Post your FAVORITE part of..........


make dua 4 ma finals
:salam2: beloved brothers and sisters in Islam:):)

I hope this reaches you in the best of health/imaan:)

So, I would like to know what your favorite part of the seerah or the story of the prophet :saw: is? or maybe if you watched the movie *the message* then share the part you liked the most inshaAllah:)

I will inshaAllah start first:D:D:D:D

My favorite part is when the prophet :saw: came back to Makkah, with the HUGE army. And the Makkans were scared and were wondering what he is going to do with them. After his arrival he asked "what do you think I am going to do to you?" to which they answered, "we're at your mercy"
and :subhanallah: he said, and I will never forget this words "Idhhabu fa antumu al-dhuluqa"
"Go! for you're free"
brothers and sisters, as you know, those same people were those who turtured the Sahaba, and wanted Him :saw: to be killed, among those was Hind, the woman who ordered HAMZA the prophets':saw: uncle to be killed! yet he had the heart to forgive 'em all!:subhanallah:
this part of the prophet's:saw: journey and how Islam came about always amaazes me,:)
I am sure you guys have some parts you LOVE too, so :inshallah: share with us. And lets remember our beloved prophet :saw:!
~~eagarly :D waiting for your replies:D

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam

I love when he went to tayef and they throw stones on him and he fogave them ( long story I don't know how to say it in English :( )

In short , Every thing in the Seerah is my favourite :)


New Member

I love when he went to tayef and they throw stones on him and he fogave them ( long story I don't know how to say it in English :( )

In short , Every thing in the Seerah is my favourite :)

Ya it will be great if they both get active on this forum... and share their exp. with gaming...


Pearl of Islaam
Ya it will be great if they both get active on this forum... and share their exp. with gaming...


Since you are new member I would kindly advice you to read again forum rules, and for begining to edit your post since it does not have any sence, neither is conected with the subject of this thread.

Thank you



Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


That is the most difficult question I have faced so far today. You are asking me to tell which pearl is beautiful by showing me 100 pearls? LOL

Really sister I cannot pick any one special out, because each and every moment of Seerah of my beloved Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is so special and beautiful.

The story of Isra and Mi'raj, especially when 50 Prayers were given to his Ummah as a gift, and when they are reduced to 5 in number but equal to 50 in benefits...........MashaAllah anyone who has a heart will cry when they read it. How caring is he (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) to his Ummah?

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member

there are many many many things I like....

I´m ashamed cuz I don´t have much knowledge..... but regarding his (saw) biographies you will see how kindhearted he (saw) was with all ppl... muslim or not.... I like alot how he (saw) was sad with the sadness of others... and how he always cared for ummah. Even in his last moments, and jannah was guaranteed to him, he was thinking at his ummah! he did not forget us even in this moment. .. and what about us.... how much do we love him....?



Pearl of Islaam

Assalmau allaicum wa raahmtullah wa baaraktuuhu. MashAllah dear sister for your beautiful thread.

Well,alhough I try to take my favorite part of the life and siraah of my beloved ResulAllah saalahu alayhe wa saalam, I could not to decide to only one because all his blessed life has touched my heart so much like all Muslims,and after Allah I love him the most.

I like the part about "battle on Badr" when our ResulAllah was making order in the army of Muslims. In one his hand he was holding arrow with which he was making order,so by that arrow he touched Sawad in his stomach,and told him:" In order,do not get out of order". After that Sawaad screamed and said: " Oh Allahs Messanger you have hitt me and I want to back to you the same". Than our ResulAllah s.a.w.s done very noble deed,he uncovered his stomach and told him " Hitt!". Sawad get neer to him and kiss him in the stomach,and ResulAllah a.s. asked him " What is with you,why you done this"?Sawad has answerd him: "You saw what you saw,and we are here where we are. I wish that my last touch on this dunya be with you,and to touch your mubaraak body".

I was aslo impressed one once ResulAllah s.a.w.s get neer to his truthfulll Ashaabahs raadiallahu anhuum and hug them. That was so beautiful of our ResulAllah a.s.,which is showing how his heart was kind and gentle SubhanAllah.Allah has honured him with the most beautiful character of all mainkinds.

I love everything about life of Prophet s.a.w.s,his noble character,his kindness , love,great wisdom, mercy which he was showing towerd everoyne and his love that he felt for our Ummah although he never meet us SubhanAllah!!!!And especaily his Love towerd Allah Almighty and the way how he was pious Servent of Allah Almighty,and His promissed and last Messanger.

May Allah make us all truthfull folowers of His Messanger,and honoured us to be with him in Jannatul Firdows always and forever.ameen summa ameen.:tti_sister:




Slave of Allah
The most beautiful part was when Jibrail (AS) arrived in Mt. Hera- the birth of Islam.


In the movie "The Message" I loved the Prophet (SAS)'s entry into Medina! Allah Bless the Ansar!

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال

Assalmau allaicum wa raahmtullah wa baaraktuuhu. MashAllah dear sister for your beautiful thread.

Well,alhough I try to take my favorite part of the life and siraah of my beloved ResulAllah saalahu alayhe wa saalam, I could not to decide to only one because all his blessed life has touched my heart so much like all Muslims,and after Allah I love him the most.

I like the part about "battle on Badr" when our ResulAllah was making order in the army of Muslims. In one his hand he was holding arrow with which he was making order,so by that arrow he touched Sawad in his stomach,and told him:" In order,do not get out of order". After that Sawaad screamed and said: " Oh Allahs Messanger you have hitt me and I want to back to you the same". Than our ResulAllah s.a.w.s done very noble deed,he uncovered his stomach and told him " Hitt!". Sawad get neer to him and kiss him in the stomach,and ResulAllah a.s. asked him " What is with you,why you done this"?Sawad has answerd him: "You saw what you saw,and we are here where we are. I wish that my last touch on this dunya be with you,and to touch your mubaraak body".

I was aslo impressed one once ResulAllah s.a.w.s get neer to his truthfulll Ashaabahs raadiallahu anhuum and hug them. That was so beautiful of our ResulAllah a.s.,which is showing how his heart was kind and gentle SubhanAllah.Allah has honured him with the most beautiful character of all mainkinds.

I love everything about life of Prophet s.a.w.s,his noble character,his kindness , love,great wisdom, mercy which he was showing towerd everoyne and his love that he felt for our Ummah although he never meet us SubhanAllah!!!!And especaily his Love towerd Allah Almighty and the way how he was pious Servent of Allah Almighty,and His promissed and last Messanger.

May Allah make us all truthfull folowers of His Messanger,and honoured us to be with him in Jannatul Firdows always and forever.ameen summa ameen.:tti_sister:



salam alaikum warahamatullahi wa barakatuh
may Allah keeps everyone in His bless and peace always
sister a story i read is very much like the one u wrote or maybe its actually the same story...
one day after finish praying Rasulullah s.a.w stood and went to the mimbar and said that if there is anyone who he has owed, please stand and take his rights from me(refer to Rasulullah s.a.w)
(sorry i kind of translate it from my language so maybe its not the best words but inshaAllah doing my best with my limited knowledge)
and Rasulullah said it for 3 times and no one stood up until finally 'Ukasyah bin Muhsan said that during battle of badar, Rasulullah s.a.w had hit him with a cane while Ukasyah was not wearing his shirt. And Rasulullah asked Bilal to take a cane from Rasulullah's home so that 'Ukasyah can hit him back with a cane. but then 'Ukasyah asked Rasulullah to open his shirt for during that time 'Ukasyah was shirtless. during that time Abu Bakar and Umar protested as they willingly volunteered themselves to be hit instead of Rasulullah s.a.w. but Rasulullah insisted that it is him that must be hit by 'Ukasyah. and when Rasulullah finally opened his shirt, everyone was crying during that time.'Ukasyah then immediately went nearer to Rasulullah and kiss him while saying 'who am i to hit you ya Rasulullah. the reason im doing this so that i can see and hug ur body which is blessed by Allah.' then Rasulullah s.a.w said to the sahabahs, 'look everyone, if u want to see one of ahlul jannah, this is the man'.... mashaAllah how it always bring tears everytime when i hear this story
anyways maybe some other members can story it in a better way than me
and do correct me if i made any mistakes
but as a whole, all the story of the seerah can bring tears to u and increase in ur imann
jazakallahu khair to all brothers and sisters :SMILY259:


Junior Member
salam alaikum warahamatullahi wa barakatuh
may Allah keeps everyone in His bless and peace always
sister a story i read is very much like the one u wrote or maybe its actually the same story...
one day after finish praying Rasulullah s.a.w stood and went to the mimbar and said that if there is anyone who he has owed, please stand and take his rights from me(refer to Rasulullah s.a.w)
(sorry i kind of translate it from my language so maybe its not the best words but inshaAllah doing my best with my limited knowledge)
and Rasulullah said it for 3 times and no one stood up until finally 'Ukasyah bin Muhsan said that during battle of badar, Rasulullah s.a.w had hit him with a cane while Ukasyah was not wearing his shirt. And Rasulullah asked Bilal to take a cane from Rasulullah's home so that 'Ukasyah can hit him back with a cane. but then 'Ukasyah asked Rasulullah to open his shirt for during that time 'Ukasyah was shirtless. during that time Abu Bakar and Umar protested as they willingly volunteered themselves to be hit instead of Rasulullah s.a.w. but Rasulullah insisted that it is him that must be hit by 'Ukasyah. and when Rasulullah finally opened his shirt, everyone was crying during that time.'Ukasyah then immediately went nearer to Rasulullah and kiss him while saying 'who am i to hit you ya Rasulullah. the reason im doing this so that i can see and hug ur body which is blessed by Allah.' then Rasulullah s.a.w said to the sahabahs, 'look everyone, if u want to see one of ahlul jannah, this is the man'.... mashaAllah how it always bring tears everytime when i hear this story
anyways maybe some other members can story it in a better way than me
and do correct me if i made any mistakes
but as a whole, all the story of the seerah can bring tears to u and increase in ur imann
jazakallahu khair to all brothers and sisters :SMILY259:

Wa alaykumus Salam.
Oh sis.. I didn't knew about this one.... It's so beautiful. Jazakillah Khairan...:)


make dua 4 ma finals
subhanaAllah, all are beautiful......

see this is what I love about sharing:)
brother IbnAdam haha I get what you're saying.....:)
aaaaaaww brother Ayan I love that part tooo. what is the "taa'if* part by the way? is it when he SAW went to the other city and they rejected him.............then he met this guy who was a Christian slave......then the prophet SAW says BismiAllah before he eats to which the guy asks questions, ......and so on,I dont remember the whole story there. inshaAllah you can share!