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New Member
why i don't see my Topic ? do i have to wait until admins approves it or i made any mistake in opening a topic ?


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The first thread you submitted was automatically moderated since it had an attachment and you are newly registered. The system identified you as a possible SPAMMER. I think you're ok now. Inshaa'Allaah

Salam Aleekun,
If ur wife is a christian by birth and u try all possible best to change her, though for some time she will pretend and practise muslim with u but lather she change through some external force, As a muslim can I divorce her, please,I need soonest reaply.
Ma sallam.


New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam warahmatullaahi wabarakatuhu,

Try searching for the answers through Inshaa'Allaah you will find the answers there or you may also repost your question on a much appropriate section and Inshaa'Allaah our brothers and sisters can help you find authentic information.
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