****Please Forgive Me****


Love Fishing
Assalamaulikum to all sisters and brothers as well as to all our new reverts

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness from all of u.I know sometimes am kinda "loud" and please pardon for that.

I am just a weak human who sometimes can't run away from making mistakes.I always want to be a better person and ask forgiveness from Allah and now am sincerely am asking forgiveness from all of u if i have hurt your feeling

Any good things that i have done is from Allah
Any bad things that i have utter or I have done is from my weak self

I would like to congratulate these new reverts and May this firts Ramadan of urs be blessed with joy and many many many rewards.ameen

1.Sister IDAHLLI
2.Sister christina28
3.Sister brand-new22
4. Sister MaryLyes
5.Sister jennyUK

and all other new reverts that i dont know personally.


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

People can make mistakes. Why? Because that's our nature. I do not see any offense from ANY brother or sister to me so far. As I always say, you do not have the capability of offending me. LOL

Surely this is a great opportunity to ask forgiveness from my beloved brothers and sisters in TTI, before the blessed month starts. Therefore please forgive me if I have ever did anything which hurts anyone of you, or offended you.

Yeah I often think about my revert brothers and sisters especially those to whom this Ramadan will be the first. Please brothers and sisters do not hesitate to ask anything that arise on your minds, regarding Ramadan and its fasting. We all will surely try our best to help you in any way we can.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh