Muslims and Racism



it's not an islamic problem, it's a cultural problem. some muslims have placed their culture above islamic principles. actually, nationalism is haram in islam. part of that reason is because it promotes racism. we have to see each other as one ummah. i will admit that the greatest victims of racism in our ummah are blacks. be it when they try to marry women of an opposite race. lack of respect by many when they're delivering khutbahs in our masjids, lacking respect for the ones that are scholars of islam. sometimes distancing themselves while in the lines of prayer at the masjid. i have seen and been victim to all of these things personally. however, i have to keep in mind that it isn't islam that causes this.

after time, i have come to realize that many foreign born muslims come to america, very focus driven i.e. success, and before they get here they're kinda told bad things about black people; either by their family or by their friends. also. in america blacks have always been on the bottom of the totem pole, therefore, why would anyone want to marry their daughter to someone that will not have a future? that's their thinking. they want what's best for their daughter. but having views about people like that is wrong. i also have to keep in mind that in many of their countries there is so much corruption that the people on top really choose who is going to be successful and who isn't. whereas in america everyone has the chance for success if they work hard, develop skills, and play by the rules. then they are bound to succeed.

another point that was told to me, was that many ( example only!!! ) pakistanis come to america and set up businesses in poor communities, which happen to be black communities and they see the negative things that go on there and then come away with feeling that every single person in the black community is that way. or maybe a black person stole from their store etc. and now they have a negative view on blacks. that's how a lot of it starts.

it's sad for me because there have been numerous women of other ethnicities, arab,pakistani, indian etc. that i think would make great wives, but i'm so used to so many of their parents being so particular about race, that i don't even bother with them when it comes to marriage. so i'm just hoping for someone of my ethnicity to come along. i really wish it didn't have to be that way.


Saifu deen


I believe that racism is everywhere. Certain muslim countries dont appreciate if black (arab,male), marries white (arab), and in many cases its considered to be low class, despite the success that individual have achieved. If anyone said that there isnt racism and cultural problems in the muslim world then they need to re-visit those places and see how people are treated. Similarly, how gypsies are treated in England, how Somalians treat Medgan tribe, how Kuwaitis treat boudoon and black, how indians are treated in the Arab world, how pakistanis treat blacks. I believe there isnt one muslim country that isnt racist towards certain group of people, certain class, certain nationalities, certain tribes, and surly certain colour. It feels bad to know that we are muslims, yet we are unable to be one ummah, since our colours stands in the way. And its even more funny how many people calling for one Ummah, yet racism is deep in their hearts, calling for one ummah black cant marry white, asian. I would love our scholars to discuss this issues in conferences and make those recorded events in every language, and free of charge for all muslims. There cant be one Ummah unless we see each other as one.

Finally, I encourage multi-cultural marriage. Nevertheless, I have many cousins who married Swedish, German, Indonesian, Vietnamese, American, and Egyptians. And the result were, mashallah mashallah beautiful children walhamdullah.




Included in the umbrella of racisim is a tiny segment of sexism. Women who marry men of other nationalities are treated very differenlty in the masjids form the other women.
We have to constantly remind ourselves that Allah subhana talla in His Wisdom made us a diverse group but we are all humans and accountable to Him.
As for the brother who wants to marry a beautiful pious Muslim woman keep on praying and we will make dua for you. Do not allow others to stop you, it is one brick on the Path.
These concerns are a result of many communities coming together and attempting to understand each other. You just happen to be the prototypes in building new bridges and the key is communication.


No God but Allah
It is all a matter of piety!

Assalamo alikom,

Racism is a shape of Ignorance ( Jahiliah ). It is also one of the challenges that reavels the reality and the strength of our faith.

Islam is not just some rituals and good words. It is rather your ability to strive yourself and defeat any standards that oppose what Allah swt. wants forHis servants.

Allah wants us all to be brothers and sisters in faith, so let's be so. Let's be cautious only about piety and not anything else except piety.



Junior Member
a couple of months back, the leader of ISNA(ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA) who is a well known scholar was in a bit of trouble. He is of pakistani orgin, and what happened was that his daughter wanted to marry a black muslim. He refused because of the skin of his color and a long trouble ensued between the families causing his daughter to run off with her "lover"..eventually it was settled and the father accepted the brother...

but you can see subhanallah this is still a problem..did they not learn the example of bilal?

Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

I heard of plenty of stories like this and I've witness plenty of situations such as this one. InshAllah the ummah will see each other as only muslims and not by the color of our skin. I know some of the people from the south asian subcontinent go through this. Its sad that it still occurs. InshAllah it'll end soon. This just makes me realize how good i feel whenever i see a inter-racial muslim married couple. It shows the beauty of islam.


Junior Member

it's not an islamic problem, it's a cultural problem. some muslims have placed their culture above islamic principles. actually, nationalism is haram in islam. part of that reason is because it promotes racism. we have to see each other as one ummah. i will admit that the greatest victims of racism in our ummah are blacks. be it when they try to marry women of an opposite race. lack of respect by many when they're delivering khutbahs in our masjids, lacking respect for the ones that are scholars of islam. sometimes distancing themselves while in the lines of prayer at the masjid. i have seen and been victim to all of these things personally. however, i have to keep in mind that it isn't islam that causes this.

after time, i have come to realize that many foreign born muslims come to america, very focus driven i.e. success, and before they get here they're kinda told bad things about black people; either by their family or by their friends. also. in america blacks have always been on the bottom of the totem pole, therefore, why would anyone want to marry their daughter to someone that will not have a future? that's their thinking. they want what's best for their daughter. but having views about people like that is wrong. i also have to keep in mind that in many of their countries there is so much corruption that the people on top really choose who is going to be successful and who isn't. whereas in america everyone has the chance for success if they work hard, develop skills, and play by the rules. then they are bound to succeed.

another point that was told to me, was that many ( example only!!! ) pakistanis come to america and set up businesses in poor communities, which happen to be black communities and they see the negative things that go on there and then come away with feeling that every single person in the black community is that way. or maybe a black person stole from their store etc. and now they have a negative view on blacks. that's how a lot of it starts.

it's sad for me because there have been numerous women of other ethnicities, arab,pakistani, indian etc. that i think would make great wives, but i'm so used to so many of their parents being so particular about race, that i don't even bother with them when it comes to marriage. so i'm just hoping for someone of my ethnicity to come along. i really wish it didn't have to be that way.


Brother I understand exactly what your saying. My family is south asian and we've been in NY for a long time. We've been exposed to so many different cultures Alhumdulillah. But sometimes i still see how my parents feel about other races. I been here my whole life and Its disgusting to me. Its nothing but ignorance. With this said I'm gonna try my best to marry someone that isnt from south asia:)...May allah protect our Ummah from divisions we may make through our ignorance. ameen