bismillah rahmanir raheem
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM brothes and sisters all over the world
how are u all? inshallah u are well. im looking for som help plz to teach my kids islam as im not that good my self as im a new revert. my kids are 8yrs 7yrs twins4yrs and my baby 2 yrs.
so if any one inshallah has any web sites are information they can help me with i would be very happy with ur help.
thank u for taking time to read this
sister sarah
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM brothes and sisters all over the world
how are u all? inshallah u are well. im looking for som help plz to teach my kids islam as im not that good my self as im a new revert. my kids are 8yrs 7yrs twins4yrs and my baby 2 yrs.
so if any one inshallah has any web sites are information they can help me with i would be very happy with ur help.
thank u for taking time to read this
sister sarah