Question about 4 wives in Islam

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Pearl of Islaam

Why this thread is still not closed???Why nobody hears the cry of Muslim who is hurted.

I have send message to Admistator that this thread be closed for the sake of Allah.

I pray to Allah that Inshallah this thread be closed.



Junior Member
Septithol is not a Muslim so I think it fair to exempt her from using the same measuring stick we use on each other. She is not familiar with the Quran or Hadiths and thus will most likely say what she feels is correct due ot her own reasoning. While we know that self appointed reasoning is not what we use in Islam but rather the reasoning from the Quran and Hadith. So basically..take whatever she says with a grain of salt and not Fiqh.


Junior Member
I am sorry if I have upset you. However, it is one of my tasks in life that I help people to think. One does not learn to think, even about your own religion, by restricting your thoughts only to those which are familiar or comfortable. And if you think your religion cannot exist along with thoughts which are unfamiliar or uncomfortable, then you must think your religion to be very weak indeed! I imagine that when Mohammed was a prophet, there were very many people at that time who disagreed with what he said. Had he restricted his words and thoughts only to those which everyone was familiar and comfortable with at that time, then he would not have been a prophet, or said or written anything at all!

This is where you lack a fundamental understanding of our religion. Mohammed (peace be upon him) was the final messanger because he was created as such. He never wrote a word as he was unlettered, thus the miracle of the Quran, he could recite the entire book from memory. Our religion exists in spite of those who wish to create deviance in it by inserting what they think should be showhorned into it.

What is your purpose on this board? This board is designed to clear up misconceptions about Islam, not Wicca or any other pagan religion. I think you've come hear just to be controversial and stir up arguments. I met dozens of so-called "Wiccans" in highschool who basically were attention seeking children trying to be controversial. Did you know that true wiccans have been extinct for many centuries now and no one really knows what their coure beliefs were? What passes as wiccan now is some made up hocus pocus made up in 1954 by Gerald Gardner? Enjoy some education on your so-called religion.

Abu Hurairah


Thank you brother for the links but I know very well my religion, Allhamdullilah.

May Allah guide you brother and all Muslims. Ameen


AMEEN including you!


Where have you studied or with whom, and what have you studied?

Just answer the question please and none of that soppy 'feel sorry for me' nonsense.

Too many times have you made your opinion to be the be all and end all of things! Wallaahu masta'aan.


Junior Member
The shahada, the oath we take upon becoming a Muslim, is that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his final messenger. So no, there will be no more prophets for whatever time remains of this universe. This is the teachings of Islam.

My question to you still stands, what is your purpose on this board? While we are welcoming to healthy debate we do not need someone telling us what "flaws" they feel our religion has, Muslims are hugely flawed but Islam is not. You argue for homosexual polygamy and women marrying multiple men, this is not the purpose of this board. If you have true question about this religion then we are very receptive to them. But if you want to argue for the sheer sake of argument then you are wasting your time. Argueing against the Quran's teachings to a Muslim is like argueing against gravity, we simply will not be convinced by that it is not true. Feel free to read a Quran, there are online versions open to anyone. But know this, Allah guides whom He pleases and pushes away others...if you cannot be guided then there is nothing we can do. Our jobs are to be submissive (to Allah) and follow His decree. (The Quran)


Pearl of Islaam
AMEEN including you!


Where have you studied or with whom, and what have you studied?

Just answer the question please and none of that soppy 'feel sorry for me' nonsense.

Too many times have you made your opinion to be the be all and end all of things! Wallaahu masta'aan.

Assalamu Alaicum brother in Islam. Astagfirullah for your words and may Allah forgive you.

Why do you think brother in Islam that you deserve any answer from me, why do you think that you deserve any precious word of me. Allhamdullilah you do not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not let noone to speak on souch uncultural way with me Allhamdullilah.

This is what I call a disrespection of your sister in Islam.
Your words has hurted me so much brother and only Allah knows how much,that I can not stop crying now.

May Allah forgive you brother for your words and may Allah forgive us all.

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