Piety needs ur help!


Junior Member
Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu

Piety (Plymouth Islamic Education Trust) needs your help! We don't have any islamic centre or mosque here in Plymouth. Now the Piety Organisation has found a building, which they want to convert into an Islamic Centre, InshaAllah..
Piety has won a bid on this building, but they need to raise £300.000 by January 16th 2008, when the sale will go through, if they haven't raised the money by then, the building will be lost.

here u can read more about the project InshaAllah



قل هو الله أحد
The target is ambitious but achievable with the help of Allah (glorified He may be).

The goal is worthy, a place of our own where we can show activities can happen with modesty and spirituality upheld ...

I'll do what I can.


Junior Member
it is highly needed in our area, this will be the first proper islamic centre in the south west of england.. InshaAllah it will bring the muslim community closer together (which i know is one of their priorities, Alhamdulillah)

i've just checked their website again and the counter is down on £140.000, which means they have already raised £160.000, MashaAllah, InshaAllah the goal will be achieved over the next few days..

May Allah SWT reward everyone for believing in this project, inshaAllah