

New Member
In the name of Allah ,


Peace be on to you,

Praises and Thanks are due to allah the lord of the universe , Alhamdliah i am a new member to the this forum Already enjoying myself here .

Ur sis

Bint Adam


Turn To Islam
In the name of Allah ,


Peace be on to you,

Praises and Thanks are due to allah the lord of the universe , Alhamdliah i am a new member to the this forum Already enjoying myself here .

Ur sis

Bint Adam

Salam alai kums sister

Welcome to TTI. May you benefit greatly from this forum. Hope to see some posts from you.



New Member
Allhuma Ameen Thumaa Ameen, And may you be of those whom get the reward of praying on the night of power and get its reward .

Ur sis

Bint Adam As salafiyah