new thread problem


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I am getting a blank white screen when I am trying to create a new thread.. Any ideas ?

Maybe there's a quota for new members on TTI that I am not aware of ? :D


it happens to me sometimes, it usually stops happening for me when I return after a while.

it would be nice to know why but sometimes it has helped me in focusing on my studies.



La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

Oh and I forgot to save a copy of the text somewhere else.. so I need to type it all out again .. :SMILY231:

Hopefully someone from the mod team will help us out :SMILY176:



La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Walaikumsalaam waa rahmatullahi waa barakatahu wa Maghfiratuh

Akhi, I haven't been able to find the time to type it all up at the moment. I will Insha'Allah try tomm and let you know..

Jazakallah for your prompt reply..

Allah Hafiz..