Plight Of The Muslim Revert

Found this article - thought would share.
Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu


Plight Of The Muslim Revert

Recently in the United Kingdom and in other western countries, there have been quite a few cases where Muslim reverts have been buried according to christian and hindu customs.
A sad example is a Muslim revert who was buried according to hindu custom. It so happened that he was married to a Muslim by his second marriage, but was legally registered to his first wife who was a hindu. She claimed the body first.
Muslim brother's who only learnt about his death some eight hours later, were too late in retrieving the body from the deceased's family with the result that the Muslim brother was cremated the hindu way.

This incident is an example of many involving those who reverted to Islam. Many cases, such as this one, have shocked the community. Therefore, Muslim reverts, male and female, must ensure that they take appropriate steps, some of which are mentioned below, to avoid such incidents recurring.

1] Apply for change in name as soon as possible.

2] They should also sign some legal document stating their new Muslim name, that they have changed their faith, and in the event of their death they should be buried in the proper Islamic manner. These legal documents should be kept in their possession and also given to the local Muslim organisation or Mosque in their area.

3] If their families have not accepted Islam, their burial should be carried out by the Muslim organisation of the area in which they live. They should make their views known to their local Mosques, most of which run funeral savings or subscription schemes.

4] Many hospitals in larger towns now have visiting Muslim priests or volunteers who visit sick Muslims in hospitals on a regular basis. Reverts should enquire from hospital staff about this or ask someone from the local Mosque or Muslim community to visit them as appropriate.



JazakAllah khair. This is extremely important . About the same thing happen in Malaysia , and again it is between Hindus and muslim who were claiming for the body .

One thing about reverts is that they should say their shahada in public so that people know they are muslim. we will claim their body if their parents are non muslim.


Junior Member

Being a revert, I would not want to deny my parents, if I should die in their lifetime, the right to give me the funeral they would want. In regards to Islam, what difference does it make what is done after you are other words, is there a problem with my parents giving me a christian burial, how would that affect my "afterlife" if at all.


Junior Member

Being a revert, I would not want to deny my parents, if I should die in their lifetime, the right to give me the funeral they would want. In regards to Islam, what difference does it make what is done after you are other words, is there a problem with my parents giving me a christian burial, how would that affect my "afterlife" if at all.


if you are buried according to islam,does it mean you are denying your parents or if they arrange the christian funaral for you while they know you are a muslim,does it not mean they deny you.
it is important for a muslim to live a life according to islam and also have an islamic that rituel as you know Quran is recited and that should ease one's suffering.
if your family don't know your belief and give you a christian burial then there is nothing to be done.But,if you say you are a muslim but don't care about your burial,well,that would make a difference,i think..

umm hussain

Junior Member
Found this article - thought would share.
Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu


Plight Of The Muslim Revert

Recently in the United Kingdom and in other western countries, there have been quite a few cases where Muslim reverts have been buried according to christian and hindu customs.
A sad example is a Muslim revert who was buried according to hindu custom. It so happened that he was married to a Muslim by his second marriage, but was legally registered to his first wife who was a hindu. She claimed the body first.
Muslim brother's who only learnt about his death some eight hours later, were too late in retrieving the body from the deceased's family with the result that the Muslim brother was cremated the hindu way.

This incident is an example of many involving those who reverted to Islam. Many cases, such as this one, have shocked the community. Therefore, Muslim reverts, male and female, must ensure that they take appropriate steps, some of which are mentioned below, to avoid such incidents recurring.

1] Apply for change in name as soon as possible.

2] They should also sign some legal document stating their new Muslim name, that they have changed their faith, and in the event of their death they should be buried in the proper Islamic manner. These legal documents should be kept in their possession and also given to the local Muslim organisation or Mosque in their area.

Asalam alaikum warahmatullah

There is no such thing as a Muslim name. A person can keep the name they have as long as it does not have a bad meaning or named after some god or using Allah's names otherwise if a name has a good meaning, whether it is Arabic or not does not have to be changed but there is so much ignorance amongst some people. A sister told me once that before she went for Hajj they asked her to have an "Islamic" name so she can qualify for a visa otherwise it will be almost impossible for her to get one.

What does Islamic name mean anyway, does it mean Arabic name, because I have heard of Arabic names with no relation to Islam.
Not sure regards to chritsian buriel but in the first post a hindu custom is to burn the body - That was the resaon i posted for brother and sisters to share.

And cremation is haram in islam - Please see below - but regards to getting buried the christain way i do not know.

"In Islam, funeral rites and practices have been prescribed by the divine law, in accordance with the dictates of Allah. According to this law, beginning from the time of Prophet Adam until the last Prophet, Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon them all, burying the dead has been the prescribed method of conveying the deceased to their graves. We have no mention anywhere that cremation was acceptable in any of the previous dispensations from Allah.

Allah says in the Qur’an: “We have honored sons of Adam.” (Al-Isra’: 70) In keeping with the spirit of this Qur’anic verse, according to the Muslim scholars, it is necessary for us to treat the human body with the utmost of respect not only when a person is alive, but also when he/she is dead.

Incinerating the corpse or discarding bodies to be eaten by vultures, wild beasts, etc., is considered sacrilege and abhorrent and, therefore, forbidden according to Islam.

One of the reasons for this is that our knowledge of what happens to the person after death is limited, and, therefore, Allah alone knows what is good and bad for us in an ultimate sense.

What should be remembered here is that we should treat the deceased person with the utmost of compassion, just as we would treat a person who is alive.

In short, cremation is not a divinely instituted method of burying the human body after death. Like all other man-made institutions, cremation is based on partial knowledge. It is only Allah, our Creator, “who knows what ails us as well as what benefits us.” (Al-Baqarah: 220)

Another important observation is that it has been proven that burying the dead is more environmentally friendly than cremation. This further confirms the dictum that Allah has “forbidden for us only what is injurious or harmful for us (or for our environment.)”
1 month ago


Junior Member

Well in America it doesn't matter what you change your name to, it would not effect whether or not you are given an Islamic burial. I was just writing to a paralegal concerning this event and was told even written Wills can be overturned when matters of burial come into play.

AS of now I am not married nor have any relatives that will speak to me. However I would not put it past my mother to claim my body and demand a Jewish burial as opposed to an Islamic one. I really don't know what I can do to prevent this from happening.

I want to be buried according to Islamic practices because it is the Sunnah.




Junior Member

if you are buried according to islam,does it mean you are denying your parents or if they arrange the christian funaral for you while they know you are a muslim,does it not mean they deny you.
it is important for a muslim to live a life according to islam and also have an islamic that rituel as you know Quran is recited and that should ease one's suffering.
if your family don't know your belief and give you a christian burial then there is nothing to be done.But,if you say you are a muslim but don't care about your burial,well,that would make a difference,i think..

Salam! No they do not know of my reversion and if they did I would have to bury them!!! :)