possible war crimes prosecutions for bush&co


Junior Member

This is one way America could repair some of the damage done by the present administration, but by no means could it undo the many evils perpetrated on innocent people. Justice will prevail in the end, because our Lord is a just Lord.



Junior Member
censored bush interview

:salam2:i hope so... because these criminals are wanted by the whole world not just by Muslims!!!watch this too,the difference is that at least Hitler actually wanted good for his people!!! ...[yt]CSiuRqNUG-E[/yt]



Junior Member
i honestly was laughing lol

Bush is such a joke to me its not even funny

a joke of a leader and a joke of a man


Omg I'm getting weepy with happiness just thinking about those animals being brought to account for all their crimes! InshALLAH it WILL come to pass.

nori suja'i

Junior Member
in nineteen sixties almost half million american youngters died in vietnam and now two thousand over died in iraq & afganistan not to mention the population of the country they attacked who died.

Western media is being silent to it's people because Bush is being exposed. This is oppression of the truth.

Bush said Saddam was a threat, which he probably was, but how do you explain the loss of hundred of thousands for the cost of 1 man?

The war with Iraq has nothing to do with Saddam or WMD. Take for example, Panamian general Manuel Noriega who had a close ties with the U.S. in selling drugs, but Noriega flipped on the U.S. and in 1989 the U.S. went to his country, captured him, brought him and put him to jail for the rest of his life in the U.S.

In contrast, the war in Iraq is not about Saddam Hussein because they could of simply just done it with the likes of Noreiga. The war is Iraq is about geo-political economics. The U.S. went into Iraq to try to capture its oil reserves, and try to establish it's "democratic" system. Currently, the U.S. has mega companies trying to contract and get involved in the reconstruction of Iraq. What does this have to do with Saddam Hussain???

Jazakallah khair for sharing this excellent video.