Must I go to sleep after Eisha prayer to perform Tahajjud ?


Junior Member

Is it a must to go to sleep after Isha Prayer inorder to perform Tahajjud ?

Thank You in advance!


Junior Member
:salam2: dear brother:D

well, according to, the prayer that is performed after Isha without sleeping is called Qiyam al-lil, and if one sleeps AND then wakes UP for prayer then it's called tahajjud.....inshaAllah here is the fatwa do read and I hope it helps:D /Fatwa/ShowFatwa.php?Option=FatwaId&lang=E&Id=83333

let me know if ths is what you were looking for inshaAllah

Allah hafiz now and always!:)

I thought Qiyam al-lil and Tahajjud prayers are the same type of prayers?

ahmed m

Junior Member
salam.any nafl salah performed after esha is termed as tahujjud.however,by sleepin and wakin up the reward is increased.however,half loaf is better than was the habit of the prophet to wake up in the middle of the night to pray his witr salah.
And Allah knows best