Oh no! please pray for me


Last night i had a dream. I personally thought that it was something good but when i checked in a book for its interpretation (dreams and interpretations) the meaning was really sad :girl3: I dont want to mention what it said, but it is definately something that i pray inshAllah does'nt happen to you. Aameen.
I dont alwayz look for the manings but today i just had this gut feeling that i should.
Now i dont know if the interpretations are alwayz correct, but please pray for me. I'm really worried.
so plz make dua for me. :tti_sister:


Purifying my soul!
A'salamu alaikum wa'ra. wa'ba.!

Leave the worries aside, be frightened of God, not of what which you've dreamed of. Ask him to help you, he's the most Good, the most merciful. I'll do a Dua for you right now. Be well!

A'salamu alaikum wa'ra. wa'ba.!


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Dear sister..

Dreams are kind of tricky, Most of them are from Shytan, doesnt always mean that its going to happen.


New Member
asalamu aleykum sister i can tell you
this ,first the dream have to be exactelly the way you deam it, and sometimes the deams are not the way you saw it ,it makes change
remembber this is not like the dreams that prophet yusuf had before
so don't take it hard ,nothing going to happing with outallah (swt)'s will
he is kum fayakum(be,and become)
ask ,for his aid , and his protection
isha allah you will find peacethat you need for now

keep faith and patience sister
mas salaman:tti_sister:


Junior Member

Wait, what book did you read? Usually the book that are about "deam interpretation" are rubbish. I have a degree in psych and can tell you most dreams are just a soup of your subconscious doing it's laundry. Oftentimes there is no meaning in your dreams and if there are, it's usually something you are fretting about.

Put your trust in Allah and not some silly book.



Junior Member

InshaAllaah may Allaah the One, the Absolute help you ameen ya Rabb:tti_sister: plz make du'a for me as well xx

meer suhail

ILM seeker
Asalam o Alykum
well ,i always have bad dreams ,,,with bad interpretation , well i dont give heed to them , well just wake up ,and lol recite Ayatal kursi ( chapter 2 verse 255 of Holy Quran ) and carry on with normal business of life ,Alhamdullilah nothing bad really has happened ,
and no need to worry ,CHILL OUT , and move on ,
May Allah protect you



Good dreams are a sign of glad tidings from our Lord to a select few.
Bad dreams are from Shaitan, or just our own random thoughts.
The Prophet :saw: said not to think about bad dreams or worry about them.




Wait, what book did you read? Usually the book that are about "deam interpretation" are rubbish. I have a degree in psych and can tell you most dreams are just a soup of your subconscious doing it's laundry. Oftentimes there is no meaning in your dreams and if there are, it's usually something you are fretting about.

Put your trust in Allah and not some silly book.


i'd take this advice, its pretty sound.


Junior Member
Assalamu alikum my dear sister.

I pray you are well. Regarding your dream - first don't worry, leave it with Allah. But there is nothing wrong with finding out what your dream means - after all you would want to know. Regarding books .... well you need to find a reliable author, anyone can't just interpret dreams. I have this book, called ' The Interpretation of Dreams' by Ibn Sirin. I am sure you have heard of him. It is a book I recommend. But you need to be careful when reading books relating to Islam - always find out who the author is.

I pray to Allah that He gives you that which is best for your deen, and gives you patience to overcome any difficulty you may face. Aameen.

Wa'alikum aslaam.


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
First time in my life I hear there are Islamic books like that ...
I think you better check what you reading and find some fatwas and ahadeeth about dreams..

waaleikum salam


Seek The Almighty
:salam2: Sister dont worry about bad dreams,

As Abu Hurayrah narrated Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) said, "There are three types of dreams: a righteous dream which is glad tidings from Allah, the dream which causes sadness is from Shaitan, and a dream from the ramblings of the mind." (Sahih Muslim)

Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) said, "True dreams are from Allah, and bad dreams are from Shaitan." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

What to do when you a see bad dreams?

Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) told us what to do upon seeing a bad dream. "So when one of you sees a dream which he does not like, he should spit on his left side three times, seek refuge with Allah from Shaitan thrice, and change the side which he was lying (Sahih Muslim) and in another narration in Muslim, Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) told us if we spit three times and seek refuge from Allah then it (the dream) will not harm them." (Sahih Muslim)
Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) also told us that if we saw a bad dream to "stand up and offer prayer." (Sahih Muslim)

Good dreams

Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) said, "If one sees a good dream, let him expect good, and not tell it except to those he likes." (Muslim)



Assalamu alikum my dear sister.

I pray you are well. Regarding your dream - first don't worry, leave it with Allah. But there is nothing wrong with finding out what your dream means - after all you would want to know. Regarding books .... well you need to find a reliable author, anyone can't just interpret dreams. I have this book, called ' The Interpretation of Dreams' by Ibn Sirin. I am sure you have heard of him. It is a book I recommend. But you need to be careful when reading books relating to Islam - always find out who the author is.

I pray to Allah that He gives you that which is best for your deen, and gives you patience to overcome any difficulty you may face. Aameen.

Wa'alikum aslaam.

:wasalam: Sis this is the book that i read the meaning from.
JazakAllah for all your comments.

Aameen to your duaas sister.


Junior Member

Please can anyone quote some more Ahadith about this matter?? The thing is that I had an extremely disturbing dream too ... and I felt so distured when I woke up. But the unusual thing was that I remembered every single detail of it afterwards.. and even remember it now.... I was extremely upset and couldn,t concentrate on anything. Even now i have these horrible dreams... pleaase help!!