

Muslim Unity...
One who submits themselves to the most high.
One who after Fajr recites, Bismillahir Rahman Ar-Raheem
One whos mind is always on the Hereafter
One who’s known for their firmness upon the deen

Not after the material things
Nor desiring the glitter
Nor the temporary enjoyments of this dunya
Not even thinking about the entertainments

Realise that they don’t have eyes just to see the beauty of this world,
but to cry tears of yearning to meet HIM (swt),
Realise that only the Rahman can open up the door of rahma for them, so will never resort to begging any creature
Realize that their purpose goes beyond the fake fantasies that they are being bombarded with,
Realise that true happiness does not from the creation, but rather the Creator.

So, when they wake up, it’s Allah(swt)’s name they say,
And when it’s dark, its to Allah(swt) that they get up for and lengthen their prostration
When they’re low, it’s to Allah(swt) that they turn to hope for
When they’re at time of ease, its their fear of Allah(swt) that keeps them thankful!


Junior Member

:mashallah: love ur poems sooooooooooooooooo much :SMILY252:
may allah shower many many many more blessings upon u. Ameen



Muslim Unity...
:ma: & jazakallah 4 respondin in such a kind way
May Allah swt make us All among da dwellers of al ferdous
Accept our duas n make us among da righteeous
ws stay in good take care