please pray for her


Junior Member

please pray for my sister........ her health situation is not good... her life is in danger.... I don´t want her to die........ jazak Allahu ckair in advance...



Muslim Unity...

please pray for my sister........ her health situation is not good... her life is in danger.... I don´t want her to die........ jazak Allahu ckair in advance...


:salam2: sister
May Allah give your sister a steedy recovery
May he cure her, give her good health inshaAllah
i will keep her in my dua's inshaAllah
if there is good init may Allah bless
her and if there is evil may Allah protect her Ameen
barakalllahu feek sis



Salaam Sister sorry to hear that about your sister, I'll make dua that Allah swt grants her good health and a fast recovery Insha-Allah.



Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu my dear sister Safiya.

Ofcourse dear sister I will include your sister in my prayers and duas.May Allah help her to recover soon,and give you sabr and patiente. Laillahe IlAllah.Ameen.

May Allah bless you



Junior Member
:salam2: sister,

May Allah swt grant your sister speedy recovery and make things easy for her and your family.



Junior Member

may allah swt give her a speedy recovery and give you and family sabr ...amiiin

wassalam :) :)


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum

I ask Allah, the CREATOR and the ONE who gives LIFE and causes death to give a FULL and SPEEDY recovery to your sister and ALL the MUSLIMS that are sick. May Allah also GIVE you sabr at this situation and May Allah make this DISEASE a means of FOGIVENESS for her past sins. Ameen
I don´t want her to die
sister, like BROTHER Abdililah said no one dies befor his time sister and no one exceeds his time sister, so be patient and say AlhamduliAllah with what ever Allah brings to you and your family...May Allah forgive us all and shower HIS endless mercy on your sister. Ameen ya rab.
Assalamu Alaikum
Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS:)


Junior Member
salam alikom

be sure sister safiya insha allah taala your sister will be cured by allah's wide mercy don't worry it is just a test you need only to be paitent , may allah heal her and give her a complete recovery from her illness and all muslims all over the world ,

i will keep her in my prayer


Junior Member
Sister have patience.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give her speedy recovery and keep her among the pious. Ameen