Ramadan is one month away!


Junior Member
It will be my first Ramadan as a Muslim! What advice can you give me? Besides fasting and reading the Quran, what else can one do?


Staff member

Mashallah i am so happy ra,adhan is here again,Alhamdullilah we are alive to fast together.



Muslim Guy
I can suggest that you remain calm and don't get angry or talking badly furing your fast. And if any situation arises where you might end up fighting or arguing verbally, remind yourself (and the other person) that you are fasting. Just say it out to yourself "I'm fasting!". Salam aliakum.


Pls mak Duwa 4 me
Salamu Alaikum,

Bro/Sis as above brothers and sisters said beside that to me in this month the night Qadar is there and it is one among the last 10 odd nights of this holy Ramadan like may be 21 or 23 or 25 or 27 or 29 for praying on this night is better then praying 1000 months. May Allah have his mercy on us and accept ur prayers. Ameen.

Allah Hafiz.


New Member
salam alaykum

For your first Ramadan, try not to miss any prayer, ask Allah to make it easy for you to fast, and maybe you should read some books about Ramadan to understand the reasons of fasting.


Staff member

One thing kind of related to this topic is what if you perform sal`ah late due to work.(But then this is no excuse,as you can perform it at work.)

Well one thing that i do not like about my work is that they have a meeting every friday and we all gather in my department,and they talk and drink alcohol.:girl3:

Isn`t it bad for me to be in that surronding,its make me feel really really guilty even though I am not drinking with them but being in the same room want to make me throw up.(Specially when i can not stand the smell):SMILY149:
