Need Advice - Serious Only Please



No one is faulting you. You have opened up a very personal and sensitive side of you. Only you can make a decision. Inshalla, you will not be distressed again. Nobody wants to see you in pain. What I am suggesting is what are you doing with your life? Take this time to spend on yourself. Grow, change the focus of your thoughts to: now I will have time to are a devout woman..or else you would not have written..take a vacation...spoil yourself...spend time with friends who are sincere from the are only 26...each moment in doubt takes away from a moment in joy...surrond yourself with joy...take a day to cleanse yourself and fast...allow the wisdom of Allah to penetrate into your are entitled to enjoy life...Islam is not are in our prayers.
Assalamualaikum Everyone,

I wanted to update you all on the situation. After I started this thread - things between my husband and I really deteriorated. Basically I felt really hurt inside and didn't want to be with him - but I still went home from work everyday and cooked and cleaned - basically taking care of him.

A couple months ago, I noticed he was on his phone, chatting on myspace a lot. One day I prayed for guidance from Allah (swt) to show me a sign of where my life is headed. As I was walking back to the kitchen after praying, I picked up his phone and saw that he was still logged on - I caught him writing poems to some Spanish girl in Dallas, TX.

Anyways, things got intense again. But the more intense they got, the more I tried to keep the relationship together. I started doing things that I said I would never do - sexually - just so he would stay with me.

One day he comes home, and says he filed for divorce!! Obviously I cried and cried, got my family involved, got his family involved - even though everyone basically begged him in the name of Allah (swt) to not do this - he still did.

We've now been separated for a month. He brought over the Spanish girl and is living with her. He did that the second day I was gone.

Now that a month has passed, I'm stronger than ever. Looking towards opening a new business and restarting college.

Thanks for all your comments. Even though I'm still in a lot of pain, I'm sure that Allah (swt) has a plan for me.



Junior Member

Oh my dear sister, I am so very sorry you've had to deal with this pain and stress. Truly he is not worthy of you and in the end he will deal with the same thing. Inshallah you will be rewarded a thousand times over and blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

I am also a divorcee and that was after 9 years, my situation was different from yours but it still was incredibly dissicult. If you ever want to talk about what you're going through please feel free to PM me.

