New Member from Malaysia


New Member
Assalamualaikum all

I'm from Malaysia. I'm glad to find this site it has many useful information and discussions.

I have being a muslim all my life but only recently coming close to try myself to be a real muslim.

Reason i'm joining this forum because i have some questions to ask and i see many of members here are very helpful.

Hopefully i will gain many knowledge from here, Insha Allah.


Travelling towards my grave.

welcommmmmme to ur e-family....inshaALLAH we all will be benefiting from TTI....

wassalam 'alaikum

-brother IbnAdam-


Subhana Allah!
welcome to tti

alhamdulilah( praise be to Allah) :SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: to tti insha Allah you`ll gain much knowledge been here. may Allah increase ur knowledge, ameen:tti_sister::)