Question on the issue of begging


New Member
As-salaamu alaykum,

I would like some help on the following issue:-

Recently, A begger came knocking on my door, He seemed to be religious (atleast by his outward appearance) and in the name of Allah (SWT) and our beloved Prophet (PBUH) asked me if I could spare some money. Now I went to my wallet and after initially thinking of giving him 1 KD (Kuwaiti Dinar), I saw A 5 KD note in my wallet and remembering that I have not given anything in charity in a while, took that to him and gave it to him. ( I mentioned the amount to give a clearer picture and God forgive me if I come across as proud/arrogant).

To my surprise, even though 5KD is a considerable amount, he starts telling me that his entire family is poor and says "Give me 5KD more please." I was stunned by him actually asking me for more but in my naivete I gave it to him..Then, he tells me that he needs money for an air-ticket to get home and asks me to "help him" some more the next time he comes back..

My question is this, Did I do the right thing? or should I have told him that the amount given is more than enough and sent him on his way?

I am hoping a brother or sister can guide me on this issue InshAllah...

JazakAllah Khair


1 Ummah under God

You should have told him, that is more than enough for him and he has plenty of others he will be asking as well. I don't what make you think he was religious by his appearance but religious people won't go begging, they would just be too shy to even do that. As for this guy, i would not open the door next time. If you do and he is there then I would give him the minimum for sake of giving and say that is all, only because you should not turn away a begging hand. But you should know that begging a million billion dollar business. Many are genuinely poor and need money but many dress up as poor and go do their "job" every day either for themselves or working for their boss. With ticket home and all this and that, he seems to be a con artist.

There was a news special done here and they followed a beggar for a day in secrete. He begged by the road all day and towards the evening he went to a home residential, got into a nice house and drove off in a nice car from the garage.


Junior Member
:wasalam: brother,
I think you did a good deed when you gave the money. But when the person starts begging for plane tickets that is a warning. He is not begging for food or clothes. But don't think to much about it. I done the same, and my friends thought I were dumb for giving. And unfortunately this just makes us sceptic of people.
If the same man comes and beg again, give him food or clothes. Say that you can help his family with that also. So at least you feel in your heart that you tried to help him a bit. We can't be sceptic of all beggers. So no judgement to be done on this.

Just my thoughts.


Junior Member

I hate being in those situations because when you can't help they leave you feeling so guilty.

And also some beggars lie, so you never know whether you should believe them. I'm not saying this man is lying, but why didn't he tell you he needed an air ticket in the first place? Allaah Knows best of course.

It doesn't matter how much you give because the intention counts. At least you gave a sufficient amount to keep him going for the time being.


Assalaam walaikum,

We are told when someone asks we give. You were in a position to give. You reached deep into your heart and you were generous. Your intention, as the sister pointed out was in the right place. The man became honest. You made him honest. He told you what he was intending upon doing. You saved that man from humiliation. Think of the Shade of Allah, brother. Do you not think that the angels of Allah sped to heaven to speak of your name.

If we do not have to beg it is better..when we do is a sheet of humiliation that a person wears..and most do not live in mansions. Do not let doubt take away the blessing.


Junior Member
Wa Alykum Salam.

IMO......You did the Right thing giving and even gave more when you saw the larger denomination.

Also IMO- It seems as he saw an easy mark and told you other stories in hope to get even more, which I think is wrong.

Begging: it's better to go to the mountains and collect fire wood and sell it than to beg.

Locally, every busy corner with a traffic light has a beggar with a sign "Homeless...God Bless". I once gave one of them a ride to where he was living, it was the most I could do.
It was a vacant field filled with makeshift tents and Homeless People during the winter in a Town with 699 Churches of different denominations and not affiliated. Yes, that many and they are all empty 6 days a week.
I asked this rider "how much do you make a day begging"? He told my Son and I that he made as much as $500.00 on a good day, $150.00 on a bad day, which I'm not sure I believed him or not, but why lie to me I wondered b/c I had no money to give.
I gave what I could, a ride, and nothing else. Had he asked for more, I would have said "Sorry, I don't have it" and would have felt that he over stepped his bounds.

I live basically alone in a large 3,000 Sq Feet home which I hand (with my own two hands) built over a 4 year period and had a heart attack opening the gate when it was just about finished.
Many times I think of all the people I could house for the winter or on cold nights, but the Law here is, if you invite anyone in and they refuse to leave, I would have to evict them legally which takes a full month to do. That is the only reason I don't do it but the real intention is there.

We can't know if a Beggar is lying or not, all we can do is our best and to pray for him / her. And also give Thanks that it's not you or I in that position.

Google pictures of beggars and I think we can perhaps see those who really need it more than others. All just MO which is probably of little value.


Here to help
next time, take him to the local imam. If he can prove that he is poor, the mosque committee will help him.

Most of them are liars! So don't do it again.


Assalaam walaikum,

How does one prove that they are poor? Please let me know, this one. Sure you can collect firewood in a forest...but don't get arrested first. Who is going to buy need a need a need time.

Most people who beg do not have homes. The major reason most who beg do not work is that they have no address nor proof of identity.

I asked a woman who was begging outside a masjid to talk to the imam this was on a Jumma. She told me he said it would take two weeks to give her money...I gave her my few pennies and told her I would make dua.

When we see those that are unfortunate we thank Allah subhana taala for our blessings. When we see those that ask is it not written that we give. Is a dollar or twenty or two hundred or even two thousand dollars going to make or break us?


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

How does one prove that they are poor? Please let me know, this one. Sure you can collect firewood in a forest...but don't get arrested first. Who is going to buy need a need a need time.

Most people who beg do not have homes. The major reason most who beg do not work is that they have no address nor proof of identity.

I asked a woman who was begging outside a masjid to talk to the imam this was on a Jumma. She told me he said it would take two weeks to give her money...I gave her my few pennies and told her I would make dua.

When we see those that are unfortunate we thank Allah subhana taala for our blessings. When we see those that ask is it not written that we give. Is a dollar or twenty or two hundred or even two thousand dollars going to make or break us?

Wa Alykum Salam

Sister, I know many very poor people and I can tell b/c I know them and none beg. They are most of my neighbors so I do know them. That's the only way I know how to really know who is poor or tell.
As for the firewood in today's world, you're correct, but I was referring to this.

"It is better for any of you to carry a load of firewood on his own back than to beg from someone else".
Riyadh-Us-Saleheen, Chapter 59, hadith 540

As far as two thousand dollars breaking :me:, it indeed would I assure you.
Had I that much, I could buy Dentures.

Wonder why it would take two weeks for the Mosque to help her? Doesn't seem like she would need ID there. Unless she was not part of the Community.

Address and proof of identification, probably. Many are travelers, displaced, victims of violence and many are drinks and drug addicts.
I have a friend from a long time ago and I go to his Antique (JUNK) shop on occasion and meet all sort of homeless people trying to sell him stuff or seeking warmth. I listen to how they got into this position and feel bad for every one of them.
There was this 25 or so Y/O girl in there, her boyfriend punched her and broke 4 of her front teeth, it just had happened and she entered. There was 3 of us inside talking. We asked and she told us what happened. She needed any place to stay, would do anything until she could get to Ohio. I couldn't let her stay with me (without charge) and the others were persuaded to not take advantage of her. So we got together and paid for her to return to Mum in Ohio. That's just one story. Another was a drunk needing drink and money, didn't care where he slept and he got neither. Another was a man needing some work and after he got 2 days work, he had a Family waiting in the station wagon. He was a Man needing to feed his Family and their car was their home. There are hundreds of more stories I've witnessed.
I know no poor Muslims~!
Poor and Homeless People here are 97% WASP. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

I receive $40.00 a month in food stamps, $674.00 Total. When I needed food, as I am indeed Poor, to feed myself (diabetic) and younger Son, I had to go to the Christian places b/c they gave food to the poor. Salvation Army to name one and a large number of churches do.
I verbally noted to a Brother that this was curious, I'm Muslim yet the Christians are the ones who feed me.
Sister, you don't have to believe me, but I've seen a lot in my Life and little has escaped my memory. I have also known the chilling horror of being without any home whatsoever (homeless), in a strange State and the need of finding a sleeping place before nightfall where the police wouldn't find and arrest me. I believe I have seen The Show. After the war I was a Heroin Addict for more than a decade and went to Prison in Upstate NY. Plus other things people read about in books.
It is Forbidden for me to LIE.
I don't express knowledge having seen and lived it but I do know what some things taste like first hand.
Kindness is an Act never forgotten as so an injustice is. We pray for the Kindness to prevail-Insha Allah


Here to help
Assalaam walaikum,

How does one prove that they are poor? Please let me know, this one. Sure you can collect firewood in a forest...but don't get arrested first. Who is going to buy need a need a need time.

Most people who beg do not have homes. The major reason most who beg do not work is that they have no address nor proof of identity.

I asked a woman who was begging outside a masjid to talk to the imam this was on a Jumma. She told me he said it would take two weeks to give her money...I gave her my few pennies and told her I would make dua.

When we see those that are unfortunate we thank Allah subhana taala for our blessings. When we see those that ask is it not written that we give. Is a dollar or twenty or two hundred or even two thousand dollars going to make or break us?
Well the sheikh would visit their house/shelter or wherever the beggar lives. They usually claim that they have families to feed, so he visits them as well. He then asks around the area about the beggar and what people have to say about him. As soon as the shiekh is sure that the beggar doesn't blow his money on alcohol, smoking or any haram acts and is a practising Muslim, then the committee of the mosque give him money on a weekly basis. Unless the beggar is disabled, they try to find him a job eg. cleaning the masjid or other suitable jobs.

edit: This is the Arabic method. It's effective because the community is very much integrated and know a lot about each other's lifestyles - so you can find out if the beggar has a job, is lying etc. I don't think this would work if you tried it in the UK or US because people are more reserved.
As-salaamu alaykum,

I would like some help on the following issue:-

Recently, A begger came knocking on my door, He seemed to be religious (atleast by his outward appearance) and in the name of Allah (SWT) and our beloved Prophet (PBUH) asked me if I could spare some money. Now I went to my wallet and after initially thinking of giving him 1 KD (Kuwaiti Dinar), I saw A 5 KD note in my wallet and remembering that I have not given anything in charity in a while, took that to him and gave it to him. ( I mentioned the amount to give a clearer picture and God forgive me if I come across as proud/arrogant).

To my surprise, even though 5KD is a considerable amount, he starts telling me that his entire family is poor and says "Give me 5KD more please." I was stunned by him actually asking me for more but in my naivete I gave it to him..Then, he tells me that he needs money for an air-ticket to get home and asks me to "help him" some more the next time he comes back..

My question is this, Did I do the right thing? or should I have told him that the amount given is more than enough and sent him on his way?

I am hoping a brother or sister can guide me on this issue InshAllah...

JazakAllah Khair

Assalamu aleikum warahmatullah
Bismillah, brother the verse: 'And Repulse not the beggar'(93:10) is sufficient for your case. The prophet peace be upon him never had a beggar knock on his door and left empty handed. This doesn't neccessarily have to be material things you give away, we know that good words are also Saddaqah. Also it is more beneficial to teach a beggar how to find sustainance rather than just giving some spare change. Oh & Brother, never count your good deeds or feel that whatever you have done is enough.


New Member
Jazakallah Khair!

As-Salaamu alaykum!

Brothers and sisters, Thank-you so much for the answers..when I logged back on today I wasn't sure that I would find any answers let alone so many! May peace and blessings of Allah (SWT) be on you all.

Seeing the advice, I have been able to come to a conclusion after considering the many valid points of you'll (who are much more learned than me)..

To brother Amirul Mumineen specifically . I thank you for your advice but my question wasn't whether to let a beggar go empty handed per se, It was whether I should have agreed to give him more after giving him an already considerable amount ( Again ,Allah forgive me if I come off as boastful).And I am not counting my good deeds brother, In all honesty I think i have been foolish and should have, as some of you said, politely sent him on his way or taken him to the imam of the local mosque.

Anyhow, I have InshAllah come to a proper conclusion that: The next time a person comes asking for help, I must be generous and after that if he asks for more, I should, as I mentioned before, Provide some other method of help..

Jazakallah Khair again for all the help brothers and sisters! I look forward to being an active part of the forums InshAllah.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
As-salaamu alaykum,

I would like some help on the following issue:-

Recently, A begger came knocking on my door, He seemed to be religious (atleast by his outward appearance) and in the name of Allah (SWT) and our beloved Prophet (PBUH) asked me if I could spare some money. Now I went to my wallet and after initially thinking of giving him 1 KD (Kuwaiti Dinar), I saw A 5 KD note in my wallet and remembering that I have not given anything in charity in a while, took that to him and gave it to him. ( I mentioned the amount to give a clearer picture and God forgive me if I come across as proud/arrogant).

To my surprise, even though 5KD is a considerable amount, he starts telling me that his entire family is poor and says "Give me 5KD more please." I was stunned by him actually asking me for more but in my naivete I gave it to him..Then, he tells me that he needs money for an air-ticket to get home and asks me to "help him" some more the next time he comes back..

My question is this, Did I do the right thing? or should I have told him that the amount given is more than enough and sent him on his way?

I am hoping a brother or sister can guide me on this issue InshAllah...

JazakAllah Khair

Asalamo A'laykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,

You seem to have found you answer. Here is a scholarly view I thought would be of benefit. Read this answer from the sheikh:

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

It is known to everyone today that beggers are of two types; true poor people and fake ones. The latter has become a trend so that it has become most of beggers belong to this group. The stories that one hear and see make one doubt any begger. Based on these circumstances, the following should be done:

1- Do not give money to any begger. If you had to, give them food.

2- Direct the begger to any charity organization in the area who will investigate his case and help him in the proper way.

3- There is no need to be rude to the begger. Just do not give them money and if you want to help them, either take their details and hand them to an organization or let the begger go himself.

As for those who stay outside the Masjid, no one should give them anything as this is the least to teach them a lesson and disjoin the wrong. This is while everyone should advise them about Salah.

Everyone should stand together to fight the trend of beggers because they are nothing but organized crime.



Assalaam walaikum,

Brother, I was making reference to an ayat in the Quran. Give to those who ask.

Sister, I will make dua that Allah gives you a rich husband. I truly will.

Yet, when the woman came to the home of the mother of the believers and she had two dates..we know the answer....


Junior Member
As-Salaamu alaykum!

Anyhow, I have InshAllah come to a proper conclusion that: The next time a person comes asking for help, I must be generous and after that if he asks for more, I should, as I mentioned before, Provide some other method of help..

Jazakallah Khair again for all the help brothers and sisters! I look forward to being an active part of the forums InshAllah.
wa'alikum assalaam

yes,you have made a good decision masha'Allah..may Allah guide you and reward you...ameen

it is the intention which matters...we do sadaqa to please Allah and earn His pleasure...
if we are not able to do much,we should speak kindly to the beggar in sha Allah

God forbid,any one of us could be in their shoes,we have to speak kindly if we are not able to help much...may Allah help us from poverty...ameen


Junior Member

Originally Posted by Ayman bin khaled
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

It is known to everyone today that beggers are of two types; true poor people and fake ones. The latter has become a trend so that it has become most of beggers belong to this group. The stories that one hear and see make one doubt any begger. Based on these circumstances, the following should be done:

1- Do not give money to any begger. If you had to, give them food.

2- Direct the begger to any charity organization in the area who will investigate his case and help him in the proper way.

3- There is no need to be rude to the begger. Just do not give them money and if you want to help them, either take their details and hand them to an organization or let the begger go himself.

As for those who stay outside the Masjid, no one should give them anything as this is the least to teach them a lesson and disjoin the wrong. This is while everyone should advise them about Salah.

Everyone should stand together to fight the trend of beggers because they are nothing but organized crime.


assalaam alaikum

iam sorry to say that i disagree with some things the respected scholar has said

He says not to give money to any beggar...and if you have to,give food

though there are a few cases in which people coming for help lie,not all cases are so..Allah knows best

what if a person comes to us for financial help and he is in genuine need of our help;and we are able to help him,why give him only food when he needs money...what if his daughter needs urgent medical attention,he has lost his home,he needs money for the bus fare back home or he needs money for any genuine situation,and we are able to help,why give him food...not all people come asking for food...

for example,let's suppose a muslim girl gets stranded on the way home late in the evening because she has been pick pocketed,and she goes to the nearest home there hoping to get some money to pay for her bus fare back home(lets suppose she is not well off and cannot afford a taxi),what good will it be if she gets food???

He says:'Everyone should stand together to fight the trend of beggers because they are nothing but organized crime.'

totally wrong....we cannot claim that all beggars are not genuine,though there are a few can we say it is nothing but organized crime and generalize...Allah knows best...

i know of kind people who have built homes for the needy,feed many families on a monthly basis and help muslims in their society in many other ways masha'Allah..not all of us are able to do that way,and there may be poor people who wish they had something to give in charity to gain Allah's pleasure...why do all cases need to be send to charity organiztions when one is convinced and is willing to help...ofcourse some cases need to be directed there,but not all...

i mean no disrespect to the scholar,but just that i don't agree with some things he has said...

may Allah forgive me if i have said something wrong

and Allah knows best



Originally Posted by Ayman bin khaled
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

It is known to everyone today that beggers are of two types; true poor people and fake ones. The latter has become a trend so that it has become most of beggers belong to this group. The stories that one hear and see make one doubt any begger. Based on these circumstances, the following should be done:

1- Do not give money to any begger. If you had to, give them food.

2- Direct the begger to any charity organization in the area who will investigate his case and help him in the proper way.

3- There is no need to be rude to the begger. Just do not give them money and if you want to help them, either take their details and hand them to an organization or let the begger go himself.

As for those who stay outside the Masjid, no one should give them anything as this is the least to teach them a lesson and disjoin the wrong. This is while everyone should advise them about Salah.

Everyone should stand together to fight the trend of beggers because they are nothing but organized crime.

Thanks for this sis I was just going to ask how one can know the genuine beggar from the fake.