need answer to this


Junior Member
Asaalamun alaikum,

Does Islam permit a woman to decide not to remarry for the rest of her life after the death of her husband regardless of her age, and knowing that she will abstain from any form of adultery?

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Sister, I can't find any daleel. But we all know the Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) encourage marriage through which will increase offspring.

My opinion, if she still young, she should consider remarry. Anyone can say "he/she will abstain from any form of adultery" but it is easier said than done. People will make unfounded fitna and most of the time I find women are the victim of fitna not men....therefore it is better for women to get married unless there is woman who feel her imaan is on par with Mariam or Aishah (may Allah be pleased with them both), then she may prefer not to get married.

I believe the question posted here must be due to some reasons why someone do not want to get married. Whatever is the reason, we must realised the Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him), though he was the busiest man in the world at that point in time, was married and had children. Mothers of believers did get married. So we don't really have valid reason not to get married unless the person was having some kind of infectious diseases like AIDS or HIV.

In some community it is taboo for women to remarry and the community will mock any women remarried (modern days we seldom hear this anyway). Muslim, we should show the right way.

Pls accept my apology if I've said anything wrong.


Junior Member
Asaalamun alaikum,

Does Islam permit a woman to decide not to remarry for the rest of her life after the death of her husband regardless of her age, and knowing that she will abstain from any form of adultery?

Many women of Sahabah stayed without marriage after divorce or the death of their husbands.. and there's no script or Fatwa against it... so it ok.

But it would be better for a woman to have a husband by her side, to see for her needs... and help her raise her children...


Junior Member
Many women of Sahabah stayed without marriage after divorce or the death of their husbands.. and there's no script or Fatwa against it... so it ok.

But it would be better for a woman to have a husband by her side, to see for her needs... and help her raise her children...

salam alikom

good answer brother!!!:) masha allah , i totally agree with , baraka allaho feek and jazaka allah khir katir in both here and lifeafter...


Junior Member
Many women of Sahabah stayed without marriage after divorce or the death of their husbands.. and there's no script or Fatwa against it... so it ok.

But it would be better for a woman to have a husband by her side, to see for her needs... and help her raise her children...


Jazak Allahu ckairan for your answer brother. If I would be in such a case, I wouldn´t marry again...



Junior Member
Sister, I can't find any daleel. But we all know the Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) encourage marriage through which will increase offspring.

My opinion, if she still young, she should consider remarry. Anyone can say "he/she will abstain from any form of adultery" but it is easier said than done. People will make unfounded fitna and most of the time I find women are the victim of fitna not men....therefore it is better for women to get married unless there is woman who feel her imaan is on par with Mariam or Aishah (may Allah be pleased with them both), then she may prefer not to get married.

I believe the question posted here must be due to some reasons why someone do not want to get married. Whatever is the reason, we must realised the Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him), though he was the busiest man in the world at that point in time, was married and had children. Mothers of believers did get married. So we don't really have valid reason not to get married unless the person was having some kind of infectious diseases like AIDS or HIV.

In some community it is taboo for women to remarry and the community will mock any women remarried (modern days we seldom hear this anyway). Muslim, we should show the right way.

Pls accept my apology if I've said anything wrong.

this colored part is so untrue you know why because its men who rush to get married after they divorce or their wives die .

and if i were her i wouldnt do that because i wouldnt like to bring a step father to my kids . and its not good at all for them . and if there arent kids i wouldnt marry again for his memory .

and its known that women are more loyal than men you can make sure about this info .may be you should take a look around you and see who is more loyal than who .


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
this colored part is so untrue you know why because its men who rush to get married after they divorce or their wives die .:

This is what actually I wanted to say:

There is a lot of disadvantage and risks, widows are subjected to sexual harrasment from men. Especially young widows, if you remarry you may avoid this kind harrasment from preying men. I know few widows who was almost raped by men from the neigbourhood, why? When a young widow refuse to remarry, the society will make a lot stories (fitna) about her. If she is a divorcee, worst when she stay unmarried after divorce. Again, women are blamed for it most of the time.

and if i were her i wouldnt do that because i wouldnt like to bring a step father to my kids . and its not good at all for them . and if there arent kids i wouldnt marry again for his memory .:

This is what my wife told me also. I told her she may remarry if I go first but she said no for the sake of the kids. But my concern is about her safety and welfare.

and its known that women are more loyal than men you can make sure about this info .may be you should take a look around you and see who is more loyal than who .


I never deny the above fact. You may have misunderstood my statement (the coloured part). I never touch on the issue of loyalty but about the society will create a lot of fitna on widow, rarely they will make fitna about widower. Hope this clarify. Sorry if I have said anything misleading.

Maybe the term "fitna" is not clear here.


Junior Member
Thank you all for sharing, and I queit agree with you all. Is just that I have seen many cases where women try to remarry and the new husband said she can not come to his house with her children from the first husband, and she will end up leaving the kids with their father's relation. A place where they are not used to before, I feel so bad about this, and have in mind that if I find myself in that situation, then I better remain for my kids than being separated from them because of a man. I know this might sound strange
to some people, but belief me , is happening REAL where I come from. And the worst of it , is that they call widows that are not ready remarry names , so many women have being seperated from their children not because they enjoined been remarried but to avoid being call names by people.


Junior Member

now i understand you brother Hard Rock Moslem its quite clear but i insist that the woman shouldnt remarry for the sake of her kids and your wife is totally right mashAllah . and like sister Hassana said its all about the kids .

i totally understand this fitna part but i guess the good woman will be able to protect herself inshAllah .

may Allah keep us all on the right path




Why are Muslim women dogging Muslim men. They are watching too much television. Where are the comparisons coming ? Someone fill me in! Men love just like women. Husbands are a good thing.
Women have sexual needs as much as men. And when a woman is alone men seek out the weaker ones. Why do women want such trials?
Besides the comfort of a husband is to protect you and raise your iman.


Junior Member
The problem of this question is what I highlighted in red above. Muslims are forbidden from turning away from marriage on purpose. The prophet peace be upon him made that clear when he said, "Marriage is my way (Sunna) and whoever turns away from my way does not belong to me!"

A widow or divorcee may prefer not to remarry so she doesn't make her availability known and doesn't attract attention or interest. However, if a good Muslim man proposes to her, then this hadeeth probably applies to her, "If a man comes to you [seeking marriage] whose deen and character you approve of, then accept his marriage proposal!" He then recited, "If ye do not, there will be tumult in the land and big corruption." (8:73)

A good Muslim man is a blessing in the family. A Muslim woman should not shun a blessing. God knows best.


what if she has kids . is it better to bring them a step father ?

i still dont think so . as he will never love them like his own and by this way she will make her kids suffer . what mom can do this to her kids ?

i guess men wouldnt have problem bring a step mom to his kids but th good woman wont do that .