Question about Ramadan (saum):


New Member
:salam2: everyone, islam brothers and sisters;

Ramadhan Karim, and I hope God accept all your worships and zekrs you do within this holly month.
I am a new member to this website, I have a question here.

Dears: When you are fasting, basicly after sahur (breakfast) and during day if you use toothpaste while brushing your teeth, Will this action or using toothpaste corrupt the fasting?

We do it in order to clean our mouth and teeth, so if anyone knows information about this, please let me know it will be highly appreciable.

Thank you;


New Member
Salam brother alkathiri;

I apology for reasking this, but anyhow, better to ask then don't knowing it.

Have a great day..



i used to have a religious muslim teacher back in high school he said brushing your teeth is not recomended because having a funky smell doesnt refer to your teeth but to the smell of your stomach... so brushing wont really help