Need My bros and sisters duas


New Member
I recently split up with my wife, she was a christian and I married her think that inshallah Allah will guide her. Honestly she had the characteristics of a muslimah, that's why I fell in love with her. I tried to be the best muslim that I can so she can inshallah be guided to the deen through actions but whatever Allah wills, we have no control as to who gets guided and who gets misguided. It's just really hard to deal with. I think I did not ask for Allah swt's help as I am doing now, I feel if I had asked for his help with more sincerity before he would have guided her. I dont know maybe that's not right, I am happy with what Allah swt wills for me, I understand that, Alhamdillah because at times I did feel doubts. I guess I am just asking for a little support from my online brothers and sisters.

I also ask you all to make dua for me and that maybe Allah swt the turner of the hearts, The one who guides; will guide her to the straight path and we come back together.:salam2:


Junior Member

May Allaah grant you your prayers , Ameen.

Just curious, you said that you 'fell in love with her' initially because she had the characteristics of a Muslimah...I do not understand why not just marry a Muslimah in the first place, since there are a lot of Muslim women out there, who may be more in need especially. No offense intended to you or anyone else. Its just that I know of some Muslimahs that are looking for a pious husband and have a lot of difficulty yet a lot of brothers choose to marry non muslims, even though I would think that a pious Muslimah is more deserving.

May Allaah help you through this difficult time and may He guide her, Ameen.



New Member
Thank you for your reply


May Allaah grant you your prayers , Ameen.

Just curious, you said that you 'fell in love with her' initially because she had the characteristics of a Muslimah...I do not understand why not just marry a Muslimah in the first place, since there are a lot of Muslim women out there, who may be more in need especially. No offense intended to you or anyone else. Its just that I know of some Muslimahs that are looking for a pious husband and have a lot of difficulty yet a lot of brothers choose to marry non muslims, even though I would think that a pious Muslimah is more deserving.

May Allaah help you through this difficult time and may He guide her, Ameen.


I guess the only thing I can say is I made a bad choice? Well if somebody seems really interested in what you say about Islam your natural incllination is to think that they will be guided inshallah, and that's what I thought will happen, honestly, allah knows best my intentions, but I hear what your saying loud and clear MSaeed.

Jazakullah khair


Junior Member
brother i will insh'allah make dua for you. maybe allah has willed to seperate you because possibly at the time when you were close you forgot about the more important thing such has spreading your faith to her. she will insha'allah come back and possibly realise that she was best with you and insha'allah she could be guided to becming a god muslimah. allah knows best have faith in him, whatever he does is for your best interest. insh'allah remember him all the time he is listening to you.
may allah(swt)make life easier for you. insha'allah
sister, sophie


New Member
Thank you

Jazakullah Khair...I continue to make dua inshallah may Allah reward you for trying to help a brother out with your kind words


Junior Member
:salam2: you are in my duaa, brother. May the best solution for you be the outcome. Keep reading Qur'an and praying and asking for ALLAH's (swt) guidance and Insha Allah, better days are just around the corner.