Must See:The War On Democracy



MashAllah . Must , Must , must ,must ,must seee......wallahi it is super good. i will share this video with my dad. I love the way chavez answers" ....American way of life ...stupid....." .

My obsevations:

1) Never ever trust the american media.....


Yes brother, the world we are leaving is really in a mess and history repeat itself, We like this world, I dont know why.

Salam aleikum.

Assalamualaikum bro,

You are very correct. This duniya is full of fitnah.....:angryred:

i just finish part 1 but bro i suppose Chavez should have a grip on the media initially. Guess he underestimate the power of media. But the best power is the power of the people.....there are hadith supporting this too...