MUSLIM or ARAB names?


Junior Member
Mind you, I think one of the reasons why I added an Arabic Muslim name (and omitted my Catholic Confirmation name of Teresa (after a Spanish Saint) was because I really did not want to upset my parents, to make them feel that I was abandoning or disrespecting them. My mother gave me a lot of grief when I was pregnant with my son when I told her he would have an Arabic Muslim first name (Mounir Ali)... "Why can't he have an Irish middle name?..... you can't tell from that name that he is half Irish at all, etc., etc" The same happened when pregnant with my daughter (Zeinab Safiyya). I tried to explain that it was important for the children to have Muslim names but she thought I was denying my heritage. After 17 years of being Muslim, I have only recently found the courage to wear hijab and much of the reason for not doing so previously was because I knew it would not go down well with my family (they have not seen me yet). I have to do what is pleasing to Allah first. However, sometimes there is difficulty in pleasing Allah and keeping your Non-muslim parents happy so sometimes we have to make du'aa for guidance in these matters. May Allah forgive me for any wrong-doing.


Assalamu aleikum,

Everyone has contributed very interesting and thoughtful contributions on this subject. I have decided that I will change my first name legally, inshaAllah to Maryama as that is a name I already previously chose for myself.
