficial to Islam and the Muslims, insha'Allah.

Questioner: May Allah reward you with good dear Shaykh. Please excuse us for taking so much of your time.

Shaykh: May Allah reward you with good. I mention this with a clear conscience because we have heard our shaykhs give this verdict, especially when it benefits the Muslims. This is also the case in India; some of the idol worshipers in the Parliament speak on behalf of the Muslims and their interests...and it is possible that Allah will aid the deen by using a disbeliever.

Translator: Tahir Wyatt, Abu Abdir-Razzaaq


Salaam Brother,

Would you be so kind as to explain to me " Muslims should not hesitate to vote.."
What if the very system we are voting in at its core wishes to inflict harm on Muslims of other nations..what is our obligation? What if the very system we are voting in uses our taxes to support regimes that have killed and continue to kill Muslims? What are the deciding factors that would have us abstain from particpating in this system.
Please understand this is a serious question.


Staff member
Salaam Brother,

Would you be so kind as to explain to me " Muslims should not hesitate to vote.."
What if the very system we are voting in at its core wishes to inflict harm on Muslims of other nations..what is our obligation? What if the very system we are voting in uses our taxes to support regimes that have killed and continue to kill Muslims? What are the deciding factors that would have us abstain from particpating in this system.
Please understand this is a serious question.

Wa alaykum Salam,

Im not sure you understood the article. You are meant to vote for the people who DO NOT want to do those things that you outlined. -- Also, this is about voting by necessity. Where you have the power to a) have someone opposed to Muslims get into power.. or b) someone who is in FAVOUR of Muslim people. -- There are many such people, Muslim and non-Muslim.

Not every person is opposed to Muslims or wants to kill Muslims or has some hidden agenda.

If you are going to get into this level.. then everything you do is supporting the system. You working, using public transport, sending your kids to goverment schools, everything.

Even, I have met one person who wont drink tap water, as he feels the government interferes with it in the Muslim areas. Astaghfirullah, very stupid ideas he had.

-- the bottom line is, you do what is in the best interests of the Muslims. If by voting you can help the Muslims, maybe in your local area (by stopping a racist Muslim hater into power) then you do that. IF on the other hand voting will do opposite, then you do not vote. -- its simple as that.

Nobody is saying go vote, what is being said is, make the choice if you have to for the betterment of the Muslims. This is general statement, aimed at non-Muslim countries.

--- I had written a long reply, outlining some things that extremists groups say or do in the UK, and about those who want to mix and assimilate Muslims into the UK.. about following Islam properly which is always be balanced, we keep our Islamic views all the time 100%.. and we keep them first. And importance of Hijrah for Muslims.. However, I think that it is best to keep to the topic as much as possible. There are indeed a lot of things to keep in consideration though. And, I do understand your points fully.
