warda A

There is a shiekh on Huda tv who once said that if given a choice between the Quran & Sunnah, he would choose the Sunnah.
Question is what would you choose? imagine you are stuck somewhere isolated, what would you do.
give explanations.

bintul islam

biz musulmanikh
I dont really understand the question...but the answer to your question is simple, quran first. That's where the jurists derive their answers from, i they don't find it in the quran, then they turn to the sunnah. That's one, second, the quran is Allah's words, the hadith is Mohamed asw words, one is human, one is God, big difference. Third, the quran is 100% perfect, the hadith/sunnah, is liable to human corruption. Ok, that's all, in conclution, Quran first!


Art is my Expression

To be honest, I'd choose the Quran. A lot of the Sunnah is actually optional, so given that reasoning, I'd personally choose the Quran. Also, it's direct word from Allah(swt)



New Member

First of all my dear sister warda,deen is not something u can learn from the TV.May be that scholar is correct or may be not,Allah knows the best. If u have any question regarding islam then u have to ask the scholar.


warda A


First of all my dear sister warda,deen is not something u can learn from the TV.May be that scholar is correct or may be not,Allah knows the best. If u have any question regarding islam then u have to ask the scholar.


TV is a good educator, if you know what you are looking for
actually i also wondered why he chose the sunnah, but after he explained the reasons i agreed
you see, the quran tells you what to do, the sunna shows you how


New Member
of course.... qura'an 1st.....because there is a steps for the powre of every 7adeeth ,which means that we are not sure that every 7adeth came to us from our prophet "sala allah 3laihe wa salam" ....but this is not exist in the noble QUR2AN



I am too simple. The Quran is the gift and the sunna is a way of protecting and revering the gift. There is no splitting of the two.


Strangers on earth

I am too simple. The Quran is the gift and the sunna is a way of protecting and revering the gift. There is no splitting of the two.

i second that Appa.
by the way the prophet "SAW" said that he left us with two things to lead us to the straight path. the quraan and the sunnah.
so why should we even think of choosing between the two?
if i were in that situation i would say give me both or take my life!


Junior Member

I am too simple. The Quran is the gift and the sunna is a way of protecting and revering the gift. There is no splitting of the two.


I totally agree. You cannot split The Quran & Sunnah. True sunnah will only confirm The Quran.



Junior Member

I am too simple. The Quran is the gift and the sunna is a way of protecting and revering the gift. There is no splitting of the two.

:salam2: all
this is what captured my eyes ... I thinks it the perfect answer.

we can not choose between Qur'an and Sunah - we have no choice here. It's a MUST for us to follow all that is prescribed in both the Qur'an and the Sunnah ... we can not take Qur'an and leave Sunnah, then we are lost and vise vasa ...Wallahu Allam