
Junior Member
I think that all muslems feel your way even the companians of the prophet :saw2: this is the nature of hearts : it continue to change but due to the mercy of Allah we have five times to be in touch with Allah swt .....try to remember the beautiful lessons that brought you to Islam at the begining , be in touch with good muslems ,

جاء في حديث المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إن الإيمان ليخلق -أي: ليبلى- في جوف أحدكم كما يخلق الثوب، فاسألوا
الله تعالى أن يجدد الإيمان في قلوبكم). رواه الطبراني من حديث عمر بن الخطاب ، وقال الهيثمي : إسناده حسن
The meaning of the hadith (that is written in arabic) is that faith get old in hearts of people just like an old cloth so we should ask Allah swt to renew faith within our hearts.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

First of all I would like to welcome you into Islam..and ask Allah to grant you the best state of Iman...

Second..I would like to tell you that what you go through has happened to me (I do not wish to I will speak of myself only) is nothing to worry about..even the prophet (pbuh) has said that *faith increases and decreases*...that doesn't mean you can give into it decreasing of are supposed to seek it at all pretty much what you have been doing mashallah! you can increase it again...

I just think that this struggle is another blessing from Allah...if you go on having a spiritual high 24/7 (like you said) eventually you will just lose any sensation of it...having it disappear for a short period of time...allows you to see the value of that high..of that closeness to Allah..of that will strike the very spirit within you...and you will indulge in every minute of it when you regain it...I mean..think about it...why are you longing for it?...why do you struggle for it because it's gone?...because you know the feeling you get out of imagine you've kept it would you feel?'ll probably feel like you have nothing to work for...or to struggle for..and then you'll just wonder "well now what?" you understand what I am trying to get at?'s a bit hard for me to put it in words..but I am sure you know what I mean :hijabi:

So don't you worry...keep praying through it..keep reading Qura'an through it..keep watching lectures..keep reading books...eventually you will wake-up and your tears will gush through at the very mention of the word *Allah*...just don't forget to savor every minute of it!



New Member

First of all I would like to welcome you into Islam..and ask Allah to grant you the best state of Iman...

Second..I would like to tell you that what you go through has happened to me (I do not wish to I will speak of myself only) is nothing to worry about..even the prophet (pbuh) has said that *faith increases and decreases*...that doesn't mean you can give into it decreasing of are supposed to seek it at all pretty much what you have been doing mashallah! you can increase it again...

I just think that this struggle is another blessing from Allah...if you go on having a spiritual high 24/7 (like you said) eventually you will just lose any sensation of it...having it disappear for a short period of time...allows you to see the value of that high..of that closeness to Allah..of that will strike the very spirit within you...and you will indulge in every minute of it when you regain it...I mean..think about it...why are you longing for it?...why do you struggle for it because it's gone?...because you know the feeling you get out of imagine you've kept it would you feel?'ll probably feel like you have nothing to work for...or to struggle for..and then you'll just wonder "well now what?" you understand what I am trying to get at?'s a bit hard for me to put it in words..but I am sure you know what I mean :hijabi:

So don't you worry...keep praying through it..keep reading Qura'an through it..keep watching lectures..keep reading books...eventually you will wake-up and your tears will gush through at the very mention of the word *Allah*...just don't forget to savor every minute of it!


mashallah! my prayers have been so good today!

thank you
