nedd your help in non muslim question .


New Member

Assalamo alikom all my dear brothers and sisters .

befor two dayes non muslim man sent to me amessage ask about rights of women in islam ,

i sent to him some articles about women in islam and all quranic verses and hadith talk about women in islam .

But today he sent to me this link

and ask me why i am sign up a violent religion ?!

I need your help to reply this man ..Specially For the accident that was on the link about saudi women ..

May allah bless all of you .


dont bother with this man. i don't believe this news. it is from western source and they only show half the news so that islam looks like a bad religion. what about all the "christians" who rape, murder, lie, cheat, steal, have al-khabaith (bastards), commit incest with their own daughters and leave their parents in old age?


american muslima
dont bother with this man. i don't believe this news. it is from western source and they only show half the news so that islam looks like a bad religion. what about all the christians who rape, murder, lie, cheat, steal, have al-khabaith (bastards), commit incest with their own daughters and leave their parents in old age?

When you talk about "bastards" I assume you understand that means a child conceived outside of marriage who's father is not around. I just want you to know that i'm extremely offended by that statement because my beautiful son was conceived that way before I became a muslim. My "bastard" son is my life and I could not imagine my life without him. He is very smart and sweet and loving. And when you say bastard, you are not talking bad about the people who make these children, but you are talking about the actual children, who had no choice in the matter and did nothing wrong. I am sure you didn't mean to offend anyone and were just trying to help, but please be careful about your words because you just never know.
Thank you!


the act is wrong. the child is not wrong

- RasulAllah (SAWS) said that Gog and Magog will arise when bastards increase in abundance


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

Assalamo alikom all my dear brothers and sisters .

befor two dayes non muslim man sent to me amessage ask about rights of women in islam ,

i sent to him some articles about women in islam and all quranic verses and hadith talk about women in islam .

But today he sent to me this link

and ask me why i am sign up a violent religion ?!

I need your help to reply this man ..Specially For the accident that was on the link about saudi women ..

May allah bless all of you .

Tell him that if he really seeks to learn the true religion of Islam, then he should read the Noble Qur'an and the biography of the prophet of Islam and then come to ask you questions about what he read. Tell him that reading the newspapers and watching news on TVs are not the authentic sources to learn about Islam and judge it.


Slave of Allah (swt)

Assalamo alikom all my dear brothers and sisters .

befor two dayes non muslim man sent to me amessage ask about rights of women in islam ,

i sent to him some articles about women in islam and all quranic verses and hadith talk about women in islam .

But today he sent to me this link

and ask me why i am sign up a violent religion ?!

I need your help to reply this man ..Specially For the accident that was on the link about saudi women ..

May allah bless all of you .

brother, i heard this news from somewhere else too, the main thing is that is not Islam, people take things to extreme, Tell me that is not the real religion and Islam tells us to be kind and just, in reality no Goverment actually follows the real shariah law its shame how in the name of Shariah law people do those things. thats not Islam

Show him the real islam not muslim



In my humble opinion, its not the 'violence' that these people object to but the message of tawheed.


Striving for Paradise
Sister Da3ea,

Point # 1, we don't know how much this story is correct, we don't know the whole story.
Point # 2, everything which is happening in Saudi Arabia is not Islamic, e.g. the kingship is not Islamic at all.
You can quote him verses from the Bible which are more violent then anything I have seen.

Tell him he needs to read Quran and life history of Prophet Mohammad :saw: in order to understand Islam, if he finds anything violent in this then he can ask this question.

I agree with my sister rtbour (who AlwaysSearch4Truth) that we need to use the terms very carefully. We need to be mindful that these terms can hurt somebody. I am sure you did not intend to hurt anybody. So we are cool. And we all know that the act of zina is bad not the child.

Frankly I don't see much difference in conciving a child in a haram act -and- raising a child with haram money. I rather think that the later one is worse.


New Member

thanks for all of my brother and sister here .

Jazakum allah khyra.

I sent replies to him and i will stand for his reply .


Junior Member
Abt the 75 year old woman, even if she's 95-100 years old she will still get the same punishment as a 20 year old should get.

I agree with u that saudi isnt very islamic, look at souther somalia and u will see what real shari'ah is. three days ago rapists were flogged in that country and they deserved it.


Junior Member
Saudi Arabia is not an islamic ruled state... they do not represent Islam... to that u can also read in the news about skinheads beating up people just bec of the coulor of their skins.. or about sick padophiles raping and killing little children or about person running amok and kill haply innocents... all that is happening in the west but does it means that all westerners are racists, padophils and spinned killers? Is all that what is going wrong there to lead back on christianity as the rood of all evil?