New channel for moderate Islam to be launched

um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member

Islam is already a well balanced and moderate religion... still don't understand why they label that way... subhan'Allah!



I can't wait to check it out I wonder what is the name of the channel well I guess will find out in Ramadan InshaAllah... Jazaka Allah khairan for sharing



Junior Member

This channel launching is result of obama recent visit to Egypt and speech at cairo university the president of egypt is his puppet called hosni mubarak who now run the Al Azhar as per how america wants and now Al azhar is launching this channel sayin it talk bout moderate muslims there is nothing like moderate or fundamentalist muslims.......these channels wants to preach american or british secular version of islam where you should appreciate whatever america and allies do and you should forget the pain of your brother and sister in somalia iraq pakistan kashmir palestine kosovo chehenya cos if u feel the pain of these bro and sister you might become fundamentalist in the eyes of america and egypt govt.......Al azhar has recently introduced many fatwa like only learned and approved scholars frm Al azhar can give friday sermon and sermon should be passed by authorities all this to keep muslim forget the global pain of thr bro and sis and enjoy thr life and keep busy within themselve and follow this so called moderate version of islam

May Allah saves us frm these tyrant ruler like hosni mubarak


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Probably gonna be a wishy-washy channel that waters down the religion in an attempt to be "moderate". As Ukht said, Islaam is moderate. Inshaa' Allaah, the channel will be better than the garbage I'm expecting...



Dear Brother I pray this moderate channel will have the courage to tell the truth. As I write the life of Omar Khadar is being ignored. Dr.Afiffa Siddiqui is still in the most heinous women's prison in the US. There was a death in Guntanamo and it was called a suicide. We need to listen to the Truth.


Junior Member

Obama is 10 time more smart and dangerous than bush .....he will kill muslims by smart bombs and even you wont realise tht he killed u and u wont hear in news......he is managing media 10 times better than bush .....what bush is unable to do in 10 yrs obama did in 3 months :3 Million refugees in pakistan .....these puppet of obama like hosni mubarak are using islamic university to propogate american or secular or moderate version of islam

abdullah khan

Junior Member
smooth criminal

Assalamu Alaikum,
Who gave the name moderate Muslim?
There is no such thing in Islam like moderate!!!does anyone got the right to modify Islam???:astag:,it’s better to say practicing muslim and non practicing muslim.
Obama is a smooth criminal, no doubt........
Muslims are fool who keep trust on Mr Obama,He will not do anything except follow the rules of his master Bush.
Allahu alom.