

make dua 4 ma finals
Salams to all of you, I wrote this peom in the Notes section in my facebook & thought I should share it with you. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!

They stare but
I smile to reassure
They think I am oppressed
uneducated but I smile and say do dare?
They look and see innocence,
purity but they can't think about the word modesty
for modesty is now ancient in their mind
They think I am weak to be following old scripture
But I smile and wonder who is weak the follower of GOD or the follower of man?
Yeah, I might not be the HOT chick next door
Or the one in your school but I got a mind of my own
I seek guidance from the book of the Almighty
Not from the fashion NUDITY
Oppressed is not the word to use but LIBERATED
the stares,insults don't hurt me
for I have got the Almighty on my side to protect me
* This goes out to all of us who love HIJAB. May Allah Almighty increase our FAITH and STRENGTH! Ameen


Pearl of Islaam
Mashallah dear sister Allahs servent.:)

Thank you for sharing with us dear sister so beautiful and touching poem about hijab Mashallah and may Allah reword you sister and may Allah Inhsallah be pleased with our hijabs.Ameen.

And if you do not mind dear sister to say,I used to know one sister with the same user name like yours Mashallah and she also was writeing beautiful poems,and you reminind me on her sister.

May Allah bless you sister.


Your sister Asja


Masha'Allah Jazakillahu khair for sharing
may ALLAH s.w bless you

very talented!!!


Junior Member
Salam sis thanks for sharing the poem! You're absolutely right. Simply LOVE the nudity bit there you added. Ever noticed women now are dressed primitive? :D

Way to go sis!


make dua 4 ma finals
WaAlaikum Assalam WarahmatuAllah Wabarakatuh:)

Salam sis thanks for sharing the poem! You're absolutely right. Simply LOVE the nudity bit there you added. Ever noticed women now are dressed primitive?
Way to go sis!
You so welcome dear, lolz YES I sure NOTICED it:) if ONLY they knew and understood:) May Allah guide them and PROTECT them and all of us. Ameen ya rabal Alameen

mashaAllah beautiful poem...
keep up the good work..
may allah swt bless you..amiin
JazakaAllah khairan for the comment bro, Ameen, and I ask Allah the same for you and All the Ummah:)

Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS:):):):):


ابنة الاسلام
:ma:SiS..itz truly beautiful...i love it...Jazakillah khair for sharin it with us


:ma: this is such a nice poem..very heart touching.
May ALLAh bless you and make everything easy for you.
:ma:u r very talented...:hearts:


make dua 4 ma finals
WaAlaikum Assalaam to you all:)
SiS..itz truly beautiful...i love it...Jazakillah khair for sharin it with us
Waiyaak sister, May Allah be with you NOW and ALWAYS:)

this is such a nice poem..very heart touching.
May ALLAh bless you and make everything for you.
u r very talented...
JazakaAllah khairan for the sweet words sister, I ask the same for you and for the whole Ummah.
I LOVE you ALL for Allah's sake, and I Thank Him for blessing me with such people like you here at TTI...THIS IS MY SECOND FAMILY:):)
Allah Hafiz NOW and ALWAYS sisters