question regarding nazr aka the evil eye


mrs aisha b
Aslamwulakum. I am a new convert to Islam and was just wondering if someone can tell me more about "nazr". My daughter has been crying in and out of her sleep last night I think she has a fever. A friend told me it could have been a case of nazr. My mothers friend did come over yesterday with her child and my friend says this may be why...any remedies/comments


Junior Member
best remedy for evil eye is Allah's words in Surah Al Falaq

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Qul-a'uhu bi Rabb il-falaq
Min sharri ma khalaq
Wa min sharri ghasiqin 'idha waqab
Wa min sharr-in-naffathati fi-l-'uqad
Wa min sharri hasidin idha hasad

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak
From the evil of that which He created;
From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,
And from the evil of malignant witchcraft,
And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.


Junior Member
it must be in actual arabic Quran.I dont know wat sharia says abt it but Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(saw) in arabic so it is more effective.when u read arabic Quran whether u know rabic or not but it makes ur heart soft.I m not a scholar wait for other replies and then act according wat sharia says.May Allah save u and ur daughter from all the evils.Ameen Ya Rabulalameen


Junior Member
Would I/Can I say this out loud in english ?

you have to say it in Arabic sister, the translation is just a translation, the actual blessings and power reside in the arabic language when reading the Quran.

insha Allah may you and ur family be safe from all envious eyes

Living Soul

Junior Member
:ma: its a nice answer sis for evil eye. Reading Quranic verses have real effect and its translation is just for good understanding of it. Allah knows best.