my first impressions of muslims at this site...



Dear Rosiee,

I would sugget to you to come online one-on-one with me and we shall have a dialogue about the teachings of Islam and my behaviour as a Muslim. I have one condition though, this offer is only vaild if you are Christian or a Jew. I cannot have this discussion or dialogue if you are an athiest, forexample.

If you are interested in this dialogue, ------------------


New Member
hi rosie..
gud luk with ur learning about please i urge to learn the truth about islam not wats on tv can learn that truth from the koran. i suggest reading the koran.
all the best


Junior Member

I've been sent a lot of links to conversion stories and have not visited any of them..

This part of Islam is rather boring... the part that seeks to dismantle another persons belief system just for the sake of a numbers game

You said that you have been sent a lot of links to conversion stories and have NOT visited ANY of them, yet you claim this is rather boring etc. Apparantly you came to a conclusion without examinining the material in front of you. If you really want to learn you must have an objective mindset. It is not the job of any Muslim to make another person Muslim, but rather to give them the message. We as Muslims beleive in Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). When Phrophet Jesus (peace be upon him) came most of the Jews rejected him. When Phrophet Muhammad (peace be upon him came, most of the Jews and the Christians rejected him. No true Muslim will ever say anything derogatory about Moses or Jesus (peace be upon them) Look at what is being said about the final messenger of God these days. Phrophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never went after worldly riches and that could be seen when he died, he left but a few humble belongings. He never allowed a portrait to be painted of himself so that people would be obsessed with his image. All he asked is for mankind to worship the one true God who has no partners or helpers. GOD IS SELF SUFFICIENT, OMNIPOTENT, THERE IS NONE LIKE HIM. TO HIM WILL WE BE BROUGHT BACK FOR JUDGEMENT.

There is so much more but I don't want to be long.:ma:


New Member
I can only speak as a revert. I do not think we Muslims question the teachings of our religion. Ihis is due to the fact that everything begins w/creed "No God but Allah, Muhammad is His messenger". Those who came before us on this creed have done an excellent job of clarifying this religion, its creed, its requirements, and prohibitions. This is largely due to the reality that Islam flows only from Allah in the Qur'an revealed thru Muhammad(blessing and peace be on him) and his established practices and teachings. There is no clerical authority in Sunni Islam to alter or add to the religion. Beyond that it is in the hand of scholarship based on holding to the above sources and nothing else. Christianity allowed for creating religion w/o verification by Jesus and thus fell into many understandings w/no solid basis. Indeed, even the Bible is accepted by those w/ an opinion on trinity as opposed to what may actually be proven to be an accurate account of the life , creed and actions of Jesus (peace be on him)


Junior Member
I am a Christian, seriously looking at Islam.. and may I say, it's the converstion stories at the moment that are most compelling.

I have long wondered how someone who is a Christian could give up their faith and follow the Prophet's example rather than Jesus' when nothing in my life shows me there is any issue with Jesus' words, or His example.. it has led me to God so far in my life and God willing this will never change.

I was directed here by one of your members, and I really have appreciated the one or two videos I have watched. I was immediately drawn to the story of Eric the Baptist almost Pastor who became a muslim, and whilst I appreciated the video.. I was most disappointed he only addressed the issue of the behaviour of christians and it not fitting in with his idea of what a follower of God should do. whilst this is compelling (and my reason for my interest in Islam), He never once talked about the faith he had prior to reversion.

I would love to hear from people who were strong Christians in faith as well as in practice who have reverted and find out why and how they did it.

Anyone who can show me a video or direct me to a member.. I would be most appreciative.

God bless and thanks .. not only to the member who directed me here, but to God for bringing me here at this time.

Hi Carol :)

I believe you were also posting on It's nice to see you here. I find this forum is a lot less stressful and there isn't as much contention.


Junior Member
SEE with your soul

Finding this Website has been a step to searching for answers about Islam. None of us has all the knowledge of God/Allah.

What is good is that you are finding ways to understand a way of life in Islam, which is Submission to God.

Moses tried to convince the people of how important God is.....and they did not take him seriously.

What Islam has done is what all of the prophets have been told from the beginning about Submission to God....nothing has changed.

The way the monks, sisters, etc. pray in the convents and monestaries are similar to the discipline of prayer. They do not do exactly as the muslims pray.....but they live a life in submission to God. The Sisters cover their heads, and I resent that they have gotten away from this order from God to have one's head covered in reverence to Him....which Islam still sees as a command from God.

I've been sent a lot of links to conversion stories and have not visited any of them..[/

Give yourself some time to read what you are interested in. For me, while coming to Islam, the 'revert' stories were of those whom had similar experiences as myself, in searching for more of God. I was amazed at how much they were thinking the same things I thought!!! So my 'curiosity' about Islam came to a reality for me.

I can understand what you say about "truth" hear and there. In the Christian and Jewish faith, this word is not used much to convince one to convert to Christianity or to is a faith in God...which brings one to conversion...when it is real.

Do not give up on anything. The more questions you have, the more you will learn...just as myself did and still do.:dishes:


New Member
Dear Rosiee,
This website is called, so it is understandable that there is an emphasis on conversion to Islam.
However, if you look around you will also find lots of other interesting information about Islamic belief on this site. If you can't find what you're looking for why don't you start a new topic thread.
Alternatively, just use google to look for different websites. After all you are not restricted to just coming here, are you?
All the best on your quest.