New Year

warda A


to all my tti family
happy new year.
what is your new year resolution?

mine inshalla i would like to resolve to do more good and more sunna.



My resolution is to make myself more useful to my brothers and sister and also to please Allah and do more sunnas also


Strangers on earth

Happy new year to you too sister Warda.
May Allah grant you all your wishes and strengthen yours and our Emaan :tti_sister:

My new year resolution is inshaalah to read more the Quraan and to practice more sunna and help my muslim brothers and sisters more inshaalah. i should start that by teaching my sisters Arabic at home (lol lol lol)
Anyway i think all muslims should strive to be better muslims i.e. following Allah's commands and his prophets. That should be everybody's resolution.
by the way is celebrating new year haram?


Art is my Expression
Happy New Year!!!

I don't believe in New Year Resolutions because no one never really stick to them. People usually do it for like a day or two and then go back to their old habits lol.


Bosnian Muslimah
new year resolution?? mmm never had one, never will have one

hehe I have a life time resolution to achieve my way to Jannah insha'Allah
It is all up to Allah


Junior Member

On Jan 1 2000, I made a resolution to never make another resolution! I am doing good on that one so far!




Slave of Almighty
hey whts this new year huh.??? are we celebrating new year of non-believe did we forgot Prophet last sermon.?


Junior Member
Salam Brothers and sisters,

In the New Year i hope to strengthen my Iman and read my namaz 5 times a day!! Also to wear the Hijab and try not too worry about what other people think! InshAllah:tti_sister:


A Believer In Heart

This is haram, we as Muslim are forbid to celebrate with the nonbelievers. But my goals for the new quarter is to find ways to better my study habits both in college and in Islamic school during saturdays and sundays. I have bad habits which i am working on inshallah.

warda A



This is haram, we as Muslim are forbid to celebrate with the nonbelievers. But my goals for the new quarter is to find ways to better my study habits both in college and in Islamic school during saturdays and sundays. I have bad habits which i am working on inshallah.


people why give out fatwas?
i did not ask anyone to celebrate the newyear,but actually trying to give yourselves resolutions is a good thing, to keep you in check and reach goals.